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Everything posted by BettyPoz

  1. I just got the chance to watch the episode tonight and man - I expected so much more!! I expected shrieks and sobbing and whipping curtains open in LuAnn and Ramona's rooms not just her own to get Carole out of bed. And it so wasn't that. So wasn't that at all. There was talking at pretty moderate levels and tears but nothing like the fucking watershed I was led to believe and more talking at more moderate levels and whoosh it was over! Then back to the states only to have LuAnn stir it up all over again! Bitch just trying to stay relevant I guess.
  2. "Her reaction is valid but the volume of it is not" is what some seem to continue to say base on the first look episode and the actual episode. I don't agree with that.
  3. I was thinking about this today -- all it would take was picking up one guy who happens to be a little wackadoodle and Ramona would have been a bloody hacked up mess before any camera crew showed up in the morning. Really? Who could stop him even if they heard her scream?Rich women? Check. No husbands around? Check. Privacy? Check.
  4. I sense a double standard here....Heather can have a reaction; but hers was over the top. Dorinda can write tweets but don't question her sanity in the crazy shit she writes.
  5. Never mind - on vacation and obviously don't know what day it is!
  6. I think we've all agreed there is a time and a place for everything - especially swearing. It's been liberating and (I thought) pretty funny letting our Fs fly. Lots of diamonds and a high end SUV doesnt give you class (obviously). What happened on First Look? I'm out of town for the week and won't catch up until next Sunday. Oh wait - can I watch the first look online?
  7. I am actually going to put that into my wish list for possible future purchase! I wonder if it will be honest because I'd like to see what makes her tick. <--- does anyone else feel like expressions you say out loud don't really "work" on the page?
  8. I feel the same way! OMG I have not watched some reunions in the past (RHNJ few years ago) because I just couldn't deal with listening to some things said and questions not answered etc. RHBH reunion went my way (LOL) and I'm hoping the RHNY won't just be just alot of screaming harpies. And I hope Ramoaner gets her ass handed to her.
  9. These pictures solidified my love of Heather! I'm about a foot shorter than her (she's what 6'? lol) but man, I bet I could motherfucker her under the table. And that controlled, slightly condescending tone when she's pissed? I got her beat! I tried the Italian version of the word fuck one night at the dinner table when I was about 14. No idea why, just did. Thought my father - who is Polish but obviously heard the word before - was going to have a heart attack! I will say that when my son was born - I never ever ever swore in front of him. Ever. It was not something I ever wanted him to pick up! Funny huh? Once he turned 18 all bets were off. He only swears when he's had a few beers (25 years old next week - Holla!)
  10. So....they were implying that Heather swears in front of her kids? Or have they witnessed it? Because we haven't seen any sign of it and well, we're only going by what we're shown correct? This episode I dub FUCKGATE
  11. You and your fucking goal posts! LOL - it had to be said.....I know exactly what you mean. Imply...don't imply...And for the record, why are we still having this fucking argument!!
  12. There's so much to respond to I don't know where to start! It's been said already but bears repeating -- Lu and Dor brought up Ella and Heather's mother first. Isn't that like sitting in a witness box - "you bring it up it's out there!". I think it's also the "people in glass houses" rule too. LOVED the # comments. The final one was #yourmothermustbesoproud but the others! #toomanymartinis #toomuchrose. Priceless Yeah - I didn't see Heather "losing it" but I'm pro-Heather AND she seemed pretty fucking sober (see how I worked that in?) compared to Lu and Do Yea - there was the initial "Do you want ELLA to swear like that"? followed by the Oh you can't do that shit in Europe! "One martini is all right. Two are too many, and three are not enough". Or as my husband likes to say "Martinis are like boobs - you only need two" Ramona is "nouveau riche" I think some NR remember where they came from and others don't (and she has always appeared to want to forget where she came from!) Based on the Urban Dictionary's definition - they are all nouveau riche because none of them are "old money"! I love the polar opposite takes we get on the Dinner Scene! I thought Heather kept her cool. She told them when it starting getting insulting and it did. I personally didn't see her "lose it" and when dealing with a drunk (which I have), I have learned over the years to control my voice level and my words.
  13. Holy Shit! I'm with heather - they crossed over into insulting very quickly. I have liked doeinda and maybe can chalk it up to the day of endless alcohol but LuAnn you bitch! Heather's TH about the smoking and partying must be what she's pissed off about at Heather? BITCHES!
  14. Oh hmmm! I didn't think of it that way - interesting. Heading into the car ride to the restaurant scene. It's they are sitting on the patio drinking before dinner. Except Kristen it seems. Then they're at the door Ramona can't stay here anymore she says. Heather says under her breath let someone else wait in the car for once, Sonja's counting people off and Betheny looks at her like she's nuts. Ramona says Kristen come with us. And now in front of the restaurant and I can't figure out why Dorinda targets heather! So the Ramona/Heather convo - 2nd time around I could understand it better (as I interpret it lol). And when heather says she's not the type of person to say oh you're so wonderful yada yada, dorinda says no one has that that's not real (last 3 words unsure). As for heather and Ramona yes they are both strong women and yes they both married men who appreciate their strength and allow them be loud and be the stronger person in the relationship. But the similarity ends there as far as I'm concerned. And that's because Mario and Jonathan are different! You can be lesser strong in a relationship but not weak. Or you can be weak. Mario is weak because he needed to be propped up. He wants the attention that Ramona gets and he got caught up in the HW and I think that's what killed them. I just don't see that with heather and Jonathan.
  15. Re-watching this episode! Just saw the scene where heather told Kristen how Sonja said when she and Jomathan brought Sonja home one night they had a threesome. Haha! OMG I hate Ramona even more watching it the 2nd time denying she ever said Sonja had a drinking problem. I think moaner's menopause is causing memory lapse.
  16. LOL WireWrap I was trying to think of how to say the same thing. SHRUG
  17. So much inferred from her "active agreement!" I'll keep up with reading OK, US and STAR on my Zinio for sure! Doesn't anyone think that Jonathan is actually pretty secure in his manhood and his relationship with Heather? Doesn't anyone think that Heather is actually a pretty good partner and wife to her husband with them both having shared in taking care of their son? My husband will be the first to tell you that I rule the roost. I will be the first to tell you that I run over him and his feelings sometimes like a fire truck. In public would we say that about each other and our relationship and how we treat each other - absolutely. 28 Years later and we still adore each other and work together and sit across a desk from each other and still go home together at the end of the day. I'd bet anyone who actually KNOWS them, would be sitting back nodding their heads too.
  18. Au contraire Dorinda! The line was crossed when drunken you and drunken Luann were barraging Heather with your "bad parent" routine. Turn about is fair play and Heather called you out by saying sarcastically that your mother would be "so proud" of your behavior right now when she sees it on TV. so to TM Dorinda - Back that shit up Bitch! I.LOVED.IT To quote James Thurber: "One Martini is all right. Two are too many, and three are not enough". From experience the same applies to cosmopolitans. Beer on the other hand? Just hand me over the 6 pack!
  19. WOW! THat clip was insane!! Can't wait to see Dorinda and Lu defend themselves next week because wow. I do recall when they were getting ready to go to dinner Ramona and maybe Sonja and/or Dorinda were standing by the door sort of hesitating because the rest of the women weren't coming - or they were making drinks. Anyway! I heard Heather mutter something about "yeah, I'm not going to go sit in a car for an hour again". So maybe knowing that Ramona and Sonja are such slow pokes they let them go first and then for some reason the Heather car beat the Ramona car to the restaurant. Yeah - she loves that expression doesn't she? She said it AGAIN in the preview clip on Bravo! When she said it on the way into the restaurant it almost sounded like she meant they could go look at the tape to see who said what!
  20. I totally understood what Ramona was saying! Sometimes I can make my husband feel like an accessory instead of a partner. I've worked to change that though. Maybe Dorinda thought the conversation was getting to Heavy? Whereas Mario would chafe in that relationship, I think (my opinion!) Jonathan from the small amount we've seen of him does ok and usually laughs it off when Heather goes all BossyBetty on him. Mario always appeared to want to be in the limelight - and boy, he got it! She did! I laughted when I heard her! I have to add -- Ramona's boobs have got to be fake/enhanced/whatever!! OMG - they look like balloons in her bathing suit - so shiny and stretched! She is in such a "mario, see what youre missing" mode!
  21. IDK - they sure manipulated those who only watch the show and the highlights for the next episode on tv into thinking Betheny and Mona were crying about Sonja... I had watched the First Look so knew Mona was crying about Mario. But noticed when I watched the tail end of last week's show and the previews for what was last night's episode, the was it was pieced together made it look like it was over Sonja.
  22. Yeah - I couldn't quite follow that! I may have to go back to my recording.
  23. Well THAT was interesting! I look forward to determining what lead up to it!Ok Ramona really needs to cut that shit out. Always making it seem like OTHER people's disagreements gets her bowels tied up in knots. Bitch can dish it out though!
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