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Posts posted by wilsie

  1. 56 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

    “There are people that may hurt us, there are people that may have done things to us, and that…it is our responsibility to forgive.”

    Knowing about Josh and how Michelle and Jim Bob mishandled it, this has a completely new meaning.  Jessa is small stuff compared to that.

    • Love 9
  2. 14 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

    Oh, sweetie...such a gorgeous boy.

     You did the right thing by him, today and always. My heart goes out to you.

    I hope Oldernowiser doesn't mind me sharing but these words are perfect.  He was a gorgeous boy and you always did the right thing by him.   I hope you find peace in knowing that.

    • Love 14
  3. 42 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

    I had the bright idea to get a straw and put some water down his throat. He seemed receptive to that, but he won’t get up. His head moved and his legs moved but nothing. 

    I just need to listen to my instincts about what’s best, but I don’t want him so stressed out at the vet in his last minutes nor do I want him to die from dehydration. Ugh this is hard. 

    I believe that your beautiful boy feels your love and knows you're trying to do everything you can to make him comfortable.  You are doing a great job.  I'm sorry it's so hard.

    • Love 8
  4. 2 hours ago, Future Cat Lady said:

    What is a smart introduction?

    Thank you!  I tried googling it and got a whole lot about smart goals.  I've never heard of smart introductions.  Probably a more pretentious way of saying introduction.

    • Love 7
  5. 52 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

    As one who uses a wheelchair,  seeing the Rods using a transport chair as a stroller really irks me.  (Almost as much as them not wearing masks.)  The chairs are probably hard to come by so that means some traveler that needed one had to go without or had to wait to get one just because of the Rods ignorance & laziness.  I hope they didn't take it home as well. 

    My brother & niece flew back & forth to Maryland from Florida recently on Southwest.   Everyone had to wear a mask & the middle seats on all the rows were left empty. I thought airports were requiring everyone to wear masks. 

    They really are a shameful group of professed Christians aren't they?  If it was the only thing around, they would have no qualms about using a wheelchair or transport chair because they are that special.  They have never been shown to practice proper safety precautions during this pandemic so for them to be in an airport when masks are required and not wearing them means it's obviously meant for them.  

    • Love 10
  6. 8 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

    Wish me luck. Today is my birthday and I am at the very old age of 37. I have to meet the housing inspector so he can sign off and give me the C/O so we can finally move into our house after almost 1 year living between hotels and rental homes. 

    That sounds like an awesome way to spend your birthday!  I hope everything goes well and you have a wonderful birthday!

    • Love 6
  7. 6 hours ago, chessiegal said:

    Tonight will be grilled boneless pork chops (from Omaha Steaks), baked potato, and green beans.

    Your dinners always sound so good😊  I've wanted a pork chop for a while now.  I have a lot of good food to make but I'm out of pork chops.


  8. 1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

    Here's my thinking: Just because Tim doesn't know any better than his parents do now doesn't mean that it's impossible for him to learn better over time, if he gradually gets exposed to some other voices....

    I realize that it's much easier to constantly snark at psychologically, spiritually and mentally abused children like the Rodrigui if we just allow ourselves to assume that they're already hardened jerks like their parents and thus are, of course, utterly incapable of change in any way. 

    But they're young people. And they've come from something awful. And they're still in something awful.......And as young people, with whole lives ahead of them, at least some of them are capable of change. Human nature allows that......And we don't have any idea which ones are capable of it or will get the chances that will allow and foster some change.

    We know what their mother's taught them  to say. But we don't know what's inside of any of them -- what's inside that they absolutely can't say out loud and maybe can't even formulate for themselves at this point.....Some different ideas might be in there....

    To write off the kids as always and everywhere destined to be just like their crappy parents -- just because it makes it easier for us to make jokes about them without feeling bad about it -- is a tremendous insult to everyone who's come out of a crap home and/or a sick belief system but turned out very very differently from the way we were raised to be, seems to me.

    What I hear in my head in a heckuva lot of commentary about these kids is the sneering, laughing and disdain that I heard when I was a kid. Mostly but not entirely behind my back....but I had good ears....

    Yet here's what happened: I started out as Timbits and Nurie. But I had a huge huge advantage over them. I got to go to school. 

    And out of a very large high-school class, as an adult I went on to be at least one of the top-five achievers if not the very highest achiever of the bunch; to live in and thrive in an environment far more sophisticated and competitive than most of my classmates have even dreamed of; and to do exciting and valuable things that nobody would have imagined that anyone would let me do.  Because I was that mentally crippled weirdo in the weird clothes who had no friends and talked -- at best --  like an old lady. 

    And I didn't shoot out of my background like a rocket the instant I turned 18. It took me many years...decades, even.  I crawled out of it, slowly, often still looking like a laughable ass while doing it.....But eventually it happened. 

    Does that mean I no longer feel pissed off and depressed when I think of being a joke as kid? Mostly I just don't think of it. Because that way madness lies. But when I do think of it, yeah, it pisses me off and depresses me. And I certainly never go back to places where I'd be likely to see any of those people. Because they could have broken me just by the way they acted -- and of course the way they acted was normal and fine by all of our standards, so I couldn't expect them not to have done it......But I was lucky and found some other  influences, so the "normal" despising didn't break me, ultimately. 

     In my opinion, it's unfair for us to snark hard at the kids and, especially, to talk as if their fates are written in stone, just because of who their parents are. And, worse, to imply -- as we often do -- that their fates are in stone not just because of their genes and upbringing but because they are jerks personally irredeemably. When they aren't even in their mid-20s yet. When they're trapped by lack of money, lack of knowledge, and lack of other humans who could show them some other windows and other doors. 

    But they still have time. Some of them may get lucky. They're may be a lot more piss and vinegar buried in some of them than we realize. These are very young and extremely vulnerable human beings. They didn't come up with the idea to be a show for anybody's entertainment.  (although I don't feel at all entertained by thinking that teens and 20-somethings have destinies that are already determined and bad....) Anyway,I plan to have some hope for all of them until they're at least 30....! 🙂

    Thank you again for sharing your life experience and helping me to realize what these children/young adults are really going through.  It's so easy to be glib and laugh at them but they are struggling day to day to try to maneuver through an intentionally designed by someone they're supposed to love and is supposed to love them a really difficult life. 

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