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Everything posted by Syren

  1. I wanted to scream at Daniel last week when he trusted Trey enough to road-trip to Florida with him, and then to just trip with him---who does drugs with someone who helped send them to death row?---and then this week he just went around touching every dang thing in the trailer and I wanted to scream at him some more. Or grab him and shake some healthy suspicion into him. I get that he's...stunted--I guess is the word to use--and I get why, but I get frustrated with him being so easily led, whether it's by Trey or Lezlie with a Z. I really liked when he showed a little fight, a spark of something, during the scene where Jon explained the plea deal to him. "See, Amantha? It is a game." Loved his delivery of that line. He seemed to really get everything that was going on, how little his life and freedom mean to those working against him, but he didn't show that same understanding of motive around Trey, someone he shouldn't have trusted as far as he can throw. He seemed to be reacting as "normally" as we've ever seen him right then. Maybe it's just inconsistent writing, because the Daniel who we saw in that recliner is not a man who would've trusted Trey, IMO. Will those stripped sheets show up on the riverbank or in D's mom's garage? I assume Trey took them to make it look like Daniel wrapped Georgie's body in them. And Daniel took his mom's car for a few days during the Lezlie party romp, right? So that could all look pretty bad for him. I mean, they put him on death row with a coerced confession while he was high and ignored multiple semen samples on the victim, so this should be a slam-dunk in that town. I couldn't decide which was grosser this episode: Trey's vomit-encrusted face or Foulkes going to Ted Sr. to spill the (coffee) beans. I hope Ted Sr. continues to be awesome and doesn't turn on Daniel. He seems to be such a good person; I can't imagine this one story will change his support of Daniel, especially not if he talks to Teddy and Teddy tells him he taunted D and D was teaching him a lesson. I was really glad Janet apologized to Ted Sr., too. I think this or something close to this is likely. He stumbled back on the scene at the end of it all, maybe even tried to stop it but was too late, then Trey convinced him of his (D's) guilt. I just hope we get some answers before the end of the season. And I hope we get a third season.
  2. I cannot believe that I didn't place him as Johnny! Like Kris117, I kept meaning to look him up and forgetting. Now I'm just impressed that he's different enough from Johnny that all I kept thinking was that he seemed familiar but that was it. You're right, that line could've fit somewhere! ^^This. Sorry to quote an entire post and I hope it's not obnoxious to do so but I agree with all of it. Teddy was great. High Amantha was great. Trey is a Lying Liar Who Lies and most likely a murderer to boot. And I too would like to see Ted Sr. show the Senator what not taking his bullshit looks like.
  3. I think this is exactly right, Cranberry. And yes, I believe he was still pretty high when they coerced a confession out of him. I agree with you, nosleep. I don't think Daniel is guilty but I have no reason to think that other than I like him and don't want him to be guilty.
  4. When this show started, I wasn't very invested in the whodunnit aspect, but now I want to know what happened that night. Was it as simple as Trey and Georgie raping her and killing her, maybe even accidentally, and then using a stoned Daniel, who probably just wandered onto the scene, as a convenient patsy to take the fall? DId they convince him he'd done it and then left the scene? Do I remember correctly that they claimed to have found Daniel sitting with Hannah's body? That's what they testified to, if I remember right. If so, why was their DNA never tested against the semen samples? Seems like Policework 101 to have tested those two. And why is the Senator so invested in having Daniel put back in prison? Is it just because he can't accept that he participated in sending an innocent kid to death row so he wants to believe D's guilty and therefore belongs in prison, or is there more to it, a coverup that he was fully aware of and/or participated in back when it all happened? Hell, did the Senator actually participate in the rape and murder? Can I type any more questions into this post?
  5. Jon Stern was the hotness this week with his smackdown of that woman. Go, Jon, go!
  6. After the previous week's episode, which I didn't think much of, this was a welcome return to the show I love. Ted Sr., just keeps being awesome. I wanted to hug him for being so wonderful especially after Janet was pretty terrible to him in the previous episode. How is Ted Jr. such a tool when his dad is so great? Loved Amantha being happy at the roller rink and gritting her teeth to be nice to Teddy. Jon was my favorite player this week. His takedown of the Meatspace Concern Troll (thank you, Sarah!) was a thing of beauty. During that scene, I said outloud, "Whoa, Jon Stern, you've never been hotter than you are right now." Amantha didn't have to get her rage on and maybe, just maybe, MCT will go learn some facts and think for herself. Doubt it, but this is fiction so I can dream. I also wanted to give Daniel a big hug after his speech at Gaines' funeral. He breaks my heart week after week. What kind of bravery does it take to even get dressed and go to that funeral knowing how most people in that town feel about him, much less to get up and speak like that? Hell, what kind of bravery does it take to just go to the store for him? AY is just so good in this role. So so good. The Sheriff has gone back to "mostly dislike" for me for telling the Senator what Teddy told him about the Fauxlger's incident. I hope Teddy completely shuts them down when they talk to him next week. Come on, Teddy, redeem yourself! Poor Tawney. I can't see her sticking with this marriage, even with a baby. She seems to have crossed some inner line with herself, with who she wants to be, and this marriage isn't part of that anymore. In real life, a person like her would drive me a bit nuts to be around but I really love what the actress has done with this role. Sarah Bunting, thank you for your Particles. I look forward to it every week!
  7. Poor Jon just looked so defeated after being played by that inmate week before last. I hope he doesn't give up the good fight; there are others like Daniel who need him. I am looking forward to seeing where his character goes next.
  8. Daniel: "Thank you for Kerwin. He was a good person, and he was my friend. I miss him every day." My heart broke. Oh show, must you make me a weepy mess every week?
  9. As soon as I realized Daniel was at Kerwin's family's place, I got choked up. Then the whole scene...just so well done. I am amazed at how fully realized, how genuinely touching and affecting Daniel and Kerwin's relationship is and was considering how little actual screentime has been given to it. I love that friendship, love Kerwin so much, and Daniel's broken delivery of the line about missing Kerwin every day just got me right in the heart. This damn show makes me cry almost every week! Peeayebee, I am glad it wasn't just us (the Hubs and me) annoyed and baffled by the music choices this episode. It was terrible and distracting. We actually wondered if we were hearing the right track, if somehow the On Demand showing had the wrong music with it, that's how bad it was! Teddy, Teddy. You do not deserve Tawney and you are wearing out any understanding of your position/situation that I had. Please stop being an ass. And soon. Mindy, I am an Amantha fan, too. You are not alone! She may annoy on occasion but I get why she is who she is. Her loyalty to Daniel is what makes me like her so much. Man, that remodel is going quickly if nothing else, huh? Hahaha.
  10. First foray into the forums. So glad there are people I can talk about this beautiful little gem of a show with! GayleM, I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one crying during that scene with Daniel and Kerwin. When they took Kerwin away in S1, it was just heartbreaking to me so I'm happy to see him again even if it's a kind of a gutpunch to know that he's gone and it's all in Daniel's mind. But wow, what a beautifully written and acted scene that was with Kerwin telling Daniel he loved him and wouldn't judge him for choosing to cross over. I couldn't remember Melvin either, so thanks to those who did. I really liked Amantha in that scene. I like her anyway, even when she annoys me, but thought she was great in that particular scene. I'm curious to see where they go with Teddy this year. Really happy this show is back!
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