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I still remember how badly written the episode "Harm" was. The worker at the refugee center, mostly dealing with Muslims, is murdered. One of the suspects is a girl who made a controversial song/music video about Islamic terrorism and how Quran tells men it's OK to beat their wives. Her aunt was killed in 9/11 terrorist attacks. The girl is a suspect because the girl tried to tank her college application. When the girl points out that Quran really does teach such things, the writers have Fun respond by saying that the Bible says men shouldn't let women teach or talk to them. The scene is beyond stupid and heavy handed for several reasons. First, Fin doesn't even try to refute what the girl saud about the Quran, because he can't. He just uses whataboutism. Second of all, that same logic can be used against him. "If that Bible verse is problematic, what does that say about the Quran?" Because the Quran does contain even worse passages, like the girl said. Thirdly, the SVU doesn't even know that the girl and her family are even Christians, so they basically assume "against Islam=Christian". Lastly, they are acting like this was some stereotypical skinhead/neo-Nazi radicalized by Stormfront and shock jocks, and not somebody whose family member was actually killed on 9/11. Didn't you show more sympathy to the perpetrator in "Branded", even though she sexually assaulted two people? Also, there is no way the SVU would have responded with the same vitriol to somebody who made such a song about Christians, or burned a bunch of Bibles in public, or anything. But the SVU's selective morality really takes the cake. Remember the lawyer from "True Believers"? He, in all likelihood, knew that his client (on trial for rape) was guilty. But he still tried to convince the jury that the racist cops framed him. He shamed and victim-blamed the victim while cross-examining her. And the jury bought it. And after that episode, Olivia and the SVU still cooperate and even semi-befriend that same lawyer, apparently believing his heart was in the right place. Where was their outrage then? Just ew. I wished somebody would shoot that worthless scum to death in front of the courthouse (and his client too), but of course that didn't happen. They also act like the victim trying to tank the girl's college application was a good thing. Ironically, the victim worked at a refugee center, and she more than likely would have gladly helped completely undocumented immigrants get into the country, totally believing their sympathetic stories with no way of knowing anything of their true identities or intentions. Then, a few years later, when something like the Berlin truck attack or London bridge stabbing happens on American soil, I'm sure everyone would act surprised. "Who could have possibly seen this coming?" Once again, ew. I get what the writers were going for: bigotry is never OK and the War on Terror was a mistake (something that many Americans have realized by 2007, but many were probably still on the fence about it too). But seriously, get it together. Equating free speech with torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo and hate crimes (even indirectly) is the worst kind of virtue signaling and wanton ignorance.
Past Seasons Talk: Gibbs Is Standing Right Behind Me, Isn't He?
Mislav replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in NCIS
I can't stand Caged due to most of the prisoners there, mainly Angela Lopez, her character was truly disgusting and I honestly hoped someone would bash her head in by the end of the episode. I encountered plenty of people like her when I lived in the city a few years ago. Scum. -
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
So, to summarize, we have: 1) Case that doesn't make much sense, and is a rehash of earlier similar cases that also didn't make much sense. 2) No Reid. 3) More Garcia. 4) Possible relationship drama with JJ and Will, even though that dreadful JJ/Reid romance is now out of the question. Yeah... no thanks.
Swearing is not necessary. I know it is allowed now, but since they spent fifteen seasons without even dropping a single F bomb, this is simply not convincing. It really takes you out of the story and you really get reminded you're watching a TV show, where something changed behind the scenes and you just have to go with it. Will we get a gratuitous sex scene too? Also, grey hair on Emily is not a good look. It also doesn't fit the character. Emily seems like to type to dye her hair until she's in her 70s. The same for Rossi. They don't seem like the type to embrace the grey look.