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Gem 10

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Everything posted by Gem 10

  1. A pole dancer who hit it big time. Maybe the art of prostate exams helped. 50 million can buy 50 houses. People only have one. I don’t mind her marrying rich, but dont walk around as if you are a CEO who was educated and made a company by yourself. She married money the easy way, not because she was smart and talented. She slept her way up and should not be so conceited and snobby like she is. Without those men, she would be nothing. Talk about Denise. What upscale snobby woman talks about squeezing prostates, strap ons and any other sex device that I never even heard of, and I am married a very long time. My husband was even taken aghast. She’s rich, but not classy as she thinks. She’s got to get off her high horse.
  2. What does LVP need this show for and all the phony crap it comes with? She has enough on her plate. Plus, she went out with a “kiss my Royal British Ass”.
  3. No wonder Harry is always in Canada. Being skinny as a rail means nothing in her case.
  4. OMG .. Beth would squash them all in ten seconds with her mouth. They wouldn’t know what hit them. Besides, we need here here. I can’t see her out there. Not enough action as she’s too fast paced. But then again, you never know.
  5. You should hop on with them and save $75 bucks for a massage.
  6. Lisa Rinna looked the worst she ever looked. All I saw was her big lips. I think it was the hairdo that brought the attention to her face. Freakin scary.
  7. Today, just watch the BH reunion. Your accident rage will transfer to all those dummies sitting there and babbling nonsense. And, you could count Doritos hair clips for a diversion, which will occupy you all night.
  8. Why is Kyle kissing LVP’s ass by bringing her am expensive gift after she threw her out? These women crack me up. Such ass kissers who hate each other underneath. I can’t stand all of them, but still watch, lol. Maybe I just crave aggravation.
  9. Thank you for agreeing. I didn’t want to be too crass. Maybe it’s all the sex things she does, like that prostate thing that gets rich men. It’s certainly not her personality. She talks and walks around like she a V.I.P. Kelsey was a dope.
  10. I don’t see anything really interesting about Camille. She came from nothing, hooked Kelsey Grammar, then became sort of royalty, she thought. She speaks like she’s really important, even now. From what I see, she’s always on the defensive and arguing with someone. Maybe it’s the 50 million she got that makes her so important, she thinks. Just my opinion of course.
  11. I think she was worried then about Tom being in debt over the lavish style of living he was giving her. Between her “career” and glam squad, he was going broke. A price to pay for candy on his arm. (This, I read in an article on line.)
  12. Speaking of ... what was holding Doritos dress up on WWHL ? Guess they took material from the bodice and put it on her cuffs, which were longer than her fingers. But, what do I know about high fashion?
  13. Relatives, neighbors, Luann? She has the outfit and can wrap bandages, so she says. Nurse Kratchet?
  14. Oh Geeze Walnut. Wrist, kneecap and shoulder. How are you navigating? I don’t know your situation, but is there someone to stay with you? You need major help. I’m sure we all feel helpless. If only we could help. 😢 xoxo Gem 10 I cant even open a jar with two hands.
  15. What really gets me about these housewives and all the housewives in general is the kissing and double kissing whenever they see each other, especially when they hate one another. It’s so phony and time consuming.
  16. That series was so funny. I don’t know where Lilly & Jane get their energy.
  17. I like Tinsley, a little childish, but still adorable. She’s not a troublemaker and finally found her voice even tho she whispers it, lol. I don’t get why they are always bugging her about Scott as that is her business. I think it’s really mean spirited to question and tell her what to do. She’s always defending her relationship and shouldn’t have to. She shouldn’t take any one of their advice as they are all fu..ed up themselves and can’t even keep their own lives in order. I think she belongs with a younger crowd. They all don’t even pay attention to her most of the time. Not nice. If Bravo let’s her go, Dale will be devastated as she thinks she’s the next Patricia Atschul. No way is she like Patricia.
  18. Luann is wrong to expect support for everything she does. Other people have lives too. Once is enough. Do they all have to get decked out for three little songs? Then the other guests or friends come on. Luann is only on total about ten minutes, if that.
  19. Hmmm .. maybe that’s why Goldie Hawn always wears her hair in her face. She has lots of wrinkles.
  20. THAT, I never saw. Why no underwear? Were there men there? I’m surprised she hasn’t broken a hip or two, at that age with those splits.
  21. If she met someone better, she would dump him in a flash, but she hasn’t. She doesn’t want to do dinner alone, so she keeps John. She thinks she’s better than him and uses him. He’s hoping she’ll change her mind and commit. Maybe when she gets older, they’ll live together, but that’s it IMO.
  22. Yes. Andy is the troublemaking little bitch yenta. Bethenny also was responsible for the Con Ed blackout uptown last night where all the housewives live. Thank goodness Beth lives in the Village. Hahaha. But that’s right .. they all are in the Hamptons.
  23. It’s Andy’s fault ! I’m watching the reunion for the second time. It was Andy every time that asked Bethenny about Dennis. When she would answer, he would fire another and another question about Dennis that she would continuously answer. I dont think there was one time that she mentioned him except when asked. Andy is the culprit. Dorinda: I would not be comfortable being Dorinda’s friend. You would have to be very careful what you do or say to set her off. Her friendships come with many strings. She will pull one every time she doesn’t like something you do or say that doesn’t fit with how she feels. Luann was continuously defending herself when Dorinda hit her with too many things that offended her. Luann was pretty nice answering her. Every little thing bothers Dorinda. At my Communion, I got one prayer card. How many has Dorinda got, 1000! Who gets that? Nobody. I have to continue.
  24. Not up there unless it’s a guy from the liquor store or CVS.
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