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Posts posted by FakeJoshDuggar

  1. Yeah, you don't build a billion dollar home/hotel and put $8 Home Depot handles on the doors.

    Shannon always makes me laugh. "Sure, I have 60 doors but why would you want one more than that?" Dude. When you already have 60 doors in your house, what's ten more?

    • Love 13
  2. To me it is relevant because Briana can't claim stalking from way back when the show had not even aired when she was in high school. She lived away from home after high school so I question her veracity about many things. Also back in the early days Briana burned up blogs with her two cents. Never a word about Brooks.

    I just caught this segment on rerun. It sounds as though Briana had a longer timeline squished into one sentence. "Blah, blah, bah high school blah, blah, blah was checking him out on Facebook as time went on." I have little doubt that Brooks has been working Vickie for muuuuuuch longer than she'd like anyone to know.

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  3. Esther is Anna's older sister. She's married to John Shrader, a Fundie who equals Steve Maxwell in terms of batshit craziness. At one point they were living in a pop-up camper in the woods with six or seven small children. They finally raised the funds to move to Zambia, where John has solicited donations for an ice maker, small plane and copy machine. IIRC, Esther had just given birth before they moved. God only knows how they're surviving over there.

    Yet he's never once mentioned that flying death mobile since they got to Zambia. Methinks the money for the plane went to all that fresh produce he used for juicing while he gave Esther a totino's pizza after being in labor for a week.

    • Love 4
  4. I think that all depends on how Josh is feeling when he gets home. If he is contrite and wants back into his parent's good graces, I think that you're right and there will be a baby ASAP.

    If he's not, though, and he has never been contrite about anything before, I don't think there will be another baby. He was very clearly unhappy about M4 and he has obviously figured out how to get sex without children (prostitutes). He could, of course, have a real conversation with his wife about not wanting more children, or at least not wanting more children when they have no income, but I don't think that will happen.

    I wonder how he/she would reconcile that since they vowed before God to have as many children as possible?

    Oh wait, Josh also vowed to be faithful and to honor Anna so clearly he doesn't give a shit about breaking his vows to Anna or God.

    So... never mind.

    • Love 11
  5. I think he is saying there is a market apparently for counseling for Reality TV couples who need counseling. I guess you could have a specialty in just about anything. Perhaps the counselor has extensive insight with reality TV personas and feels the ability to offer insight. I am getting this feeling that the no discussing Brooks cancer without him present may have arisen from the counseling session.

    I just don't know if I was Vicki if I would appreciate having "the love of my life" referring to the pending end of our relationship as having a piano lifted off his back.

    It must be a word of mouth thing because Google has failed me in every search I can make regarding OC, LA, California, etc. therapists who specialize in counseling for couples who.appear on reality television.

    • Love 2
  6. Jessa had to have had the baby. Michelle and Jim Bob are having a ton of questionably consensual sex at Fort Rock.

    Pairs worked on “team building activities” while “rekindling, reviving and renewing” their relationship in private cabins.

  7. When last season ended, rumors abounded that Bravo was done with Tamra. It has often crossed my mind this season that Bravo agreed to let her keep her orange if she agreed to get the ball rolling on on the "Brooks doesn't have cancer" scenario. Heather and Shannon are not going to bring psychics to lunch and Megan didn't know enough about Brooks and Vicks to make it legitimate. And so Tamra did Bravo's bidding and then did the redemption tour to try to win back viewers in order to try to keep her orange.

  8. Meghan's instagram features recent pics of her in Cambodia... not wearing her wedding ring.

    From Wikipedia:

    Cambodia scored dismally in an annual index (2015) ranking the rule of law in 102 countries, placing 99th overall and the worst in the region. 'The World Justice Project’s Rule of Law Index, which is based on surveys with ordinary people and in-country experts, ranks countries based on eight key indicators including constraints on government powers, an absence of corruption, and regulatory enforcement.' 'In every factor measured, Cambodia scored the worst in the East Asia and Pacific region, where other ranked nations include Myanmar, Vietnam and Mongolia.' The report notes that “where the rule of law is weak, medicines fail to reach health facilities, criminal violence goes unchecked, laws are applied unequally across societies, and foreign investments are held back.”

    I wouldn't be flaunting anything of value while traveling in Cambodia.

    • Love 2
  9. *Does anyone think that Meghan dyed her goldiLOCKS brown and 'got' breast implants due to the traffic of discussion about her looks?

    When you go through the process of coloring your hair bright pink, it's difficult to go back. It's better for your hair to color it darker instead of stripping the pink out.

    • Love 7
  10. Just in case anyone wants to use this as a frame of reference. I know there is no guarantee that his treatments were similar or the same as Brooks allegedly had, but this is Gov. Larry Hogan from Maryland. He just finished his final round of chemotherapy for an aggressive form of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. "Hogan posted on his Facebook page that over the last four months, he has undergone 30 days of 24-hour chemo, three surgeries, four spinal taps, and "countless" scans." He does not seem to have lost a significant amt of weight, but he did lose his hair.


    What? He didn't put his hands in the grass and give himself coffee enemas for a cure? Shocking. Shocking I tell you.
    • Love 7
  11. Seriously? Sorry, but I find that unseemly with any person much less a spouse of a medical practitioner. I would never go to a physician whose spouse "suggested" that.

    If I had cancer, and people were on television questioning my diagnosis, I would privately meet with them and say, "look, here is my legit documents." I know HIPAA laws are in place for professional reason, but when it's affecting your reputation to the point you are becoming a pariah of society, your best bet is to shut that down sooner rather than later. People who have an actual terminal cancer diagnosis can normally keep their stories straight.

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