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Everything posted by urusai

  1. So does that mean when she breaks her promise her pacemaker will short circuit?
  2. Alex telling Jason she's targeting Dom then Xmas then Mark. But they both believe Ramses took the 25k.
  3. Elena is really pushing for Xmas to go up. I hate that Elena think she's co-HOH and is basically telling Alex who to put up.
  4. Raven is loving all the hg's fawning over her.
  5. How many cars does Jorge have? He seems to have a different car every episode and they seem to get downgraded each time.
  6. Kevin "Is that purple or pink?" Alex "Are you color blind?" Kevin "I like everybody." LOL!
  7. Jillian thinks Alex or Jason flipped their vote. LOL
  8. This one is harder than OTT. it's a curved board instead of a straight shot.
  9. Candy Crush themed comp. LOL Xmas has to scramble to get candy. To be continued...
  10. Wow no goodbye messages. Must be short on time.
  11. LOL Cody is pissed. Jess and Xmas getting into it.
  12. 1:51 PM(Reply) For a self proclaimed genius, Cody is a moron....The fans will be p*ssed off because Paul got safety? Paul has safety because of the fans, you goof. Just unreal how out of tune Cody is with the game and with people in general. Just a horrible player. This updater from Jokers is the goof. He/She has no clue how production( eg..grodner) can manipulate any kind of "fan" voting.
  13. I thought it was Elena not Alex who claimed that about Josh peeking?
  14. I think Cody is mad because of Paul's 3 week safety. I guarantee Alex, Jillian, Ramses, and Jason aren't mad.
  15. Laughing at Xmas's neck veins popping out.
  16. Cody just told Jason to use him as a pawn to get Xmas out. Jason wholeheartedly agreed. now it's Alex with Cody.
  17. i love Alex and Jillian together. They may not last long but they don't talk about stupid shit like the "popular kids"
  18. I still think Matt looks like an older Seth Meyer. Kevin and his cluelessness on how BB is played is getting tiresome. Asking what veto meant, can someone be have not twice in a row. Was he a recruit? Even Renny had some idea of how the game was played.
  19. peach, tune in after 10 p.m. bb time cuz Paul can't hang with the yung'uns. He's exhausted by that time and knows he's safe.
  20. And Paul keeps running his mouth too. Hope both him and Jessica bury themselves.
  21. I hope Jessica keeps running her mouth. The sooner she's gone the better. Can't stand this wannabe Natalie.
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