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Posts posted by FakeJoshDuggar

  1. 1 minute ago, sometimesy said:

    Imo she's saving this card for her next demand. She used the threat of eloping to get her man-child. Jessa and Josh are the only ones that we've seen any evidence of push back to JB (each in their own way). 

    If she's smart, she'll wait until the money truck stops rolling in and she's half dozen ankle biters deep into this sham marriage. Fame is part of her identity and she has no other skills. I'm on the fence as to when she would likely spill the proverbial beans... probably when Bin has a foot out the door and she can try for her own gig minus her sister.

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  2. If the rumors on the internet that have persisted for the past 8+ years were true, surely people within the cult knew about Josh molesting his sisters. And while that was in no way their fault, the people within this patriarchal cult blame the victims. I often wonder if the princes in Gothard Land viewed the Duggar girls as tainted goods, regardless of their fame. For all of the attention their "ministry" has gotten, JB really had to go out of his to find spouses for his kids.

    Anna was poor and sad in her wet, crunchy curls with the straight bangs. Sure, Josh repented his serial molestation habits, so that means it was a-ok for Anna to hightail it out of the sweltering Florida heat to the world of reality stardom. Too bad she had to forsake every shred of dignity she could claim as her FiL sold her and her children out. Now everyone with access to Google can watch her give birth on the shitter.

    DDD had to be fished from the other side of the world to marry Jill. He wasn't raised in their cult, so he likely hadn't heard the molestation rumors. Jill likely confessed them and DDD seems like he'd be an actual human being and not hold her accountable for crimes perpetuated against her as a young child.

    I still maintain that JB was against the whole Bin situation. Ben sought out the reality family. I think Jessa is savvy enough to realize that Bin was her ticket out of the girl's dorm and he was young enough to bend to Jessa's will. Jessa was getting out of that house even if it meant she was going to elope in order to see it through. I think Jessa is self serving enough to spill every secret to the highest paying tabloid, so JB gave in and, in turn, gave them the tiniest accommodations possible. 

    • Love 9
  3. Nope, no where in that video was the dude we met in Nepal. The left side (his right) is swollen as hell. And while I like the new look, I agree that it makes Jim Bob's balls itch to see such scraggliness. I bet he went and used a whole can of aqua net after that...

    • Love 5
  4. Here's the thing: They are awkward because they're trying to "move on" from all of the scandals but it's not complete without the redemption tour. If they wanted a tv show that would rake in numbers, put Anna and Josh in some Dr. Phil type house and see how they're actually dealing with the fallout of the past year. Make it actually effing real. These folks are trying so hard to be actors and they're painfully not. I know their "ministry" is all about making ATI look rosey and appealing, but that's not what makes a good show. They've done that for about a decade now. They've had their fall from grace and the girls have done a piss poor job of publicly handling the situation. All they've given are rehearsed answers and they've been trained their entire lives not to feel and have legitimate emotions and reactions. 

    They don't HAVE to do any of this. But they're the ones who signed up for reality tv and if they don't want to do the real part, then they can get off of my television because the old format doesn't work. They are the victims and they've chosen to exploit that, which I find disgusting. They could have gone away quietly to actually heal and focus on their lives, but nope. They couldn't wait to go back on the air and in doing so they've lost most of the goodwill that was expressed for them last summer.

    But these people have no skill sets. (Well Derick does, but it looks like being a suit wasn't all it was cracked up to be so he fled for the jungles of CA.) Neither daughter married a man who will give them the life they were accustomed to whilst living under the Duggar umbrella. They have nothing to survive on except television. It's already ended disastrously for Jessa; she's married to a man-child who is currently in the throws of living out an adolescence denied by stilted Calvinism. Who he is now will not be who he is in ten, he'll five, years. His poor, dumb brain isn't even done developing yet. My guess is in five years Bin or Jessa are on Couple's Therapy to try to revive life into another old show. After that, I'm betting on the UK's Big Brother.


    I don't know what my point is, I'm just rambling.

    • Love 12
  5. Just now, BitterApple said:

    That book always makes me think of John and Esther Shrader. 

    I re-read it about a year ago and it's like they're actually living the book. #whereistheplane 

    P.S. That internet speed in Zambia has to be good to upload all of their videos to YouTube. Someone (finally) got baptized. I know this is off topic, but it's Ultimate Grifter Shrader™. JillyMuffin and DDD could learn a few things.



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  6. On 5/4/2016 at 10:31 PM, bigskygirl said:

    What I find interesting was the way Jill was acting like she was an inspiration to the local women. I would love to see her live in a mud hut with the bare necessities and having to find a way to take care of her family without TLC and donations.

    Think 'The Poisonwood Bible'.

    • Love 5
  7. I got less than ten minutes in and was annoyed. Why were ma and pa Duggar on television? Methinks the "tree house" is going to be turned into a "guesthouse" for the next courting mate. No one liked Bin so he got the shed located over the nastiest toilet I've ever seen in all of my born days.

    • Love 1
  8. 1.367 million viewers. Forgot the share; I think it was. 42.

    eta: Isn't this another slight gain from last week? For this shit???? REALLY?????

    I am pretty sure the draw is Anna. People tune in for train wrecks.

    • Love 5
  9. Watching this is on my to-do list for tonight. Just reading a few comments though, I'm going to give Anna a pass but with a lot of side eye. She probably wants another undereducated, stunted girl (I'm looking at you, Joy) to follow in her ill advised footsteps. She needs this in order to validate her own life choices. It's pathetic and sad but she's stuck and misery loves company.

    • Love 15
  10. I guess when one very proudly denies the basic tenets of anatomy and biology, there's nothing stopping one from imagining a creature that doesn't somehow incinerate his own face when breathing fire.

    Don't get me started on my FIL who completely believes that dinosaur bones are a conspiracy theory and that archeologists made the bones out of plaster of Paris in their basements. <- Verbatim. You can't make this shit up.

    • Love 11
  11. They were extremely focused on phonics and early mathematics and very little on Jesus. Strange.

    I've heard that the very early math portions of Abeka are fine. However, I've read their fifth grade "science" book and it specifically states that dinosaurs not only lived with human being as we know them but also that the little buggers breathed fire. Dinosaurs breathed fire, y'all. So not only do they believe that Jesus rode a dinosaur but it may have breathed fire. Where was a fire breathing dinosaur when you need them to make bacon out of pesky Romans?

    • Love 13
  12. Amy responded to say they are living in a condo while their house gets remodeled. She then tells us god is good. To have to actually move out during remodeling implies major, EXPENSIVE work. And what jobs do they do???

    I hear The Enquirer/Radar Online pays well for "inside sources."

    • Love 1
  13. Alyssa and John came home last Christmas, and the whole family was just in Florida for Allie's birthday party. Maybe Kelly feels a little sad that they aren't closer, but it's not like they never see them.

    A party that was being filmed for television for which the Bates KKKlan is contractually obligated to attend.

  14. She does have major RBF. I have a feeling neither she nor John wanted to come, but felt obligated because it was within driving distance. You could practically see them counting down the minutes until they could get out of there and high tail it back to Orlando.

    She was down right glaring at her sisters during their grocery shopping trip.

    I saw that Kelly posted a birthday message to Allie along the lines of "you have a grandma in Tennessee who loves you!" I feel like there's a story there.

    • Love 1
  15. Well, I don't mean that he necessarily picks them out, just that he is probably quite determined to stand as a gatekeeper, given his controlling nature. Your description is the way it happened, certainly, but I still think that Boob would scramble to find some way to drive suitors away. no matter what the circumstance, if he felt they were strong and independent people who'd stand up to the Duggar way. It wouldn't be hard to do that, really. And I can't believe that a variety of guys haven't come after the Duggar girls -- and yet the two who've ended up with daughters have both turned out to be very easily subsumed into Duggardom.

    As usual, I'm biased by my experience in a family with gatekeepers who remind me a lot of Boob -- and radar for people who are too strong to handle as well as for people who are weak, along with millions of underhanded ways to drive the strong away and allow only the weak in, is strong in them. Boob may not be similar to these people, but he sure gives me the vibe that he is. So .... mileage may vary.

    I'm likely to believe that the Duggar daughters never hear about the people who contact JB about courting. He probably shows them the crazy ones in a way that's like, "see what I'm protecting you from?!" Bin wasn't on Boob's radar until he did the eight hour round trip Church Visit™ to accidentally run into a Duggar.

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