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Everything posted by urusai

  1. Kevin asking about the coffee. Saying it tasted weird. He put Alex's sugar/salt in it but can't figure out why it tasted strange.
  2. Alex dumped the sugar out and replaced it with salt. When she saw Mark pour cereal she kept saying "Go for sugar."
  3. LOL Elena is melting the ice trays to irk Alex, meanwhile Alex is up in Hoh watching her through the spy cam.
  4. This is what Cody should say tomorrow night after the vote.
  5. Yummmm Paul's tears are sooo delicious. tm Eric Cartman
  6. This is why I give Rachel some respect because i know if the hg's were attacking Brendan she would be up there fighting back and not cowering like Elena.
  7. Elena: "Hope you win HOH." Mark: "Paul and Alex on the block." Hope Mark wins HOH.
  8. raven has actual paying customers? lol they should get a refund.
  9. Josh just asked Jason what intricate means. How the hell do you graduate from college and own a business without knowing this word? Jess was right, he is a moron.
  10. Geez xmas is such a condescending bitch.
  11. For someone with stomach issues, Raven sure eats a ton of shit.
  12. Raven in the kitchen with Cody and others and she just has the bitchiest face on. Grow the fuck up, little girl.
  13. Fuck that, i'm voting for Cameron. He didn't last long enough for me to realize I would hate him too so kudos.
  14. The guy was probably talking to Pablo.
  15. When Paul gets Chenterviewed I hope she gives Paul the Aaryn treatment and calls him out on his hypocritical bullshit.
  16. I'd settle for someone banging the pans on Matt's face.
  17. Raven started it all by telling everyone that Josh was peeping at her while she showered. And coming from Raven I find it kind of hard to believe.
  18. Jason to Xmas as she comes into the room on her scooter: "The yard wasn't open when you drove by was it?" LOL
  19. And nom nom nom there she goes chomping away. That pacemakers battery gonna overheat the way she keeps stuffing food down her stomach.
  20. Yeah Raven you're the only one who has it rough. Although that brand new $40,000 car looks pretty nice.
  21. Mama not there to whisper in her ear "Shut the fuck up before you ruin everything." Raven scarfing down those chips.
  22. For a seasoned pro, Raven really can't keep her lies straight.
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