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Everything posted by McSavaney

  1. DCC Facebook has photos of Emma and learning the routine
  2. http://www.foxsports.com/southwest/photos/dallas-cowboys-cheerleaders-auditions-050215#img_1 Here are some photos from the auditions. I didn't see anyone I knew but others may find someone.
  3. Kitty has posted photos on her FB page. It seems she was there yesterday and has a photo with Kelli's daughter. It appears everyone that she coached has made it to semi finals.
  4. Lots of photos posted on DCC Facebook. Don't see anyone I know and there appears to be a new judge in the front row unless it is the sports guy looking different
  5. Did anyone who was not successful at DCC auditions last year then be successful this year for the rhythm and blues team?
  6. Also I wonder if Kelli's daughter is graduating this year which might play into scheduling also.
  7. I had wondered if she was Latino or from perhaps Greece. Yikes!
  8. Wasn't it last year that we were well into MTT before they ever put the team photo on the website??
  9. Kitty posted on the mock tryouts and auditions and was very positive about them having "IT". Should prove to be an interesting time!
  10. Perhaps Angela became ill and couldn't go or there was a death. I think we could speculate over the reason or reasons she didn't do the calendar shoot.
  11. http://www.dallascowboys.com/video/2015/03/08/dcc-2015-jungle-tour?adbid=10152717201471035&adbpl=fb&adbpr=181648811034&campaign=social_20150417_44051666&short_code=2tj2j Sorry about posting the wrong link for the Mexico Jungle Tour. Here is the correct one!
  12. Sorry posted the wrong one-scroll down for the correct one Video of the girls in Mexico and then there is another one you will there that you can access
  13. Just voted on the girls to go in the sideline calendar. Only less than 3 complete pages of girls. It is clear who is not coming back by the lack of selection. Will miss Sidney.
  14. Don't like it and there is really no new info. The USO tour is most recent and we had read it before it came up on the website. Let's keep a close watch on it to see how often it is updated. Why did they not have videos of more performances at shows??
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_o9Z7Kv9zU This talks about the original DCC and has interviews with those who were the DCC
  16. I would think they could take everyone with limiting number on the field to 32 or less. Have one group visiting boxes etc and then rotate groups in and out over all 4 periods. If it is a commitment of say 5 days, some girls may have difficulty with taking that much time off of school or work so that could even be an influence.
  17. Just watched it on Amazon and Courtney was beautiful!
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCPFI_rhHp0 I don't know that this has been posted before but it shows the Halloween show with the entrance by DCC which I believe is different and some different moves to this typical show
  19. http://www.5pointsblue.com/blast-past-dallas-cowboys-cheerleaders-sing-silent-night/?adbid=10152468661051035&adbpl=fb&adbpr=181648811034&campaign=social_20141224_37921647 This is a singing of Silent Night by DCC with Kelli in the middle!
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWmkeDK87FQ This just shows the girls in the 4 corners with your Christmas outfits
  21. I agree with you caligirl50. I know they had problems with DCC writing some of the columns but there is so much more that could be done. Perhaps they have to pay for every change added?? I would like to at least see more videos and ones like who the Gems of the Day will be or Pro Bowl announcement.
  22. I watched the game today, mostly 3rd quarter onward. Hardly saw DCC except in a wide shot where they were standing on the sidelines. Any change in their red outfits?
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