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Everything posted by pezgirl7

  1. M is for their Make out sessions, hopefully there will be more. :)
  2. F is for Hook's flask, which they've shared drinks from.
  3. Trying to think of who the bikers could be... Regina's guards? The mice from Cinderella? :) Here are a few new photos from filming. https://www.flickr.com/photos/26701935@N02/sets/72157645380333259/ I wonder if Georgina had a scene by the diner, or if she was just wrapping up some other filming at night? ETA: Pretty good video of the CS and Grumpy scene: http://kayleoon.tumblr.com/post/92359488647/ouat-spoiler-bts-yay-i-finally-got-this
  4. Z is for Zelena, his creepy captor. Next topic... CaptainSwan. :)
  5. H is for Hook, who spent most of his life there.
  6. Here are photos from the park shoot. https://www.flickr.com/photos/49347467@N05/with/14686989362/ What is that strap Robin is wearing? Is it for his bow? I guess I wasn't paying attention to past episodes to see if he wore it before. Also, holy heck Colin looks good. I don't think these photos from yesterday have been posted here yet: http://fan-girl.org/2014/07/jennifer-morrison-and-colin-odonoghue-on-the-set-of-once-upon-a-time/ Photos and info about the CS Grumpy scene from: http://kayleoon.tumblr.com/post/92195319477/there-is-a-story-with-this-set-of-photos-they They have been redoing this scene for a few times already. This is the scene where Captain Swan was having a “moment” (I think…?) When Leroy came in and yelled “We’re under attack”. He then goes on how someone froze his car’s transmission. Right at that moment, Jennifer Morrison went off script and instead of being the cool, calm, and collected Emma Swan as she were in the previous takes, she yelled out “FROZEN?!?!” Which obviously led to laughter and chuckles to all those who heard it :P Photo of Elsa being scared by a gang biker: https://mobile.twitter.com/PUNKD_Images/status/490324774669651969/photo/1
  7. Again I get A! A is for the poisoned Arrow that Neal shot at Pan.
  8. N is for New York City, which she mentioned in every episode of 3B.
  9. That video confirms that I could never be an actor! To be able to get into character just like that, and have all those people watching you... *shudder* I wonder if that's the romantic scene YVR was referring to? Hook looks like he's trying to turn on the charm, and then Grumpy comes in and ruins everything! I think Hook gives him the evil eye as he walks away. LOL I wonder what Grumpy meant by "the transmission is frozen". Did Elsa freeze the transmission on Grumpy's car? And evil snowman is making me think of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters. I was thinking the same thing about Elsa's dress. I did see her picking the train/cape part up in a few pics, but still, I would think it would get pretty dirty and ripped. Here are some more photos from filming, of Hook, Emma and Elsa: http://www.socialitelife.com/photos/colin-odonoghue-jennifer-morrison-and-georgina-haig-shoot-once-upon-a-time-in-vancouver
  10. F is for Fairy tales, which she learned to believe in.
  11. I keep missing out on choosing the next topic! A is for giving Henry up for Adoption.
  12. Rick, it's just a rumor for now, but the president of ABC said it's a possibility. From Eonline: I wonder if the quote about not giving up on the ones you love just doesn't have to do with the Frozen story line? Maybe it's Elsa not giving up on Anna, if she's imprisoned somewhere. Or it's Anna not giving up on Elsa, if Elsa is going evil (which I can't see happening). Or if their mother is involved, and is evil, it could be the sisters not giving up on her. I'm sure there is some good/evil/redemption thing that will happen. And can I just say how happy I am that this board exists! The comments in the First Look at Elsa article on Yahoo made my blood boil. The majority of the comments were horrible, with people actually calling her obese and ugly. At least when people here criticize, they actually make sense, even if you don't agree with them.
  13. Cheating... U is for uncooked mutton, the opposite of what was served at Midas' feast.
  14. S is for sardines. There's a sardine cannery by the docks.
  15. P is for peppermint candy canes, on the witch's house in Hansel and Gretel.
  16. Snarktastic, I think that's the way things go down as well. I'm guessing Grumpy just means Elsa is freezing things when he says they're under attack. Although why would she do that? Maybe she's just angry from being urned up. Here's a photo of Emma with a gun, so perhaps Elsa just ran inside to protect herself. https://mobile.twitter.com/lightboxgallery/status/489622347310063616/photo/1 I think they are still filming inside, so we probably won't get anymore spoilers until tomorrow. ETA: Ahh, it takes me so long to type on my tablet, people post the same things I'm in the process of posting. Sorry. :(
  17. Sorry, I didn't think it would be an issue since I was posting new content. I don't go back and reread past posts to see if they've been edited, I just click on the topic, and it takes me to the newest unread post. Figured others do too, so things could get missed that way.
  18. More photos: http://louis-tomlinsun.tumblr.com/post/91995374571/josh-dallas-jared-gilmore-ginnifer-goodwin http://attackontaetan.tumblr.com/tagged/Once-Upon-a-Time From oncepromised: I really don’t want to give away too much but basically Elsa is running into a building and Emma and Killian chase after her. Then they film inside and we can’t see anything. More photos: http://yvrshoots.com/2014/07/shoot-once-upon-a-times-charming-family-ginnifer-goodwin-josh-dallas-jennifer-morrison-jared-gilmore-baby-back-in-steveston-as-storybrooke.html They also mention: A #CaptainSwan action scene. Hook (Colin O’Donoghue) and Emma (Jennifer Morrison) run into the parking lot behind for an action sequence, involving stunt doubles for both.
  19. I wonder if the actor walking down the middle of the street is Elsa, making her grand entrance?
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