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Everything posted by BaseOps

  1. Grey's is nominated for SEVERAL People's Choice Awards, including every major drama category: Favorite TV Show The Big Bang Theory Game of Thrones Grey's Anatomy The Voice The Walking Dead Favorite Network TV Drama Empire Gotham Grey's Anatomy How To Get Away With Murder Scandal Favorite Dramatic TV Actor Jesse Williams Justin Chambers Scott Foley Taylor Kinney Terrence Howard Favorite Dramatic TV Actress Ellen Pompeo Kerry Washington Sara Ramirez Taraji P. Henson Viola Davis Full list here. I'm especially happy for first-time nominees Sara and Justin. Jesse as well.
  2. So I'm guessing some type of big disaster (most likely a fire) starts in 12x08 and goes into 12x09. 12x10 is called "Things We Lost in The Fire" - I wonder if someone's house burns down, or if it's just our doctors responding to some kind of mass-casualty fire / incident. If I remember way back, before the plane crash happened, the sides were written as someone's house burning down (I THINK Callie and Arizona's).
  3. Dude... you're reading WAY too much into this picture.... I mean, wow... Did Shona shit in your cereal in a past life or something?
  4. Yea, I don't understand the fans who take things out on the cast. They're doing their jobs, and of course they're all happy to be part of this show. I really hate Amelia, and I don't think Scorsone is a great actress, but I don't dislike her. She seems funny, and the rest of the cast obviously gets along with her - obviously Shonda had a good experience working with her for years on PP (we all know about her "no assholes" policy when it comes to hiring post-Heigl). Same with Jerrika... I've seen people even on this forum trash the actress personally, make remarks about her instagram posts, etc... she's an actress doing her job. I actually think she does a fine job on the show, I just don't personally care much for the character.
  5. I'm in the minority obviously, but I'm excited for a Meredith / Callie story. It can't be sunshine and rainbows all the time, and this season has been very light so far. There's been very little conflict. At least with this situation I can see both sides and I like both characters. I think the actresses have great chemistry, too. Would I have rather it came about without Penny? Sure. But at least Callie is getting a story that's independent from Arizona. I'm excited to see how she deals with it going forward. My only issue is that there's too much going on, so several characters are bound to get sidelined in the next few episodes. I'm looking forward to the Richard / Maggie stuff and I genuinely hope we see some actual exploration of Alex / Jo soon, but I won't hold my breath. But I'll hold my judgement of the coming episodes until I actually see them, especially because I've really enjoyed the season so far and, hell, I've invested 11 years in this show. Even when it's wonky, I love it.
  6. An interview with Joe Adler, who plays Isaac Cross (the blonde intern with a crush on Jo). There's actually some pretty interesting stuff about how they hired the new interns, how they keep them around, etc. He seems pretty funny and definitely very happy to be part of the set. He has nothing but praise.
  7. Side-effects of the bloated cast. Back in S1 there were only 9 regular characters; in S2 there was 10. Now we're at 14, soon to be 15 PLUS the interns + now Penny. There's just no room to really delve into that many stories, so instead we get bits and pieces from each character. This season has been better than the last few, but it could have improved 100% if they cut a few more characters at the end of last year.
  8. Early preview of the next episode, "The Myth of Sisyphus" http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/10/fargo-chapter-3-myth-of-sisyphus.html
  9. I liked the Arizona / Meredith moment near the end of last season a lot. When there was a plane crash, and they both sat in the closet together comforting each other. We don't seem them on screen a lot, but they work together and experienced a lot together, so I think it's safe to say they're 'friends'. Meredith has certainly always been a lot closer with Callie, for sure. I love to see Meredith interact with everyone, though. The more the better - it's her show.
  10. On another note - one thing I'm sort of excited about with Penny coming to GSM (I'm really trying, here) is the dynamic between Callie / Meredith. The hospital used to be so full little feuds, drama, secrets, etc. Callie and Meredith have been friends for several years now, and I like that it's a situation that's pretty complex for both of them. When you think about it, they have so much history - Callie first dating George after he slept with Meredith, Callie finding Meredith and Derek in the closet during 'prom' and then claiming Meredith's panties when Addison put them on the board, Izzie pushing Callie away and then sleeping with George, George's death, Callie having the baby with Mark, Staying with Meredith and Derek after she left Arizona.. it goes on and on. I love when they interact, and I'm glad to get a new layer added to it. I love both of their characters.
  11. His brother? An old military buddy? It seems like he causes trouble for Owen, so while I'm not a fan of Owen I guess I'm eager to see what it was that went down between them (if it really is his character who's even linked to Owen, I'm just guessing based on some things that have come out.) I really don't like the Owen we've seen the past several seasons, but there are things that I still like about his character, and his arc in season 5 is one of my favourite of the entire series. If they can redeem his character and at least make him interesting and enjoyable again, I'm all for it - if only because I don't think Kevin McKidd is going anywhere, and I like the actor, so I'd rather like Owen than hate him.
  12. Grey's Anatomy - Episode 12.07 - Something Against You Episode title from SpoilerTV.
  13. Just the way it was worded and the logic behind it was so strange.. his FIRST instinct when he heard that news was relief? Derek, Meredith, Lexi, Arizona, etc. were all on that plane, and he felt relief that Cristina had died, above all else? It was just such a reach. I thought last night had so many nice call-backs to earlier moments (April's patients death, for one) that they could have used Owen's scene for him to reflect on something we saw (his PTSD, choking Cristina). Instead he said... THAT. It was weird.
  14. From EW: Sounds to me like Henderson really is going to be some type of blast from Owen's past.
  15. There's a chance it could adjust up in the finals too, as it has the past few weeks. But even staying at a 2.4 is incredible; up from last week & trumping basically everything on TV except for a handful of shows. Well deserved for that episode. Some interesting year-to-year comparisons for Thursday night shows: Grey's Anatomy: 2.5 vs 2.4 (-4%) Scandal: 3.0 vs 2.5 (-17%) Murder: 3.0 vs 2.0 (-33%) TVD: 0.8 vs 0.5 (-37%) Grey's has the smallest decline by miles. It's also now ahead of Blindspot in the demo, making it the 3rd highest rated drama on broadcast TV AND the 5th highest rated scripted series on broadcast, behind Empire, BBT, Modern Family and Scandal.
  16. Good point. It's very true, about Alex - his growth is one of the best things to watch. Which is why I hate that his relationship with Jo is so boring. I think Shonda needs to realize how much better this show is when the focus is on Meredith and Alex. This episode & the 3rd of the season (the Alex-centric one) have the been the strongest in a long time. Also; love your Sydney Bristow icon. My screen name is from Alias lol.
  17. I believe that's two weeks in a row now, but I might be wrong. I know Bailey wasn't in last week's episode.
  18. Fantastic episode. Great acting, well paced, it was tense, funny, interesting, full of great character moments. I loved Meredith telling Amelia off. Ellen was amazing in that scene and in every other scene. Meredith has been my voice of reason this season; I still can't stand Amelia. I didn't hate her tonight, only because her over-dramatics made for some great moments for once (Callie smashing the table to silence her!) I also thought her scene with Owen was weird.. of all the things they could have had him say... he felt relief when he thought the plane crashed? Uhm... I loved all the Alex / Meredith stuff. I wondered if maybe they were gonna hook up in that bedroom scene. And speaking of rooms... since when did Amelia smashing the wall turn into an ENTIRE home renovation? The entrance is totally different, too. Where the hell are the kids?? Maggie and DeLuca are fun because it's light, but there's nothing over-interesting about them yet... I don't mind Cross, I even think he's sort of funny, but they need to find something to do with him or just drop him. Drunk Arizona is always amusing and she had some really funny lines tonight. I liked how they dealt with the Penny reveal overall... but I'm not happy about Penny becoming a GSM resident. This was the 250th episode and two regular cast members weren't even present. We DON'T need more characters. Focusing on Penny means taking away from everyone else, and there are already characters missing every week. We're going to be looking at a handful of characters who get no storyline at all. While I'm enjoying this season so far, with this many stories, it's going to end up the same as last season - no focus, uneven arcs, sidelined characters... Why was Ben made a regular? Why add Henderson when Shonda already planned to add Penny + these interns? It makes no sense to me. I hope this isn't a long-term arc, but I can't see them adding her if it wasn't. Edited to add: I forgot all about Jo even being in this episode because, despite being on the show for years now, she's still only used as a prop. It's why I still don't care about her being with Alex. I don't hate or love her character, but Shonda is using her suddenly to prop up Stef. This story just seems so random, and Jo is getting shit on. Alex just ignores her and it's funny? Their relationship is a joke.
  19. But - for example - if Penny is the resident, they certainly wouldn't want that out before tonight's episode aired, but they usually have at least the next episode announced. So to keep a cap on the story, they don't announce the guest cast. If they have a big name that they're promoting, they'll put it - but in this case it's easy to see why they wouldn't. And like I said, it's common practice so it's not lazy on anyone's part, it's normal.
  20. That's a common occurrence for every show. Often guest cast is listed as 'TBA'. It has nothing to do with being lazy lol. Henderson wouldn't be listed there anyway, he's coming on as a series regular.
  21. I guess it's good that they're keeping us guessing. I'm excited for tonight's episode and the rest of this season... I do hope we say goodbye to some cast members at the end of this year. We've got a LOT of new blood the past season (Amelia, Maggie, these new interns, and Henderson is about to joint), so there's certainly room to cut a few. The problem is, the characters I like the least (Amelia, Stef, Owen) are the least likely to leave.
  22. I'm sure they must have some type of story planned for Henderson's character to make him a regular right off the bat. With Penny, she just seems like she could be Shonda's new favourite play thing. I really, really hope not. I'm down for the story we're getting tonight, but as a regular it'll just be too damn much. We already have cast members disappearing for weeks at a time or being given no more than a line or two per episode. If Penny & Henderson both become regulars, we'd be at a MAIN cast of 16, PLUS the interns who get a fair amount of screen time. That's insane.
  23. Good point. Those both make sense... but I really hope Penny doesn't become a resident at GSM. We have too many damn characters. If Shonda knew last season that she wanted to add her to the cast, they should have dropped Amelia, Maggie, April, Stef or Jo. What's the point of adding all these characters when there's no time to showcase them all?
  24. Excited about this episode, 2x06 "The Me Nobody Knows" I've been waiting for some Richard / Maggie interaction. I wonder if the new resident is Martin Henderson?
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