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Posts posted by tessaray

  1. 33 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    Here's hoping Esmé comes up with a name other than Ace for the baby.

    She hasn't actually mentioned the baby as Ace since the memory loss but he'll always be Ace to me. 🙂 At least the amnesia will keep her from naming him for Ryan.  

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  2. Having babies at a younger age is common in lower middle class or working class families. And there are the girls who get pregnant thinking a baby will compensate for the lack of love in their lives. (Or get them the cool guy, a soap staple.) Lately it's been the lazy soap writer's way of grafting a character into a core family.

    At least Esme and little Ace did achieve Ryan's goal of splitting up Ava and Nik. 🙂 I'm pretty sure Ace will earn his keep inspiring plenty of Cassadine, Webber and Collins family drama. 

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  3. Monday's episode felt like old-school Rachel. I especially appreciated the ending of the story of the 1952  Canadian nuclear reactor meltdown. I would watch that movie, though I'm not sure who would play the lead.

    Putting history in spoilers isn't necessary but since I enjoyed the reveal...


    The hero of the response was an American naval officer experienced in nuclear submarines. Jimmy Carter.

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  4. The interview seemed awkward and there were a few spots where I rolled my eyes but the show overall wasn't bad. At least not as rage inducing as some others. And I happen to agree with the final New Rules - lots of people loathe their coworkers and still manage to do their jobs. 

    My heart hurts for the trans kids being denied medical care. I wish Bill would just shut up about it. This is between the families and their doctors. 

  5. 2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    Maybe, but how interesting will it be to watch Curtis get on his high horse about lies? Taggert has some standing to blast Portia, but again, not something I really want to see. I don't look forward to Marshall putting in his two cents, either. Of the Portia/Curtis/Marshall/Taggert quartet, he's the one who needs to butt out entirely. But I doubt he will. 

    Until they know who Trina's bio father is, this is all a big nothing for me. And even afterward, Trina is grown. Taggert is the man who raised her. Nothing will change that.

    It also bothers me that Portia will likely get dragged for this for weeks, where Carly gets off scott-free for her lie, which is comparably big. But she's Carly, she of no consequences. UGH.

    I think Marcus might have been willfully oblivious to the fact that Trina might not be his. Would most of us trust a cheating spouse on that? 

    I hate saying this because I don't like him anymore but Curtis and Trina are definitely the injured parties here. For Trina it's like finding out you were adopted. Who you are and assume you are - your reality shifts underneath you. For Curtis, he may have made different life choices knowing he had a daughter depending on him. Neither of them can get that time back. Portia deserves some dragging, imo.

    That said, #KeepTrinaTaggert's 

    • Like 9
  6. 3 hours ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

    I don't want Beverly's son to be Picard's son; but whose child must he be in order to get Picard to not immediately regret coming to her rescue? It wouldn't make sense to run off after discovering she is pregnant.

    Starfleet is a dangerous place to work. Maybe she and her husband had some frozen samples stashed just in case? (The son being a real Crusher is the only thing that might make this interesting to me.)

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  7. 2 hours ago, ofmd said:

    I assumed the girl was Raffi's granddaughter. (Even though her skin is much lighter than that of her parents, we saw them in season 1.) Which still means several years have passed between seasons 2 and 3. I'd really like to know what year we're in!

    Thanks. I obviously remember zip about S1.

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  8. I'm not a fan of previously unknown kids in my sf. They should really stop with the soap tropes - real soaps do them so much better. 

    I did enjoy the ST computer theme being on full display. And it was nice seeing Laris again. 

    Q: did I miss how long it's been since S2? Seven and Raffi aren't together and I'm assuming the little girl is Raffi's? Is she Seven's too? That kind of soapy relationship stuff I am interested in. 🙂 

    • Like 2
  9. 4 minutes ago, realityplease said:

    don't think he said or meant that smartphones are the "root of all evil."  I think he said or heavily implied that the phones, & dating apps on them, are overused & not a good replacement for in-person human interaction.  That quick swipes & interactions like "what's up" cannot replace the need for romance or in-person relationship-building (the talking, complimenting, showing interest in her day.)

    That was this week. Most shows have some bit on how obnoxious he finds younger people and their phones. It bugs me. 

    • Like 2
  10. My problem with Bill's advice is the way he presents it. People can't relate to each other because smartphones are the root of all evil. Well, maybe, maybe not. But this is simplistic and more importantly, it isn't the least bit humorous or entertaining.  

    IMO, YMMV and all that. 

    Eta: Bill used to be wickedly snarky about kids (and their clueless parents). He could make me laugh and I have kids and grandkids.  Now it feels like he just whines about Gen Z most of the time.

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  11. 25 minutes ago, nilyank said:

    I don't really think that Willow's is being hateful to Nina. Willow just doesn't have time to spend any of her time and energy trying to build a relationship with Nina.

    For the past few weeks, Willow has been on an emotional rollercoster where she believed that:

    • she found a donor only to be told that the donor had to drop out
    • is then told that a woman she has a complicated and difficult relationship for on and off  the past five years is her long lost mother
    • waits to see if Nina could be donor after going past the first round of testing and then being told that is a no go
    • decides to go through an early delivery of her daughter in order to get the stem cells to save her and almost hemorrhaged to death
    • is told that she lost so much blood that there wasn't enough stem cells
    • is told point blank that she only has weeks to live

    ***I would also add that Michael obviously bought a six month old baby from the black market because Willow had a hysterical pregnancy and he couldn't tell that she was never pregnant

    Despite the fact that Willow found out that she is Nina's long lost daughter, her priority has been to get Amelia delivered safely and trying to live past the end of February. She is willing herself to be strong for Michael and their children. She doesn't have in her to give any more to anyone else.

    And despite their complicated history with Nina, neither Michael or Willow have demanded for Nina to stay away from the hospital. They have not barred Nina from showing up in Willow's room or at the nursery. They are not being cruel just because they are not inviting Nina during their own personal hell as Willow slips closer to death. Neither Michael or Willow feel comfortable leaning on Nina for the simple reason that they were not friendly with one another for the past year. They don't trust Nina by being vulnerable to her and it is not their job to make Nina feel better about Willow dying. That's why Sonny and Liesl are there to support Nina. People that love and care for Nina.

    I agree with most of this and yet, the show has so screwed up the story I still wouldn't shed a tear if Willow dies. 

    I think Michael, Willow and Carly didn't trash Nina only because it was possible she could save Willow. Once that didn't happen the only reason they've held back is to focus on Willow. They'll get back to savaging Nina on the regular once the crisis is past.


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  12. 9 minutes ago, Suicidy said:


    I think it would be all kinds of fun to have Olbrecht as my aunt.

    Sure, me too. 🙂 But she has done a lot of awful things.

    Maybe Willow will come around once Liesl saves her life but I won't be holding my breath. Not as long as she is under the thumb of Carly and Co.

    • Like 6
  13. While I am firmly in the #Die!Willow!Die! camp, it would be awful to find your birth family as you were dying and they turned out to be Nina, Nelle and Olbrecht. Mortal enemies of your chosen family. BSC even when compared to growing up in a cult.

    This should be dramatic and heartbreaking-ly soapy stuff. That it's not is typical GH. 

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  14. Bill's rant about smartphones killing romance sounded so weird to me, coming from someone who never married or had a long-term partner (that I know of). Also considering his history of hanging out at the Playboy Mansion. 

    I could be misremembering but over the years Bill was never puritanical about porn. But now it's the worst evil? Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not a fan of online porn but listening to Bill Maher preach against it is odd. 

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  15. 4 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

    I've seen stories featuring all the Doctors, but until recently, never a whole series in order.  I started with #4 because he's my fave.  #3 is def on the agenda.

    Tom Baker was my first Doctor and still favorite too. He's timeless (ha, no pun intended) but JP's Doctor is so Sixties and a treat to watch. 

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  16. I learned to love 6 from various Big Finish audio adventures. It made it much easier to then go back and watch the TV episodes I gave up on. 

    10 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

    I started with #4's tweedy exuberance, continued with #5's charming seriousness, started to watch #6

    No Pertwee (#3)? So much fun getting to know the UNIT folks, Jo Grant and early Sarah Jane. But then I loved the Brigadier. 

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