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Posts posted by Crs97

  1.  I didn't understand why Gabby was so upset about the urine sample, beyond her typical "how dare anybody question me" attitude. You would think she would want to take as many tests as possible to prove that she wasn't drunk or high on drugs. I would have demanded they take blood as well.  I was also bothered that the story was just how unfair it was that anyone was questioning her with no one saying or asking much about the now critical, comatose person she hit. I was hoping she would tell Casey or Brett at least that she didn't have her eyes on the road.  I guess that would take too much self-reflection on her part.

     I thought the 911 Memorial scene was odd. I had assumed perhaps one of the people he served with was dying or had died from the strange cancers that the 911 first responders have been getting. I thought that would explain his fear and unwillingness to attend. Instead, they just showed up for some strange reunion. I didn't understand it and was therefore unmoved by his ending speech that I'm sure was supposed to cause me to be in tears.

    • Love 5
  2. Maybe Rebecca said in the letter that he looked good because the last time she saw him he was still using.  Maybe we will find out that he relapsed a lot and didn't want his son to see him like that.  He even told Rebecca that he believed their pact was best for Randall.

    I also hope we find out that Rebecca never saw Kevin live because he as a child said she made him too nervous if she was in the audience.  One of my sisters wouldn't let my mom come to sporting events for that reason.

    Rebecca said that she would talk to her parents again so she had tried to stop the behavior previously; I am glad she cancelled finally.

    • Love 1
  3. When I was a student we all went 8-3:30.  In high school marching band started at 6:30 am so definitely early mornings, and I am a night owl.  If I had homework to do, I would have been up at 2 am to finish it.  Now my middle and high schoolers go 7:45 to 2:30.  It seems to be sports and after-school activities related so they can still get home while it's light.  I don't love it.

    • Love 1
  4. We  already know that Kate and Rebecca barely talk because Kate was mad growing up that Rebecca is thin.  My guess is that Rebecca will express concern about the surgery, Kate will blow up that Rebecca is not being supportive, and she will have yet another estrangement.

    I just realized that the kids on Thanksgiving reminded me of the movie The Family Stone.  I hate that movie.

    • Love 3
  5. Quote

    He's involved in all the others such as the yarn, movie, hike, and hot dogs

    There is no involvement there.  He has no more to do with any of those traditions than Olivia or William or any stranger who happened to wander into the house that day.  They have made it very clear to him that he can never be a member of the family and is lucky to be barely tolerated.  He smiles through the rude comments and clearly tries time after time to connect with kids who spit on him for his troubles.  I'm sure their dad would be so proud at how they treat their mother and his best friend.

    • Love 12
  6. Quote

    Miguel can have fun with Tess and Annie without trying to take over a tradition and whining. Go make your own tradition.

    I don't get the feeling there is a room for one of his traditions.  When he asked Kevin he mentioned all the traditions and wanting to be involved this one time in one of them.  I don't have a problem with him and didn't view him as whining or pouting.  Maybe it is because my love for Jack lessens each time they make him the most perfect dad who ever lived while Rebecca is just a screw-up who is to blame for any issue in her kids' life.  What is the male version of a Mary Sue?

    • Love 14
  7. Kevin and Randall's light fight made me laugh because two of my boys just had the same discussion; one needs a lamp on and the other wants it pitch black.  I thought Kevin had fallen asleep while Randall was working and Kevin got mad when he woke up to see the light on.  I didn't think Rebecca favored Randall; Kevin talked about why the light had to be off and she explained why to Randall it had to be on (in a "the world does not revolve around you" manner).  I also know there were some posts complaining about her handling of the Rubiks cube in an earlier episode. I didn't have a problem there either.  She was in the process of taking the Rubiks cube and giving it back to Kevin when she noticed that Randall had fixed it. She was incredulously asking him if he had solved the puzzle  when jack came in with the pool idea. She didn't have a chance to yell at Randall then.  I think she is getting a bad rap.

    • Love 3
  8. I always thought Mitchum was right that she didn't have "it."  When Christianne Amapour showed up at the inn, she had to be dragged to speak to her.  Mitchum was trying to get her involved at the internship, and she demurred.  One harsh criticism and she went off the deep end.  No, she didn't have what it took.

    • Love 15
  9. Ali started mixing and matching with the lyrics and at one point stopped singing with a look on her face that was clearly panic.  I think she repeated one line from the first verse instead of singing the correct one for the second (Didn't she sing "want to move ahead but the boss won't seem to let me; it's enough to drive you crazy if you let it"?  That isn't right).  It was also little things like "It's all taking and just giving" instead of "no giving."  That is the problem with singing an iconic song.  She recovered well, but it took me out of her performance for awhile.

    • Love 1
  10. I loved Sundance's version of "No One."  I also liked Billy's Adele cover and thought for the first time he did pull me in emotionally.  I thought Adam was spot on with his critiques during rehearsal.

     I found it interesting that Adam is helping Miley coach.  I don't like Aaron's voice or Nine Inch Nails, but that performance was emotional and well done.  Completely unexpected.

    Ali sounded better in rehearsal than on stage.  She screwed up a lot of lyrics.  They kept making a big deal about her dress, which I didn't think matched the song  at all.

    • Love 3
  11. You should study his partnership with the University of Akron.  His foundation is taking care of his students at every level.

    • Love 2
  12. That's why the whole story was stupid.  No priest would have done that.  No priest would have thought to do that, and I am tired of Hollywood using its misunderstandings of the Cdtholic Church to gin up drama.

    • Love 4
  13. I am just now watching it on Demand and love it so far, but I am going to be so disappointed if this show goes the route where Jack's role as dad is romanticized while Rebecca screws up repeatedly.  I totally understand her not wanting William in Randall's life.  She sees the drugs, and he asks to stop in from time to time.  How can she bond if she is always terrified Randall will be taken away?  Open adoptions were not popular in the 80's.  I have a cousin who adopted a relative's child and that relative stopped in from time to time, which meant only when it suited him, and it always caused a disruption.  Then when the child was grown, the relative came back with promises and revisionist history so that he could now be called daddy.  It was bad.  Even William said their pact was the right decision.  Yet, I am assuming this will all blow up as Rebecca is terrible.  I didn't like Jack adding fruity pebbles to Kate's cantaloupe, but again I thought that was a "good Jack/bad Rebecca" moment when I thought worse of him for undermining his wife.  Kate's eating issues aren't solely the result of Rebecca's influence.  I will keep watching unless it becomes a "bash Rebecca" show.  Then I'm out.  

    • Love 1
  14. This was the first episode that missed for me, although I loved the "JJ is sick.  No, besides the CP.  No, the CP hasn't cleared up either" conversation.  Also loved that the dance was a medley so only counted as one.  Her hands were tied.

    • Love 1
  15. Again with a priest and breaking the seal of confession?!?  Let me be clear, show runners. A priest will not break the seal of the confession, no matter how self righteous Frank gets about it.  It is never going to happen.  And if you show it happening, you are completely divorced from all reality.  The Catholic Church is clear on this, and no priest would even consider it.

    • Love 1
  16. It was very odd; Phil is asked about Pat Riley and spins it to an old story painting LeBron in a bad light.  I've seen Rachel Nicholas address it twice now, and Phil didn't even understand the story and tell it right.  According to Rachel, LeBron asked one time to stay the night in Cleveland because it was Thanksgiving and the Heat was going to have to eat their turkey in a hotel conference room in Toronto; LeBron wanted the team to stay in Cleveland instead so that he could host the entire team for Thanksgiving at his house in Akron.  So if Phil's point was Pat was a jerk for complaining about LeBron making a sweet gesture to his team, then he succeeded.  But that wasn't his point.  Somehow he thought it was proof that LeBron is a baby demanding special treatment.  SMH

    • Love 2
  17. My mother described Dragon Tattoo by saying it took her 6 weeks to read the first 200 pages and 6 hours to read the rest.  I haven't tried to read it yet; not sure it is my type of story.  She definitely likes thrillers and mayhem more than I do.

    • Love 2
  18. I have found my people!  I have always loathed Breakfast Club, and I was their age when it came out.  I remember everyone just gushing over this movie until I finally lost it at a party and gave my biting review.  They were stunned.  "My parents loved me too much.  Mine didn't love me enough.  My parents ignored me.  My parents paid too much attention to me . . ."  AAUUGGHH!  I will not put myself through the torture of seeing that film ever again.

    • Love 1
  19. In terms of Maya and boundaries, my four kids are very close in age and oldest has CP.. When a preschool teacher asked about one of the younger three's milestones, specifically about dressing himself, I was startled.  I had gotten so used to dressing the oldest and being on a time crunch that I forgot to let the younger three try those things.  Lesson learned early, but I still need reminders at times.  For that reason, I tend to cut her a lot of slack, especially because she checks in with Jim when she isn't sure if she overstepped and she does apologize.

    Speaking of dressing, I love what JJ wears but does a button down shirt over a tshirt make sense?  I think it would be hard to get into/out of.  My oldest wants fast and would hate to mess with two shirts getting caught on each other while he was trying to put them on.

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