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Posts posted by FakeJoshDuggar

  1. On 7/29/2016 at 4:43 PM, BitterApple said:

    There is, but that would likely require health insurance, which I'm 99.9% sure NONE of these yahoos have. If they do have a plan, I'm sure it's the most basic, bottom of the barrel coverage available. Jessa was full term and had no clue how big Spurge was measuring which means she likely got no real prenatal care.

    I'm sure she got prenatal care via Dr. Jill on Skype. That's totes legit.

    • Love 7
  2. On 7/16/2016 at 2:14 PM, Sew Sumi said:

    I only give her a pass (for now) since it takes newbies at ANY forum to figure out stuff like messaging. I post on another forum here- and you wouldn't believe how many long-time posters still can't find the messages or notifications.

    FJ assumes you have read their exhaustive list of rules. I've been a member since @2008 but can't even tell you where to find them. I will await a decision on this one. She may have gone to bed after she posted; it was pretty late on the east coast. I know I haven't responded to PMs there for days, because FJ isn't a daily stop for me, and the mods seem to assume everyone is there as often as they are. /endFJrant

    FJ mods need lives like I need a million dollars. Badly.

    • Love 4
  3. 7 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Derrick with the latest group of missioncationers. Only one more group after this, then they can head home.

    If it's possible, Jerick's teeth look worse.  He's actually missing a tooth on his right side (our left looking at the picture).

  4. So this weekend I took a road trip and by hour three I was sick to death of music on the radio. I was scanning stations and I came upon a conservative Christian station discussing home schooling;  and since I'm a glutton for punishment, I had to listen. These are sentences that were seemingly yelled into a microphone:

    • It doesn't matter if you didn't graduate high school, the Lord will provide a way for you to teach your children at home.
    • Sending your children to public schools is the same as sending them to their death.
    • Public schools are "institutions of death."
    • Public schools will teach your children science.
    • All children need to be taken away from their peers and put into a one on one relationship with their parents (Steve Maxwell, is that you?)  
    • You don't love your child if you send him/her to public school.
    • "Real" parents don't send their children away to be taught.
    • All of the presidents on Mt. Rushmore were homeschooled. Thus, Mt. Rushmore should be renamed Mt. Homeschool.
    • Public school is a "new" concept that's only been around since the 1800's. 
    • Love 5
  5. There's a lot that the media didn't pick up on. It's been well discussed on forums over the past year that Josh molested a five year old. But no one in the media at the time was willing to say it. They focused on Jessa and Jill as those we're the two who came forward. There's no way that fact been highlighted people would have supported JB and Michelle covering up Josh's crimes. I wrote about it here:


    • Love 7
  6. 11 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:


    I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I started trolling the web to find something new to snark on.  All the SmugAnna stuff is the same story rehashed with a new title.  Maybe the Maxhell's have done something interesting...I have to ration my excitement, so I might have a look later. The Rods are also laying low. I'm sure my super sleuths Sumi or Louannems will no doubt find us all something snark-worthy.



    Steven Anderson (aka The Pissing Preacher) and Zsu had yet another baby. This time there was no pretend twin. 

    Anna's sister, Esther, is in labor in Zambia. Sometimes her labor takes weeks because of the radiation from Japan (100% serious.)

    • Love 3
  7. 9 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

    I guess even Boob is realizing that some of the imposed modesty standards are impractical or even uncomfortable. As long as knees, collarbones, shoulders, midriffs are covered and clothing isn't skin tight, I'm not sure why the Fundys can't be comfortable like everyone else.

    How else will they show their Godly Snowflakery?

    • Love 8
  8. 51 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    Josh can get the help he needs. He should not blame his lack of getting the proper help on his parents or Anna. He has a brain and a conscious. It is about time he starts using both.

    He also had a job that paid $100k a year as the director of FRC Action. He had a choice to go get real, authentic counseling or to go to bible jail. He made his choices and as BigSkyGirl pointed out, it's long past due for him to be responsible and accountable for his own actions.

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