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Gem 10

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Everything posted by Gem 10

  1. Excellent description of Deonna. Joyless and calls the shots. Who on this board hasn’t had a broken heart when we were younger? I had a break up after five years as a teen. I thought I would die. He came home from the Army and just wanted to hang with his friends at the bar and drink. I met the husband at work and was dating both of them at the same time. I chose the husband, thank God, as he turned out to be the best husband. The other guy, got married, divorced, and still drinks in the bar and is an alcoholic. I still remember the pain tho, after all these years. Heartbreaking. I’m spilling the beans as I consider you all my friends incognito, lol.
  2. So, with all these things said about Deonna, why did these “ experts” pick her out of the slew of contestants? Are they stupid or what? They have picked four girls with major problems, and only two decent guys. The other two are a little whacked. DRAMA, I guess. Then again, just maybe, Production is playing tricks on the viewers.
  3. Good thinking. I was trying to figure it out myself. We all will HAVE to watch Unfiltered from now on.
  4. We’re assuming it’s Greggs. Maybe it isn’t. At this point, I would believe anything. If there’s any truth to it in the first place. It’s weird tho, that she hasn’t been on Unfiltered at all yet. Nothing would surprise me at this point.
  5. She did wear a tight fitting black bathing suit on the honeymoon, and nothing there, so, who knows.
  6. I don’t get Keith. He’s too chill and accommodating. Is he that enamored with her, or does he have an agenda?
  7. Whaaat ?????? With who? I can’t think fast enough. U think she was pregnant before the show? It can’t be Greg. ??????? What the hell. She is mysterious. Hmnnnnnn. Do tell more.
  8. Shocking I tell you, just shocking !!!!!! LMAO. I think admitting that on t.v. Is 1000 times more worse than the virginity thing. Who would have thought little ole pure Iris would come out with that. Wonder what Keith is thinking now, or is he a recipient too?
  9. So in other words, Shep is tired of hearing about other people going on and on about their problems, and he doesn’t want to hear about anything anymore. It’s actually has nothing to do with him, but he doesn’t like what’s going on. O.k. Thanks for the info.
  10. I’m so confused. Can someone PLEASE tell me why Shep is so mad at Austen. Does it have anything to do with Madison? Does Shep like Madison? Did he ever? What’s the problem with them?
  11. I think all these four girls did not belong on this show. They all have quirks or problems of some kind. And,I think Jamie is a little bit of a yenta .. always watching everything Elizabeth does, waiting to pounce on her. I’m not saying she isn’t insane, but he gets offended at every little thing for a guy. Most guys shrug things off to avoid confrontation. When Matt & Amber had their anniversary dinner and went home to watch the video of their wedding, Amber looked so happy. Now, I am feeling terrible if Matt dumps her. She wouldn’t deserve it. She will be devastated. Finally, Deonna dresses terribly for a woman of 30. What’s with the plaid shirts to an anniversary dinner? A lovely dress with the pearls would have looked nicer for a special occasion. After all Greg did for her, she put on some rags and went to sleep. WTF? Btw, I blame all the experts for four horrible matches. Again. They need real therapists, not t.v. Therapists.
  12. You put your finger on the beginning of the quote until the Quote Box comes up. Then you take the blue bottom thingamajig with your finger to the end of the quote u want. Then, the quote comes up on a new page and you can answer. (There are 2 thingamigigs, so you put your finger on the bottom one). If that’s any help.
  13. After Keith has seen “Unfiltered” last night, I wonder what he thinks of Iris saying she’s done oral with others? Or, maybe she already has done it with him? Maybe that’s why he is so chill. I really hate talking about that, but it’s already out there.
  14. He always comes back. This is like the fourth time.
  15. Oh, I’m sorry .. I didn’t hear him say that. That’s a big no no. I wouldn’t take that either. I hate that word. Usually I watch and type at the same time, so missed that.
  16. She was admiring her hair, dress, everything about herself. All she had to do was say “ you looked so handsome in that tux .. I was proud”. But, she didn’t. Men love compliments too. Big mistake. It hurt him, but he can’t walk out every minute.
  17. Watching again. Haha. Keith says his wife cringes when the subject of sex comes up. Yeah, Keith. That’s why she has done B.J.’s to others in the past. You sucker.
  18. This post is just too funny, but true. I’m amazed Matt got through the screening, as he doesn’t talk or have an opinion. He’s just blank. He’s using this desperate girl for sex, and disrespecting her in the process. If he stays with her in the end, I will literally fall on the floor. Pepper is useless.
  19. Elizabeth: I think that moon water sitting on the deck uncovered, is making her a unstable nutcase. I’ve never seen a woman go from zero to ten in one second. He has been leaving for good once a week for the whole time they’ve been home. I just can’t figure out who will stay and who will go at this point. It’s really a puzzle. You never know. All I know is this show is keeping me from doing things in my house that need to be done because of this stupid show, lol.
  20. I don’t see that at all, but if you say that, I guess it could be true. I think Deonna is a beautiful woman, and Gregg is a handsome man. They both like one another, so she should give it a chance and not think so much. It’s right there in her hands. She needs to talk to a therapist about her insecurity or else she will lose him. She’s got this hang up that’s not letting her go forward. Once every two months? Is that normal? I don’t think so. Color does not even enter my mind in this scenario.
  21. She had better step up. He has done all the right things. He needs some attention and affection. Deonna is too cold. He deserves better, and is very patient. It’s not like he’s her first. I just do not like her demeanor. Too stiff and proper and calls all the shots. Greg has to stand by until she gives the word. Most women would love it if their husbands were playful in the bedroom. Why has Deonna not been on Unfiltered ??????????? What is she afraid of .. the truth?
  22. OMG .. For the life of me, I just cannot believe Iris has done THAT, but not THAT. Virgin my ass. Then, to reveal it on national t.v. Even my husband was flabbergasted. She’s such a phony.
  23. Deonna says Greg is too playful in the bedroom. 0h gosh .. call the cops! Is she kidding or what? She is one pain in the ass. Women would kill for a guy like Greg. He is too good for her. Sorry, I can’t stand that baby voice of hers. I think Greg will have blue balls if he stays with her.
  24. Greg could only touch her butt once every other month. That’s enough for her. Is it enough for him? He looks like he is getting antsy. Actually, he is looking the fool.
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