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I think it all comes down to what you value more: the overall track-record performance of a queen, or how a queen performed that individual week. All-Stars is fun because there is no set method how to play, the queens decide and act on their own accord. The producers have some string pulling in selecting the bottom queens or even who wins the lipsync... but in the end, the queens themselves are creating their own rules. [Rumors abound that during the infamous Bebe vs. BenDeLaCreme All-Stars lipsync Bebe removed her wig as she knew who Ben selected, and that there was no way she could win wigless.] Likewise, Pangina played by the rule of "week-to-week" scrutiny, which was great for challenges she excelled at. This gives her credence to send Jimbo home, as Jimbo really was the worst in the Rusical. Thus, when Pangina stunk up Snatch Game, she set up herself by the rules of her own gamesmanship. I am curious who Baga selected to eliminate and bet that it was also Pangina. Also agree with poster above: Pangina hosts a Drag Race franchise and has eliminated several queens... so I also found the OTT dramatics a bit... much. I still love this show and will hate-watch it to the end. If anything, this move really opened up the possibilities of who ends up with the crown. Watch JuJubee win now after so many queens had the opportunity to eliminate her.
That is generally what happens on regular seasons of (US) Drag Race, and most the international versions that I have seen. All-Stars adds an interesting elements to the game... something that is very drag pageant... where congeniality and gamesmanship are rewarded.
Yes. The US series of Drag Race has an elimination formula with bottom two queens lip-syncing and then Ru (alleged at times: Ru and Ru alone) decides who goes home based on the lip sync. The All-Stars seasons of US Drag Race have had varied methods of eliminating queens. Beginning in All-Stars 2, the top ranking queen(s) of the week would have the opportunity to eliminate a (selected arbitrarily by the judges) bottom queen. In the case of All-Stars (and UK vs. the World: International All-Stars) the queens are allowed to decide what they gauge elimination worthy: track record, friendships, individual day performances, competition, etc....
I don't get all the hate that Pangina is getting. Jimbo clearly did the worst in the challenge, and I am glad we are finally with an All Stars cast tha doesn't try to weigh track record and past performances. You suck this week, you go home this week. Baga and JuJu were also bland, but Jimbo was outright bad. Pangina was also not living for Jimbo's backtracking, excuse making, and all around shadiness wrapped in the guise of being a 'goofy clown.' IF Baga had been in the bottom, Pangina may have eliminated her, based on how directly Pangina informed Baga that her sour energy was bringing down the entire cast. I bet she felt similarly to Jimbo. Since UK v The World is on BBC3, and is tax payer funded programing, the show is not allowed to give out substantial prizes (cash or otherwise) unless the producers agree to an impartial party sitting in on production and judging to deem that all decisions are fair and unbiased. That would never fly in a reality show like RuPaul's. Anyhow the queens don't go on for the prize money but to increase their booking demand. Likewise, Ilona Verley recently mentioned that the queens this season got a stipend to prepare their drag package... so at least what they present is not entirely out of pocket.
WTF?? Season 5 was an all female finale: and season 6 was and all female final 4! If we want to pretend PR just emerged on this Bravo reboot… then Christian has no viable name value. I know Andy Cohen knows better.
I grew to like Bones a lot over this season, but he was not the best designer left … and like Aaron, he goofed this challenge. At least we know a woman will win this Bravo season: and unlike the past two years, I don’t see an obvious winner like Sebastian or Geoffrey
Yes: Season 6. Season 14 too!
We can talk about Precious, but Elaine’s too looked awful.
Was there a blur over Precious’s decolletage?
This season is really fun. I’ll give it that.
While Rose did have a sprained ankle, that shouldn’t have affected her lackluster, and rather flat looking, bodysuit reveal.
A great ending can save a meh season!
Rose is the Panto Dame of season 13.
Those 69 Question bits were awful, all around... overproduced, staged and sort of smug. It managed to turn me off to all the finalists.
He likes it? That should be explanation enough.