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Posts posted by cleo

  1. Agreed with the comments re LD and NLG. Partly the character/story, but LD just seems tired, no energy. 

    I'm rewatching old SB and old GH, so best of both worlds.

    I FF the scene with Anna and Jason. I just assumed it was in the category of Thing I Never Want to See. I can do without Anna kissing Jason's ass or whatever that is.

    So I catch GH on demand- I find it kind of hysterical that even with commercials the cable company has it at 36 mins. And even that is hard for the writers to make compelling, I gather.

    When does that new show Gates start, wonder if it will be any good.

    • Useful 1
  2. Well I had to watch LD's scenes, even though they were kind of boring. 

    So as a viewer that hasn't really watched GH since 2003, I find the new hospital and Q setting fugly. I mean I guess they had to modernize it, but the Q mansion is a) unrecognizable and b) awful. It just seems cold and sterile. 

    The hospital is slightly more tolerable, but still unrecognizable.

    Maybe partly I just prefer the 70s/80s aesthetic.

    JE looks well. LD really needs a haircut. I have a feeling based on the interview he gave he wasn't really into getting too tidied up. 

    • Like 1
  3. I'm a late viewer to this show. I enjoy it, but find the twu wuv stuff bw Mike and El irritating. It was even more irritating last season. Agreed with another poster who said Lucas and Max were being handled much better.

    I cannot for the life of me figure out why Max and her step brother are together and what happened there, nor do I see why I should care.

    What I really came to say, though, was I much prefer Steve to Jonathan. Steve at least has something of a personality, while Jonathan is just a moping outcast who gets the girl he mooned over and stalked stereotype.

    That sounds harsh, I don't mind Jonathan, I just think it would actually have been more interesting if Nancy had stuck with Steve who seems to be trying to grow as a person. It's just more interesting than a mopey stereotype.


    • Like 2
  4. Man how long did PM last? I only loosely follow the news bc I don't watch current GH, but the news about PM and LD had me at least considering checking it out. But I guess not lol.

    So weird, and yes unprofessional, it really makes the BTS look like a shit show.

    Ah well. I will continue with my YouTube watch of old eps. Lucy just entered the scene. I think she's up to something heh.

    • Like 6
  5. Well the Yankees may end on a high note here today. 

    I give Eric Swanson a pass, his kid was hit by a car in Florida in spring training. The little boy is recovering but it was pretty serious. So Swanson has been through a lot.

    • Sad 5
  6. I haven't watxhed many games until the last couple days. 

    I dunno if it's just me but I still find these uniforms awful. I can see the outline of their shirts tucked in and whatever they're wearing underneath plain as day in some shots. Also seeing a lot more sweat, to the point where some of it just seems gross. It's not even summer yet. Wait til these are soaked straight through.

    Billion dollar industry and they can't figure out the balls or the unis. 

    • Like 7
  7. Didn't the translator give an hour long interview to ESPN with an Ohtani spokesperson standing by, saying that Ohtani loaned him the money? Beforw the lawyers pulled it back?

    That is what gets me. Something like that doesn't just happen imo. The interpreter wasn't meeting ESPN in a back alley. I find it hard to believe that interview was set up without Ohtani having any knowledge, given how tight lipped he is with media. 

    Also how stupid would this guy be to brazenly lie like that to an espn audience of millions?

    I dont buy it myself.

    But I believe they need someone to blame, they will blame the interpreter, and that's that bc it's Ohtani.

    • Like 3
  8. I could be wrong, but I think it was an illegal bookie/gambling operation. I believe the feds are investigating, but I may have those details wrong.

    • Like 4
  9. Yeah Ohtani's own camp saying he was aware and then suddenly changing their tune- is fishy to me.

    I think it is exactly what was initially said- the guy had gambling debts and Ohtani wanted to help him out, not realizing the implications. 

    The bigger issue to me is will MLB give Ohtani a pass, which I assume they will. And then what message will that send long term, now that gambling is becoming ever more entwined with the games?

    • Like 6
  10. The next step is they will quietly fix the issue and then continue pretending there was never anything wrong.

    • Like 4
  11. 21 hours ago, SlovakPrincess said:

    confess I stalled out in the middle of the Asian Quarter story and stopped trying to watch the 80s stuff for a long while

    I'm almost at the end of it. I did skip a lot, but I started to watch a bit more of it at the end when Frisco was working with Sean. 


    21 hours ago, SlovakPrincess said:

    Anyway, your enjoyment of the Mr. Big story may depend entirely on whether you like the Duke character or not.

    This is sort of the conclusion I've come to. I havent even seen clips of him, so I guess I'll find out. 

    But I've been trying to figure out the order. I think I'm around Dec 1985. So I was thinking of watching some of Monica/Sean, and then Laurelton, and then Mr.Big/Duke is the order?

    Although I'm not sure how much of Laurelton I'll be into. I will probably only watch Lucy's scenes to see how she starts. 

    I sort of feel like I'm on the downward slope of good GH in the 80s. I have watched 94-2003 ish. So it's just 86-94 left, and I'm not sure how much it will appeal to me. I've been tempted lately to go back to the late 70s/early 80s, when the Qs were really good.

  12. I'm at the part where Blake and Alan Michael sleep together. I think if Ross died, she should've ended up with AM rather than Frank. But I'm not planning on watching after 2003.

    I've read a lot of complaints about the Buzz Cooper character, but he's just startling here. As an SB fan, I do like Justin Deas, but what is with the weird half accent lol. Watching him and Maeve Kincaid in scenes together is fun, bitchy Vanessa is the best Vanessa.

    ETA oh they are taking a looooong time to bring in Marj Dusay. I guess it took them quite a while to figure out what to do when BM left. I do know the story On that, but I was expecting Dusay by now.


  13. I've just started watching Archer and Stranger Things. On the topic of Archer- I'm on season 3 and I just watched the ep where they're taking a terrorist across the border into Canada. 

    As a Canadian I have to say- It's completely unrealistic, bc in one scene there are two groups of mounties (one of whom might be terrorists masquerading as mounties) and the two groups pull guns on one another. 

    Not one 'I'm sorry, eh' among the bunch. There should be at least 4 or 5 I'm sorry, eh's across the 2 groups as they were facing off.

    Yesterday in the grocery store I slightly bumped into this woman while walking by her. I said Sorry. The woman following her (thus walking towards me) then said sorry to me, just in solidarity I guess although she was like a foot away when I bumped into the other woman. 

    I managed to not say sorry to the second woman in return, bc otherwise we would've all been there for like half an hour going round apologizing 😆

    • LOL 9
  14. From what I recall, everyone thought the thing with Lane and Zach was terrible. 

    Logan- maybe more of a mixed bag. I can't remember, I didn't pay much attn to Rory's storylines. 

    Funny I was considering recently whether I will ever do another rewatch, and I probably will, just not sure when. 

    Old shows I am watching- Bates Motel. Man Vera Farmigia is incredible. I'm on season 3 and just watched the ep where Caleb basically collapses saying he's sorry. So intense. I hate this part of the show, bc I hate what ultimately happens to Norma and Romero.

    • Like 5
  15. @Shannon L.  the thing with Lane and Zach having sex once was terrible. I didn't mind them as a couple, but how it was handled was awful.

    Emily eh. What season are you on, 6? 

    I vaguely recall some eps where she was supportive of Lorelai in s6 and 7 but it's hard to recall the details due to the rage blackouts I was having.

    I don't know why GG is the one show I just can't get over it lol.

    • Like 3
  16. I've been watxhing 85. Never seen any of this before. Aztec Treasure- was really interesting in the beginning with the various schemes and conflicts bw Sean, Anna, and Robert. However, by the time they were on the train- man that dragged. Felt like they were on that train forever.


    So Asian Quarter- I'm skipping alot bc I'm just not into the stuff with the pearls but- I'm not into kids, don't have kids, usually ff kids in soaps lol- but Robin, Robert, and Anna are pretty cute and just have some great chemistry. I don't know what it is, it just works. So I've mainly been watxhing scenes among the three of them, or just Anna and Robert.

    It really is amazing how KM grew with the show. Something like that is why Infind the soap genre so special and unique, there are stories and characters built over a lifetime  in a way that no other genre can do 

    Anyway my question is about 86. I wonder if the story with Anna and Mr Big or whatever the next crime saga is - is any good? I want to watch it but if Robert's gone it has less appeal for me. Kind of torn on it.

    • Like 3
  17. I've been watching but I must say I've become completely obsessed with Guiding Light, so that has really taken over.

    I really hate Charles Bateman's CC. I just watched 89 and Lane Davies is so good and Bateman is so stiff. I would love to know what he thought.

    The clothes they put Eden in were some of the ugliest outfits I've ever seen. 

  18. I will probably give it a try, but I'm not sure when. Sometime later this year. Mostly bc I think that and OLTL are the only other two I have any interest in. If available. 

    I'm just starting 1993 and I'm struggling with a lot of the storylines other than Blake and Ross. I read 1993 and 1994 aren't very good.

    -I hate baby storylines, (and I hate Nadine), so the stuff with Nadine pretending to be pregnant isn't of much interest. I'm looking forward to Billy dumping her though. 

    -The storyline with Jenna and Roger- the thing with Henry pretending to be her father just seems beyond stupid, but this seems like it will get better so I'm paying some attn to it. 

    -Harley and Mallet- meh. This is probably a UO but I find Mallet unlikeable at the best of times. The actor isn't great imo, and the character doesn't help bc all he does is bark and bitch and fight, and I'm just not into it. 

    -Alan-Michael/Eleni/Frank- I'm sort of watching off and on, but again baby storylines don't interest me, and I kind of think Eleni is an idiot.

    -The stuff with Ed cheating on Maureen- I probably should pay more attn to this than I have.  

    I don't mean to be so critical lol! It's the way of soaps, they have peaks and valleys, so I'm still into it, just being patient.  


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