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Night Cheese

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  1. I didn't hate this episode as much as, seemingly, the entire internet did. The Faith lives thing is straight out of fanfic, but honestly, I feel like with 10 episodes left, if they can end the show with Faith somehow still being alive and making her way to the Ridge and Jamie and Claire having their whole family there, together, I'd be ok with that ending. Even as I type that, I'm mentally acknowledging just how *truly* fanfic-y it is, but whatever. I guess it's possible that it all gets walked back and explained away in the prequel series. I didn't realize that series was filmed, let alone ready to premiere this year. But I think my 6 months of Starz will be up before it premieres, so I'll have to check the internet for any Faith stuff that comes from it. Aside from that, I really loved the John/Claire scene. I could watch a whole hour of them just talking. I'm honestly thankful for David Berry and the Outlander directors for helping make a character that I am, at best, indifferent to in the books, to one that I really love on-screen. The girl that played Fanny was a real treat as well. Kudos to the casting director(s) for finding her. I thought the Jamie/William scene was nicely done and well acted by both. William's identity crisis in the books reads to me as more bratty and petulant than sympathetic, but the actor does a good job with his material. He's still bratty and petulant, but the actor brings something more to the character. Overall I thought 7B was really strong. I liked MOBY a lot and thought the writers did well to condensing down books 7 and 8 for this season. I'll be back for season 8. Here's an article where DG talks about giving the showrunners the Faith lives idea while also subtly crapping on the show and this episode. https://parade.com/tv/outlander-season-7-diana-gabaldon-finale-shocker
  2. Oh, most definitely. I wasn't denying it was discussed, I was one of those discussing it. I was just providing some context. It seemed so fast to me in the book when DG brought it up and then waived it off.
  3. I think in Bees Jamie and Claire briefly discuss the possibility that Faith was Fanny's mother, but quickly dismiss it. There wasn't an out and out "Faith lived!" declaration.
  4. I'd love that too, especially if this was initially envisioned as the series finale before the show got renewed for S8.
  5. I for one was pretty upset when I sat down with my coffee this morning to watch this episode, only to find out from Google that this episode is pushed back to the 17th. 🤨
  6. As a fan of both shows, I liked it. I think the only issue was the 22 minute time frame which didn't do the characters or stroylines any justice. Typically with a Sunny episode, there's the 5 of them and there's usually 2-3 storylines per episode, with 2-3 characters being a part of each storyline. Here we had the gang paired up with a person from Abbott, so basically 5 storylines (although Dennis is hardly a stroyline), which made the pace of the episode frenetic. But I thought the writers did well to capture each character's essence. Dee is cool and nice on the surface, but really she's a psychopath. Dennis is a creep and a predator. Frank is a complete wacko (batteries are robot food, need to make the dirt appetizing, anything with urine). Mac is always looking for the best way to come out on top, no morals or scruples. Charlie is doing Charlie Work, also he's illiterate and of course Bird Law. They revealed these characters' true personalities and characteristics pretty well in 22 min.
  7. Thanks, I'll have to go back and rewatch the last couple of episodes. I may have already mentally checked out after hearing it was canceled. 😕
  8. I just finished ESPN's 30 for 30 on the Boston-LA rivalry and it really, really made me mad that HBO canceled Winning Time because I really wanted to see how they portrayed the rest of the decade. I don't even think they got to the 84 Finals.
  9. I believe he was in the first part of Season 7. It was definitely during the Revolution, I believe when Jamie was serving as a sniper. He was injured and Claire healed him and then she told Jamie who he was and how the name Benedict Arnold becomes synonymous with "traitor". I'm really not surprised Claire knows Lafayette and major things that happen during the Revolution. It's a huge deal in Boston and living there for 20 years with a historian husband and raising a daughter, she'd just pick up most things by osmosis. I grew up in the Philly suburbs and went to college in Boston--its hard not to be immersed with Revolutionary history living in the northeast. I think Claire admitted not knowing a lot about the specifics of the Regulators and mini-rebellions in the Carolinas in one of the earlier seasons (4 or 5?). I thought that was appropriate.
  10. This season's Scotland scenes with Jamie standing next to a fully greyed Ian while still rocking his naturally red (albeit lighter now that he's older) hair was wild to me. I also never understood how, in the 1960s scenes, Claire often wore glasses, but now we get Jamie teasing her about needing spectacles. I assume her needing spectacles is about needing reading glasses, and that she was near-sighted in the 60s scenes because she wore them driving, but how did her near-sightedness go away when she went back to the 1760s?
  11. Yep, Jamie and Claire being seemingly the only people in the entire city of Philadelphia is remarkable. And we also got Benedict Arnold this season. When the Marquis mentioned dancing with the Queen, I said in my best Claire voice, "well I slept with the King and even got an orange afterwards!" You're not alone. Seems like as much as I want to care about William and his life, Diana always assures me that she will be writing the most boring storylines for him that I can just skip right over. Looks like the show has adopted this as well.
  12. Well I was wrong about them skipping the Percy Beauchamp storyline. John's eye repair wasn't nearly as gruesome as in the books and actually more tame than some of the surgical scenes in the show. Other than that... not much happened. Of course Claire just stumbles upon the Marquis de Lafayette. She always seems to be in the absolute right time at the absolute right moment, without fail.
  13. Oh right, thank you!
  14. I'm just glad Ian/Cormac is fleecing grieving women of their life insurance payouts, because for a while there I was really worried he was a sexual predator who was trying to eliminate Grace to get to Blanaid. He's still an awful person in just about every respect, but at least I don't think his goal was to molest Blanaid. I feel like Houlihan is just as annoying as the insurance brother last season. They both are correct in their instincts, it's just that their incessant need to get to the truth of the matter interferes with our Garvey sisters sloppily covering up all of their actions and missteps. But I need to go back and watch the first couple episodes of this season because I don't really understand why the police (guards) are investigating The Prick's death two years after the fact.
  15. I would *love* that! They do have some really good chemistry, and on-screen Denzell is much more interesting than bookDenzell (imo). I somewhat think it's because the actor is much easier on the eyes than the plain Quaker that I always pictured in the book character.
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