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Everything posted by urusai

  1. WTH with the ribbons tied to Kelly's sleeves? And her mom peeling an avocado like a mango? Isn't it easier to cut it in half and scoop it out?
  2. No kidding. I thought LVP looked harsh walking in heels. Icki walks like a fucking horse.
  3. way to go cody can't wait for paul to blow his brains out like he promised
  4. Ugh Raven needs to STFU already. "110% Xmas is next." Kevin walks to jury. "I knew it would be you, Kevin." Mark rolling his eyes soo hard. She is the dumbest of the dumb players ever. No self awareness at all.
  5. May Day was a total bitch the whole season. No way she gets any jury votes. Ultimate goat.
  6. Lawon letting out a big sigh of relief. Raven passing him by a mile for being the stupidest player to have been on Big Brother.
  7. LOL if Kevin wins AFP he'll have won the same as the 2nd place winner.
  8. Kevin gained weight, his suit looking a little tight.
  9. Is "STFU Xmas" the new "Fuck You Nicole"? I'll take it. Either one of them can't be said enough.
  10. Raven is dying ya'll. Period cramps or some other ailment.
  11. Per Jokers Lol They have no idea what miserable is until the show is finished and they're in the real world getting trashed on SM. Alex thinking she'll get invited for appearances? What a maroon.
  12. Seems Raven is rubbing off on paul. The weightlifting bar hit his eye and now he's going around looking for sympathy and attention.
  13. This guy sure loves to hear himself talk. Been at it for over 2 hours. Critiquing each houseguests play like he's a perfect player who has won multiple times. Wants to get a tat of how many days he's been in the house. I got a suggestion for one. "I Came in Second, Again"
  14. Could be. I just remember James saying it and I forget whatever that bird beaked asshole said from long ago.
  15. Hate James all you want but he had the perfect quote. "It's Big Brother, you're allowed to bounce checks."
  16. That jaw of his should be registered as a lethal weapon. That thing could penetrate a bank vault.
  17. Where was the venue? His moms backyard?
  18. Because paul has to be right, always. Such a dick.
  19. Nah, they hate Cody enough that they agree with paul.
  20. Also I now know to avoid soy hot dogs because they smell and taste like vomit. Thanks Alex!
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