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Posts posted by tessaray

  1. RIP, Carter.

    This rewatch is the first time I really clued in on the little things in previous episodes that showed Reese falling for Carter. Even so, I still don't like the blood bath that followed. 

    And I still find Vigiliance tedious, though yay, Control is now on the scene. (I'm a Camryn Manheim fan.)

    • Like 1
  2. 44 minutes ago, Mirabelle said:

    My theory is a friend of Frank has a small ranch and Frank is doing his friend a favor by putting their animals on the show hence Comet and the llama

    I'm grateful, since the llama was the most interesting thing about the episode.

    Though Finn and Portia walking near each other made me wonder if tptb ever chem tested them. They looked good.  

    • Like 4
  3. So, are there ever any good spoilers anymore? I browse Reddit occasionally and see stuff like this:


    Sounds like something happens to Anna.

    Holly reunites with an old friend; Sonny leaps into action. Later, Michael hears him out and finally, Sonny is berated by Robert; Dante comes to a grim conclusion; Laura shares her suspicions. Later, her and Felicia put their heads together; Carly and Josslyn offer their help; Maxie is distressed; Cody is desperate; Willow makes an urgent request; Spencer issues a threat; Jordan wants answers; Nina breaks bad news; Sam seeks out Alexis; Valentin is frantic; Victor lays out his plan; Gladys fishes for information; Brook Lynn makes a big decision; Chase voices his gratitude; Trina is determined; Finn puts Gregory on the spot; Alexis receives a touching offer; Diane takes on a new client; Curtis supports Portia.

    submitted by /u/JB92103
    [link] [comments]


    But it's all so cryptic. About the only guess I have is that Chase gets his job back? (It's probably too much to hope that Liesl disappears before the transplant.)

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    I don't really find it to be organic storytelling, considering it was borne out of Jane Leeves's weight gain.

    I would have liked to see what storyline they would have come up with instead.

    Oh, I hate the fat storyline with a passion. 🙂 The resolution is the only saving grace for me. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    can see that Niles was idealizing Daphne, clearly, but...................  it doesn't really seem fair to blame Niles for Daphne's weight gain.  People should be accepted and loved as they are.  If anything, Niles's love for Daphne should have made her feel more confident instead of less.  They're acting like Niles's love for her was emotionally abusive

    I don't think anyone blamed Niles for the weight gain itself. He was deliriously happy to be with her and assumed she felt the same. It was his refusal to see or hear anything about how Daphne's emotional state might have played into the weight gain because it wasn't part of his fantasy. 

    I always liked how Frasier was able to get thru to him. He was kind but firm. And we got those great clips as they moved among the memories. 

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  6. 3 hours ago, sunnyface said:

    The only thing that I could focus on in Brooklyn and Chase's scenes was her living quarters.  Wouldn't have pegged her hanging a large painting of a crane on her wall.  It was more interesting in trying to figure out how the camera angles affected the shadows that the lamps were displaying - than trying to dismiss the lack of chemistry between Chase/Brooklyn - especially in comparison to chemistry on display in the previous episode scenes between Chase/Willow.

    That's funny, I do that too.

    I was invested in Chase and BLQ during and slightly after the Bailey storyline.  They squandered all that build-up and it made no sense. There's no there there anymore. Let it go. Please. 

    I do hope Willow escapes the cult of Carly someday. 

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  7. 50 minutes ago, possibilities said:

    You can do a speed test here:


    Though, again, I don't know how a Roku works, and my TV isn't "smart" so I'm referring to a computer speed test-- it will check the internet speed itself. Whether there's a problem with the TV or Roku (or whatever) connectivity, I don't know if it can tell you.

    Testing with the laptop or phone will give you some info. DSL used to be really slow compared to a cable broadband connection but iirc, at least you don't have others on your trunk line, like I do. (Which could have changed in the 15 years since I had to use it.)

    In the past, Rokus have been very efficient users of bandwidth and it is a dedicated, proprietary OS that was more stable than Android but these days, who knows? 

    You can always try a streaming site on a computer or phone app, just to see if it buffers as badly.

  8. On 3/21/2023 at 10:48 AM, proserpina65 said:

    I was watching on my Roku tv - would that still apply?  I confess to be really behind the times about this sort of technology.

    The Roku settings menu has a Network entry that you can use to see your signal strength. A Firetv has that too, though it's a much more robust test. 

    A smart TV or a media box is just a single purpose computer,  which is why we end up troubleshooting with the usual tech steps. And every internet cable modem and router setup is different, so it can be hard to track down the weak points. 

    I have fairly new hardware and decent speeds but on certain holidays and breaking news events, my cable modem (connected to my monopoly cable co) just barely loads Google. 🤷‍♀️ 

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  9. I feel weird rewatching PoI when I'm so far behind all my streaming shows (except Mando). But I just finished up the second season and am on to the third. 

    How many shows could have pivotal scenes - including a shootout - in a library and have it make perfect sense? 🙂

    Not looking forward to certain third season events.

    • Like 4
  10. 15 hours ago, Daisy said:

    truthfully, I would be deflecting everything.. She doesn't remember anything, and so why admit/commit to something that can be used against you?

    I agree. Now that the initial shock has worn off, I think we are getting some of Esme's real personality. She's not dumb or a pushover. (Neither quality would have necessarily protected her from Ryan's manipulation.)

    She may not want to remember but I don't think I would either.

    • Like 8
  11. Did anyone get brother vs brother vibes with Dex and Spencer yesterday?  I usually hate that stuff but since they tie every new character to an existing family, I think I could like watching Dex take Spencer down a peg or two before they inevitably bond. (As long as SWMNBN stays dead, dead, dead.)

    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, sunnyface said:

    Some of his scenes with Mac have been enjoyable and seem to flow between the two actors.  However, admittedly - some of the scenes come out clunky.  But if the actors can overcome the writing - and they have the capability - imho - then Mac\Cody\Dante\Sam\TJ\Sasha might become something more than a nice reprieve from Carly and Sonny.  JMB returning as lulu would be icing on the cake.

    ***I have never watched the actor before so if acting depressed is the only tool in his acting shtick - then yeah - another disappointment in the (Michael, Chase, TJ, Spinelli) age group. 

    On OLTL he played a grifter with a reluctant good guy core. He was very charming and had tons of chemistry with Amanda Setton, who played his sister/sister-in-crime. I don't enjoy his current grungy look but unless his acting skills have completely atrophied he can handle more than they've given him.

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  13. 12 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    This was a really bad week to stockpile episodes and watch in a binge.


    Once I got over the ick factor of Victor and his little problem, I will admit that Eileen Ashby made me laugh a little. At least the story is moving now.

    And GF has been outstanding. She's great at being sympathetic and at scheming. 

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