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Posts posted by pezgirl7

  1. On 5/25/2021 at 5:01 AM, Rickster said:

    The line from the analyst was “We got a hit from the digital buoy. The article”. So it seemed to me it was either a planted article tagged to notify them when and where somebody looked at it, or they could have tagged pre-existing articles to notify them, I guess ( although saying “the” article makes it sound like there was only one). Then they connected to the cam to see her. I don’t think it was facial recognition software looking at all webcams.

    Thanks, I didn't catch that part. That's pretty crappy of them to make the daughter believe that her parents kidnapped her!

  2. 40 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

    Also, Chayce seems to be mugging his way through the entire finale, guess he knew he had this one in the bag before the results were read. 

    I think he also could have just been happy to be there and having fun. I think he was the only one who didn't seem that stressed out, because he knew he'd be fine even if he didn't win the show. I liked how Graham kept looking at Chayce while he was singing with Sheryl, and Chayce seemed to really be getting a kick out of it!

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  3. I find some of the criticism of Chayce on this thread pretty ridiculous. The viewers pick the winner, so whatever that viewership is, the most popular person won. You might not think they are deserving, but the show is not being ruined by having the most popular contestant win. I doubt changing the type of singers that get put through will affect the demographic, thereby making the winner more deserving somehow. I thought there was a pretty diverse group of contestants this year, so if the viewing audience wanted someone other than a WGWG to win, it could have happened. Personally I'm glad Chayce won. I like his gravelly voice, and his songwriting. I'd listen to his music, which I can't say for the other contestants.

    I'm not sure what to make of Arthur's statement, but because it happened last minute, I'm thinking there must have been some kind of confrontation with someone that sort of pushed him over the edge. I get the sense he wasn't welcomed this season from the very beginning. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, Rickster said:

    If this is from the website she looked at ( I fast forwarded through part of the show so might have missed something) I assumed the story was a plant from the NSA agents looking for them, not real.

    i am a latecomer to the show but am rapidly losing interest. This show need more than the crisis of the week. 

    Oh, I didn't think it had anything to do with the website she visited, I thought the agents just had connections to all the webcams, and the software was able to find her through the webcam.

  5. Well, I like this show! I think it's fun and intriguing, even if it's totally improbable. And I like all the characters in the family, even the kids, which I normally can't say. So the daughter isn't actually Allie's daughter, they kidnapped her? I'm wondering if the group that they reached out to for help has something to do with the kidnapping. Like maybe after they kidnapped their daughter, they needed help, and Allie made a deal with this group, and offered to do something illegal for them. I'm guessing the US government is after them because of something bigger than a kidnapping. Also, they don't seem like the type to just kidnap someone, so I'm guessing there's more to that story.

    The only thing that bugged me was the French backpacker saying he didn't speak English at first, but then later we see that he speaks excellent English. I'm guessing his preconceptions of Americans isn't going to change after the kid pulled a gun on him!

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  6. 18 hours ago, mtlchick said:

    You may have heard about an attempted kidnapping in Orlando but the girl fought off her attacker.  Guess where she learned how to tag her attacker with slime?



    Am I only one who thinks 11 is too young to be watching this show? Maybe it's not for this day and age, but it just makes me sad that kids just can't be kids for as long as possible.

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  7. Paul and Tom together are my tall, sexy, skinny white dude dream duo. I'm still hoping they do a film where they have a scene together. Elizabeth is a very lucky woman since she's played the wife of both!

    Two more videos:

    Loki in 30 Seconds | Marvel Studios’ Loki | Disney+

    Tom Hiddleston Looks Back at 10 Years of Loki | Entertainment Weekly


    EW article with photos and video: Loki takes over: Tom Hiddleston on his new TV series and a decade in the MCU


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  8. This was my favorite episode so far. Didn't know what was going to happen from one moment to the next. I thought maybe the Mexican teen was sent out with Charlie to kill him, and then near the end, I thought Charlie might kill him instead. I also was afraid that Charlie was going to pull the gun on Chuy, and was glad he didn't. Allie pissing himself was the first time we've really seen him scared of anything. Or maybe he's just good at hiding it and acting like he knows everything.

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  9. 5 hours ago, blackwing said:

    4) That stupid wig came off that easily to the point where she just lightly picks it up and it comes off just like that?  Wouldn't it have been secured better to his hair with bobby pins or something?  He wore the wig to bed every night, if it comes off that easily, surely it would have done so every night when he tosses and turns.

    I had the same thought. The big revelation of this episode for me was that Ronald was indeed wearing a wig, as opposed to the hair and makeup department just giving the character a bad wig that was meant to be his real hair. I'm guessing that his girlfriend knew it was a wig the entire time, and just didn't want to say anything.

    LOL at Cheyenne's white lion cupcakes. She doesn't seem like the type to bake. I would have eaten them though.

  10. 1 hour ago, swanpride said:

    ??? Why is there a cartoon clock on the poster? 

    I'm guessing we'll find out! It's interesting that the clock doesn't have any hands. Maybe anyone that comes to the Time Variance Authority has to watch a 1950's style educational video about the negative effects of time travel, and the little clock is in the video.

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  11. It's confusing because he doesn't look 12 in the video, and his mom said they were imitating characters from The Strangers: Prey at Night, which didn't come out until Caleb was 13. Although it wouldn't surprise me if his mom is lying. If they were just imitating characters from the movie, then Caleb's statement about bettering himself doesn't really make sense. I thought it was good that he wasn't trying to make excuses.

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  12. This was my least favorite episode so far since I thought it dragged on a bit, but maybe that was the point, since it mimicked their turmoil of plodding through the desert. I still thought it had some really interesting moments. I wasn't worried about any of the family members, since I figure they're not going to kill any of them this early on in the show. I was worried for Chuy though, and I thought that he might betray the family, but I'm glad he didn't. Although I guess we don't really know yet who the people are that picked them up. I was annoyed that Allie wasn't asking the two men any questions, like who are you, where are you taking us? I also thought it was strange that they just left Chuy with that one guy. I don't think he'd be able to get him into the pick up truck on his own, so I guess he'll have to wait until Chuy wakes up. Hopefully he's ok! 

  13. Just popped in to say that I was really impressed with the three original songs. Normally I don't like when the contestants sing originals, but these had good melodies and lyrics. I do think Caleb should try to show a little more emotion, but I'm guessing he's not like that in real life. And I think he likes wearing a hat to cover up his eyes that are a bit off. So it could just be his age and insecurities that we're seeing on stage.

    I like Arthur, but I really wish he hadn't changed In My Place. I wanted him to win last year but didn't mind him getting voting off this time. I'm still hoping for Chayce to win, and I thought he had his two strongest performances last night. Grace is probably my second fav, but I wish she didn't try to be so perfect.

    I saw Coldplay on their first US tour before anyone really knew who they were. Chris had a cold and you could just tell he was miserable, but even though it was a cold February night in Chicago, he still stood in the doorway of their tour bus and signed autographs for everyone. I don't think he's changed too much in 20 years!

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  14. 2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

    The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina also had a trans character/actor as a series regular.  Big Sky might be the first broadcast show to do it though.

    So did Dispatches from Elsewhere on AMC. I'm sure there are more. I don't mind Jerri, but it would be nice if she had more to do.

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  15. 1 hour ago, deirdra said:

    Isn't that Peter's cuter brother David Fornetti who is getting all the screen time this season?

    It is! I noticed he was wearing a Marquette U. cap, so I googled him, and he works there, and apparently the entire Fornetti family went to school there. I'm guessing he got some off-time due to Covid.

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  16. It's interesting that on digging down, Marty said he didn't think any of the theories about Oak Island are correct, maybe partially. Craig said he thinks it has something to do with the British. Rick thinks the treasure might have already been found, but made a nice allegory about how the real treasure is how it has inspired people and changed their lives. So at least some of the guys are trying to be more practical, and aren't all TEMPLAR TREASURE!! The buried treasure story never made sense to me. Why spend so much time to bury something where no one can get at it, and then leave a marker telling everyone where it was? I do think the actual history of the island and the stone road is interesting, but I just don't think there is treasure at the end of it!

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  17. I feel like I missed something. When Cassie and Jenny went to check out the toxic waste dump, why weren't they more shocked to see human remains in the one barrel? 

    The Kleinsassers are one crazy family. It's odd that Cheyenne is making plays left and right to take over things, when she doesn't even know what is going on!

  18. On 4/28/2021 at 6:21 AM, merylinkid said:

    So all those "Are we going to go back in dig in the swamp?" decision midseason?   Yeah they already knew they were going to do that.

    Although I am sure there are some planned moments in the show, they did say that the notes change as the season goes on. The thing that surprised me the most was how many production people are working on the show. And that the "cast" eats meals with them at craft service. I guess it took some of the mystique out of it.

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  19. On 4/22/2021 at 12:31 PM, Mrs. Stanwyck said:

    If the sister can be believed, John Wayne was at the cabin with Rand.  She told Blake that both of them were there that night - she saw them.  My guess is the John Wayne was well aware of the "moral turpitude" clause in the father's will and he spiked the whiskey and let Rand assault Rosie to frame Blake so Blake would be disinherited and he and Rand could continue what ever they're up to on the ranch.

    Ahh yes, I had forgotten she said that. And your deduction seems very plausible. I guess John Wayne is a good liar! I know Rand is cooking meth, but it doesn't seem like a large scale operation, so I don't think that's the big secret. The sister mentioned trucks coming and going, and it sounds like her family wants to keep her in the dark. The secret better be something juicy!

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  20. It’s funny that some of you are calling John Wayne the good son since he just killed his brother. lol I don’t think the father raped Rosie since she seems to remember it was Rand. But the father did make a comment about her, so hopefully it wasn’t the both of them. John Wayne really did seem to think it was Blake, and he didn’t know about Rand killing that ranch worker, so he does seem to be clueless. He almost could have been a good guy but went and killed Blake. Since the family has horses on their ranch, could they be involved in the stolen horse semen from earlier? I don’t recall the show ever saying what exactly they do on the ranch.

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  21. Maybe it's just my imagination, but it seemed like the comeback singers got more time to sing compared to the singers the night before, and that doesn't seem fair. I think one of the reasons why Chayce's version of 'Everything I do' wasn't that great was because of the tempo, which could have been due to trying to cram the song into 2 minutes. I like Arthur, but now I'm worried he'll make it through and take votes away from Chayce.

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  22. 14 hours ago, SVNBob said:

    New episode of Expedition X last night; the first of a two-parter on the Beast of Bray Road, a Wisconsin "werewolf".  Josh even got out in the field for this story.  Given it was a two-parter, there's no "conclusion" yet, but a VO promised there would be one in part 2 next week.

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    I'm pretty sure the Beast is just a black bear.  All the evidence found seems to point that way.


    I was just going to post that if people are missing the show, they could watch the season premiere of Expedition X, since Josh guest starred. On Josh Gates Tonight, he said new episodes of Expedition Unknown will air this Summer!

    About the WI werewolf, my bet is that it's a...


    cougar. I only saw 4 pads on the print. If it's a black bear, that's pretty scary that there would be one so far south. Although a cougar is pretty scary too!


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