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Goodness wtf has happened to this show? How did it go from being interesting and must see tv to must turn this shit off. I was once a huge Quinn fan and enjoyed her for the most part harmless antics, but this latest nonsense with Liam is horrible and vile. I don't even like Liam and find him underwhelming, but what Quinn is doing to a man that has brain damage is not entertaining. The retread of Bill/Katie/Brooke....yawn. Is there nothing else they can write for KKL? How many times do we have to watch Brooke cross boundaries she has no business crossing and then sayin ooops I'm sorry as the left tear falls. We've seen this same trope over and over. If she didn't meant to hurt Katie then why keep crossing the lines? How about keep your yap shut about how you feel? Then keep your legs snapped shut too. This bitch is trifling and too old to be acting this way. Where is Ridge? Why aren't we enjoying the romance of Caroline/Ridge and building to the fall out as the truth of the baby is revealed? At least Sasha and her Dad manage to be interesting, but even that boring insipid Nicole and Zende manage to ruin that. This show has sunk to the bottom. Sad when you think about where it was a year ago.
Yup, my feelings when I see Steffy's dragged looking ass on my screen & when I watch YR as someone else posted. Bell soaps are now officially in a handbag to hell. I think it's fairly obvious that Julius knocked up the neighbor and Sasha is his little secret daughter he didn't want anyone to know about. This exact same thing happened to my aunt and uncle. He was boning the next door neighbor and got her and my aunt pregnant at the same time. Both babies were born merely days apart and no kidding..the daughters/sisters look exactly alike. My uncle was busted of course, but my aunt stayed with him, in spite of the nasty ordeal, but kicked him out of her bed. My uncle made a good living, and he and my aunt had five other kids together, so divorce was not an option. I presume my uncle kept banging the neighbor, because she never moved and from what I remember had no husband. Life can be so strange.
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone! I hope everyone is doing well this season! I haven't seen the show in a few weeks so admittedly I'm a bit out of the loop w/what happened. Still that doesn't stop me from agreeing with all of this: Geez wtf happened to this show? Last time I felt good watching this show, Ridge/Caroline were getting their freak on with paint and Maya and Rick were being self absorbed asses (they still are) but at least it was interesting back then. Now we have to endure all this baby/pregnancy crap and boring Nicole and Zende. Then there's Steffy. WTF is this annoying character on my screen? I hate Steffy w/the intensity of a thousand suns. I don't want to look at her or hear her. Bitch is always up in someone's business. She has Lame, wtf does she care what Ivy does now or with whom? I can't stand that damn drag bitch. Grrrrr!!!!!
Yaasss! Every word is exactly how I feel. I bolded the highlights. I despised Maya Veronica Lodge Forrester. She is a selfish doe eyed manipulating wench and those damn writers are coming for my Ivy and I ain't having it. They better not stick her with Hans Klopek Forrester. I'm about to bust from anger with this shit. It's bad enough Hans is her cousin (blood or not) but it's damn HANS!!!! My Ivy is a regal gorgeous beauty who deserves way better than that leering leacherous creep. Ugh!!!! I was starting to really dig Wyatt and Ivy and think the two of them are really good for each other, wtf does Wyatt have to compete with Hans now? I need a damn serial killer to come to BB and get rid of Thomas, Maya, and Steffy. Those three are testing me.
Papa Avant took me to CHURCH!. When he told Maya she'd already done what she wanted to her body but she didn't get to now decide what would be done with Nicole's, I was Yes...yessireeee! Those folks needed to fall on their knees and say Jayzus...I am HEALED! Then turn away from their selfish sinful ways. I think Maya's father has had Enough! He's not playing now and if Rick isn't careful he's gonna get a sex change himself, because that man is coming for his ass. Those damn Forresters are corrupting his children. I hate that Hans Klopek is back, but I was never feeling this lie that Ridge wants Caroline to hold on to. I want them to all come clean with each other and for Caroline to get some testing done asap, so Ridge can be declared the father once and for all. Then Brooke and her trifling ass can go away and stop meddling. Maybe she can get drunk and Hans can come over and comfort her. On the subject of Steffy's ass-ets, I"m gonna go with she was wearing a booty bump, that or she deliberately was popping that thing out so the camera would get it.
This show is becoming such a huge bummer. First poor Nicole gets pressured into carrying a baby for her self absorbed sister and now her idiotic money grubbing father and weak wimpy mother are going to land on them? The father is simply without shame isn't he? He's got dollar signs for eyes. Dragging down further, I've to deal with Hans Klopek Forrester coming back from Paris..ugh! And why in the hell doesn't someone grab a damn lemon bar and shove it in Pam's mouth? Someone needs to choke the hell out of that gum bumping biddy. That woman can't snap it shut can she? I'd have to choke a bisch like that who was all up in my uterus. Woman be gone! Speaking of meddling bisches....Brooke Broke Down Logan is getting tired and played out. I can do with her tired ass worrying about whether Ridge's sperm is swimming up stream or not. This woman needs to get a life and get laid. She's just way to worried about Ridge/Caroline and it's pathetic. And who the hell does Liam think he is? Martin Luther King? That whole speech was just silly. He's trying to be a peacemaker when he can't even get his penis out of Steffy's purse. This whole week was FAIL! Ugh...this show is snapping my nerves....I'm not happy.
Ugh, every time I see Steffy's huge Loretta Lynn head pop up on my screen I just want to punch it. She's such an insufferable selfish self righteous bitch. Did I mention that I hate her with the intensity of a thousand suns? I HATE her. How is it that you can hit someone with a tire iron and they fall and hit their head and that's the end of discussion for the authorities. I'm sure this was discussed way back on here, but wouldn't Ally have shown some sort of injury from the tire iron? All of this is just lazy writing and I'm beyond bored with the Steffy/Ivy feud. It's clear that Steffy will always win. She's gotta really be Victor Newman's daughter. On another note, I thoroughly loved watching Ridge/Caroline today. LG/TK really know how to save an episode and If it weren't for them I would have tuned out. I'm really invested in their story and though I hate that Thomas is involved in it, at least I'm not bored by the whole thing. I have this sinking feeling that Thomas is going to play dirty and say that Caroline was fully aware of what was happening and wanted him. I can see this weasel doing whatever it takes to keep Caroline and Ridge apart. I'm hoping there is a twist and the baby is really Ridge's.
As a latina who grew up watching Telenovelas I can proudly say this is all true. There is something about a telenovela that that American soaps just can't capture. Imo, they are written with much more heart and you always get the satisfying end of the villains losing and the hero/heroine finally getting the happily ever after. It's a long road with twists and turns and fans are usually tortured along the way, but you do get the pay off before it wraps up. Beautiful actors, locations and awesome sets. Yes...the men are very handsome and may I add the kisses and love scenes..are FIYAH! American soaps are just torture and most villains never pay (see Victor Newman). It's a huge turn off and eventually you just tune out, because you already know what the end game is going to be and it won't be your couple.
Rotting Y&R: The Spoiler Thread
PsychedelicTrip replied to Snaporaz's topic in The Young And The Restless
I've been skimming off and on for days ( the show is too damn boring to actually watch) but THIS prompted me to actually make my fingers move on the keyboard. I would love for the above I bolded to actually prompt Nick to throw out that worthless dried up rotting herb that adds no flavor to anything; but that would actually mean the shit runners were paying attention to Nick's character and writing him true to form. It's pretty plain to this viewer that this show is run by morons who are only interested in their investments *coughFRIENDScough*. So most likely withering herb will be forgiven and Nick will barely blink at her culpability in any of Adam's shenanigans. She'll scrunch up her face, try to cry and Nick will fold and then haul off and punch Adam blaming him for upsetting and bullying the herb into helping him. He'll probably find a way to drag Sharon into it...saying she was worse because she married Adam and Sage only helped him because she was afraid. I'm positive Nick will find some way to elevate that hideous creton he's married to. We all know in Nick's world Sharon is the worst, no matter what. We are stuck with Kelly Sullivan and her piss poor acting and more scenes of her scrunching her face as she attempt to fake cry. -
It's bad enough that she has all those fillers, but as you point out, it's all further emphasized with the over the top makeup and hair. She looks like a man in drag. She should have learned after working with Hunter Tylo not to touch her face, but it's almost as if she's going for the same puffy distorted look.
Hey! Thanks so much <3 I totally agree with you on the rivalry between Liam and Wyatt. I never cared much for either, but lately I find myself rooting for Wyatt to crush Liam into dust. I could tolerated Liam before but aligned now with Steffy I find I simply loathe him. The best line of the day. Liam is nothing but Steffy's bitch and purse holder. I have never ever understood the appeal of Liam. I think SC is an okay actor and he has his shining moments, but beyond that I don't get his appeal. I have never ever believed in any orbit that any girl of Hope or even Steffy's status would be attracted to such a bland ordinary guy. He's a walking sleep aide. I would love for them to recast CJ, but if the latest casting with Thomas is any indication, I'm almost afraid to imagine who would play CJ. Boy you guys are on fire today with the wit and commentary. I have to say today was one of the best eps I've seen in a while and it's in large part because of Bill/Katie. I loved Bill and Katie reading Liam's wimpy ass and then leaving him slack jawed. Steffy has completely emasculated Liam and this is something that has to be completely vulgar to a man like Bill Spencer. I think if Steffy's face could have moved it would have cracked from the way her and Liam's asses were being served. I didn't miss Rick or Maya, but it was sort of nice to see them.
Hey there! Thanks ;) I'm a fan of Raquel Welch, I think she's a gorgeous woman but that wig line of hers is a no go and Steffy is too! I thought there were a few here who were digging him when he came on board. I was Ron Moss fan, he gave some good laughs and his scarves and growling "It's not gonna happen Rrrrrrrick!" always made for good tv. It's just impossible to replace or replicate that. So I just tell myself that this is sort of a new character even though it's Ridge. I'm just willing to let it slide and focus on the good good that TK and LG are bringing. They give me the feels! I don't know why Thomas had to be replaced. I thought the last guy was doing pretty good although I guess he doesn't resemble TK in any way.