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Housewives Addict

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58 Excellent
  1. I was completely confused as to how Jenn could have no money since she is a plastic surgeon. So after digging I realized that was a different Jen and they look EXACTLY THE SAME!! My God I need to do a better job of keeping up.
  2. I'm sick of Eboni already. I don't think I can take much more of her! I don't tune in to this show to hear fights about race. Grrrr
  3. Sorry this is off the subject, but how come some of the posts I see have a pink background and border? I've been searching through this site for answers but can't find anything!!
  4. I used to like Heather but now I'm disgusted. Besides the fact that she acted like a jackass on the bus gaslighting Kelly, she started berating Kelly at the party saying that it's just NOT OK to go repeating things that someone tells you in confidence. Isn't that exactly what she did to Shannon when Tamra was gossiping to her last season about David's affair? Tamra (I think it was her) had information about an email and told Heather, then Heather repeats it to a bunch of other women. Unbelievable.
  5. This was my exact thought too! She was dreading the thought of Tom going and had to quickly think up some reason. Sure I understand she was legitimately sad about her father, but she was definitely using it to gain sympathy from FI.
  6. Can someone help me remember - there was an episode where Brooks was at a doctor appointment and the doctor was actually saying he had a mass, and something about treating it. It's sketchy - I barely remember it but I thought to myself "oh, so Brooks does have cancer after all". Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
  7. I've never hated Heather more than after I looked at her website, and I wish I didn't. Does she really think she's fooling everyone with her perfect life? UGH! If over-the-top material things make you happy then you are missing the point of living. heatherdubrow.com
  8. I don't understand why they were buying suits at the fancy suit store if there isn't going to be a wedding.
  9. What do they (Bobby and Asifa) do for a living that they can afford such expensive stuff?
  10. Phaedra is definitely a LIAR regarding not being able to change diapers in prison. These are the rules from the prison website! AUTHORIZED BABY CARE ITEMS THAT MAY BE TAKEN INTO THE VISITING ROOM (Enough baby care items to last six hours): 1. 4 Diapers 2. 2 Clear Baby Feeding Bottles 3. 4 Baby Food (jars that are sealed only) 4. Any medication the baby needs 5. Baby Wipes in a clear plastic baggie. 6. Any special needs item(s) will be handled at the discretion of the Visiting Room Officer. Page 17: http://www.bop.gov/locations/institutions/lex/LEX_visit_hours.pdf
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