I didn't love the final image of Nessa in her mental prison -- I would much rather have seen her come to the decision that she's suffered enough. But overall I thought the finale was solid. Like a lot of people, I suspected Atika was in on it from the beginning, but I was gratified that she did seem to genuinely care about Nessa and Kasim. I also thought it was interesting that, in the end, Atika had a lot more sympathy for Rachel than she did for that self-righteous schmuck Ephra. (Andrew Buchan, you are a fine actor, but between this and Broadchurch, good luck ever getting me to like you.)
Julia, Monica and Hugh were all awesome characters. Did anyone else shout out loud when it looked like Hugh was going to get run over? There was also a great throwaway line about how the British were the ones that 'drew the line in the sand' in the first place. Something I hadn't really been thinking about watching this, but of which British viewers were no doubt very aware.
Now can we do a casting lab for Igal Naor? Because I need more Shlomo in my life.