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Juneau Gal

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  1. I don’t understand that photo. Is that her stepfather? Mary is 52 and that man doesn’t look even as old as 52. I’m so confused. 🤣
  2. I think Bronwyn believes that all the neck ruffles and odd shoulder details frame her face in a flattering way. She is wrong. Her taste in clothing, make up, jewelry, interior design is really quite atrocious. Taste is subjective, I know, just please don’t subject me to Bronwyn’s “taste”. My eyes! My eyes!
  3. I hadn’t watched this show in years. Stumbled upon it channel surfing and decided to watch, mainly for the beautiful Charleston scenery. I was absolutely shocked by how aged all the “men” (term used very loosely) are. Their behavior, which was marginally passable 10 years ago, is now so pitiful on middle-aged people. It’s as though they have all been emotionally frozen in time, so much so that the one who has made any effort to move forward, Craig, is deemed by the others as off. I’ll keep watching for the scenery and because I am absolutely mystified by how stunted these man-children are. And for Miss Patricia.
  4. You are so right. I really don’t want to see episodes of Sam dating Iceland; I’m good knowing they will be moving forward in their relationship, as is everyone else. As much as I’ll miss them, it was good to end without belaboring things.
  5. Oh how I’m going to miss these people. The conversation about how departed loved ones “fade” over time really hit hard because it’s true and it is sad when it happens. I started crying in that scene and pretty much kept the tears going the rest of the episode. A nice closing to the show. I’m still worried about Fred though! 🤣
  6. The bat mitzvah service itself, at least in the temple I go to, is an extremely serious event. These 12-13 year olds lead an entire service, read the Torah portion, and give a d’var/sermon. It’s really quite incredible what they do and have put 1-2 years into preparing. Now, the after parties can be extravagant and ridiculous like a sweet 16.
  7. Exactly! I don’t think she would start anything, but she’d sure as hell finish it and with aplomb.
  8. That date was excruciatingly awkward to sit through. I really like Iceland and I really want to shake Sam. There is no way they are going to be able to bring this show to a satisfying conclusion in 24+ minutes.
  9. Fred is the one who has been disappointing me this season. We have come to know him as a very perceptive, empathetic person. He can read the room and people. That has gone out the window since Susan. Again, I guess it fits with this season’s look at couples navigating through relationships; Tricia being divorced and no longer a couple, Joel and Brad combining households, Fred and Susan as newlyweds, now Irma and Tiffany (is that the right name?) just starting out as a couple, and Sam so wanting to be part of a couple and jealous of/not understanding her coupled friends.
  10. What the actual fuck is Alexis’s problem?! Seriously, there is some kind of mental defect there. She wants to vindicate her man, yet she is the sole reason that he is still being talked about in any negative terms. Shannon bent over backwards during her relationship with him to make him look good. All this would have faded away to nothing if Alexis hadn’t stuck her ALF face into it because who the hell cares (besides Shannon and Alexis) about John Jansen?! He is not on anyone’s radar. I now 100% believe seeing her vindictive behavior, Alexis was actively involved in all the lawsuits.
  11. Agreed. As I mentioned in a post above, I recently rewatched the first two seasons. Binging like that, I really got frustrated with Sam. Especially when she got so mad at Joel for having a relationship she didn’t know about. This is teenager/20 something shit, not for someone pushing 50 as Sam is. Yeah, it sucks when friends get new lives and potentially drift away, but that’s life. Most of us get real used to it happening in our 20s. Like someone mentioned above, Sam seems to have no girlfriends, no friends at all really except for Joel and Fred. I watch the show this season and Sam is tiresome, I’m losing my empathy for her. I keep shouting (in my head) at the TV, “Get therapy!”
  12. Over the weekend I rewatched Seasons 1 and 2 and realized the writing in this show has always had a lot of “loose ends”; things happen with no preamble or follow up. As an example: There was one brief scene of Sam working at a jewelry store that kinda came out of nowhere, although it did set up further storylines. Another is: what is happening with Ed? I was under the impression he was just on a little vacation, but it seems he’s moved to Texas for good? I understand they were put in a tough spot with the death of the actor, but they could have handled it better. This current episode it was the breakfast with Cathleen. Tricia was so excited about it for it to never have mention again. So much happens off camera that the viewer is suppose to just get through random one off lines. The mother had a stroke. Ed is on a boat with his brother. How much time has supposedly elapsed on this show? How long has Sam been back just drifting aimlessly along? On one hand I can appreciate this because this show is so real and we are just seeing snapshots of life. And life is inconsistent and messy and things don’t always march forward. For a me as a viewer it can be confusing. Since I’m at it, I’m just gonna say what I’ve been thinking from just about the very first episode: Sam is not that great of a singer for all the tongue bathing Joel, Darlene, and others give her. Everytime they set up a singing bit I think, oh this will be the time I hear the greatness. Never do. Perfectly okay, but not “OMG the gift you have!” level. Bridget Everett has a fun, bawdy, nightclub act where quality of singing is not really an issue. I wish they had leaned more into that ala the “she’ll be comin’ on the mountain”.
  13. Gina was the only one who was self-aware enough in real time to self-correct her behavior during the season. She started out bad, but managed to flip to voice of reason. That’s why I disliked her playing into the other women’s game against Katie at the reunion; I was “No Gina! You were doing so good!”
  14. Why did Sam tell the doctor her parents are in Texas? Was this a cover for her mom being in a care facility? Surely those in her community would know her dad had died? I was confused by that.
  15. Whether or not they or an associate called the paps, the DuBrows knew they were being photographed and fashioned that 100% ridiculously unnatural pose. THAT’S what everyone should have been focusing on; the world’s most contrived photo.
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