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Oh, I think we're safe in assuming the defendant was full of it. He would have loved an excuse to call the cops on the brute. I'm sure that if as he said, there were 2 pevious attacks, there would be 2 coinciding police reports. Asking for a tissue, oh puhleeez. I rewound several times and didn't see a tear until after he had the tissue and appeared to jab it in his eye. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't stand the plaintiff. These were two of the phoniest, most unlikable liars I've seen in awhile. They kinda deserve each other.
This woman is good at one thing, making excuses. She's too old to be blaming her poor deceased mother. I can't believe the horrible things she admitted to saying to her mother.
Yep, I love the older daughter, bright girl and very pretty. Actually the young girl is pretty smart too. I loved it when Luis was telling her he is her Daddy now and she told him "I you're not my Daddy, I already have one" What is it with these women wanting to marry a guy so the guy can raise their kids for them? Just like the moron with Azan. She had the little girl calling him Daddy before the girl met him. Poor kid. She's one of those women who brings every guy she dates home and has the kids call him Daddy. Relationships develop in their own time in blended families and it's usually a slow process. And unless the other biological parent isn't present, the step parent doesn't replace the biological parent but can be a beloved addition if the relationship is not forced.
I knew a woman who fell for these lines too and she was similar to Molly in other ways, financially successful and unnattracted to men her own age. Another case of a 4 wanting to be with a 10 and hoping to buy it. But in this case Molly is not less attractive than Luis just older. I wouldn't consider her old if I saw her with a man in his 40s but next to a kid she looks old, especially while wearing the clothes of an 18 year old.
Does anyone else find it odd that Evelyns family is suggesting David is an elitist when they live in a place that's 98% white? I understand her family not wanting to see her move, we all like our kids to stay close. But don't call David names because he doesn't want to be the only non white in town. The entire problem is she's too immature too be marrying, particularly to someone from a culture she has zero understanding of. This girl to go away to college or move away from family and make her way for 2 years so that she'll grow up a bit. If she is to marry at her current maturity level it should be to a boy from town who is as sheltered as she is. They could live with his family and then hers rotating at 6 month intervals for the rest of their lives and raise a brood of kids who are afraid of anything different.
Evelyn read by Bianca......now that would be a treat.
Aika & Josh: The Hottest Cheerleader + The Water Boy
lenny replied to Drogo's topic in The Couples (Spoilers)
I wasn't crazy about Aika at first but she's really growing on me and boy, Josh is one creepy dude, making her go to a modeling audition when she wasn't interested. What's next Josh, porn? What a jerk. -
What is her family thinking? Oh yea, exposure for their band. I don't usually don't care about age differences but in this case, one is a child and one an adult. She behaves like a 10 year old. That whole " I've dreamt of this since I was a little girl" makes me want to vomit. I dreamt of becoming President when I was a little girl but you don't see me living in the White House. She is so, so childish, I don't know how anyone can think she's mature enough to make a life long commitment to anything. She is still at the stage where she thinks everyone grows money on a tree in their backyard. This idea that his family and friends are unimportant and shouldn't be groomsmen unless they can afford cheesy tuxes on top of $1000 airfare AND accomodations is insane. You're darn right her family should be opening their homes to the groom's family, unless her family is putting them up at the Sheraton that is. IF David went through with this wedding it's obvious he had ulterior motives, he had fair warning of how miserable he will be. A person who doesn't understand that the people are more important than the rented tuxes is too selfish to make the compromises required in an adult relationship. She won't wake up one morning suddenly willing to consider what it means to make David happy and possibly compromise. I laughed like crazy.....a wedding party cake? Who buys a cake for only themselves and eats it in front of their guests? That has got to be the tackiest thing I've ever heard of. If you're on a budget fine but if you're on a budget you plan the wedding you can afford. A wedding is about 2 families coming together, it's about love and vows to be kept a lifetime. Its about making your guests feel like treasured parts of your lives because if you ARE on a budget you shouldn't be inviting anyone who isn't just that. What's next......a sit down dinner for the wedding party and the guests get frozen pizza?
That's what I thought Auntjess. But even if the surgery was necessary to loosing weight, I worked for a short time in a Phoenix hospital that had an excellent bariatric clinic that frequently did gastric bypass on people 600 lbs plus. That would have been an 8 hour drive for Erica. And I have trouble believing that between Southern Cali and the Bay Area there isn't a doctor to help these people in CA. Erica most likely could have found treatment within 100 miles. Does Dr Now treat the people on the show for free or are they paid for their appearance on the show? I adore Dr Now but he's not the only surgeon in the US who performs surgery on the morbidly obese. Most of the patients on the show are so self absorbed that they don't consider what sacrifices their families are making. They may say how they appreciate it but there's no emotion behind it, no true understanding. I certainly couldn't take 6 months off work, move a few states away and care for a loved one no matter how much I wanted to.
I'm rewatching Erica, the first time was 6 months ago and I had forgotten how immature she is. How could she have been so angry because the airline "made" her purchase the whole row? Can you imagine the poor soul that had to sit next to her if they hadn't insisted she buy enough seats to accommodate her size? Then at the dinner at her brothers she was trying to blackmail him to give up his livelihood. She has such a bad attitude. Yes she had a sad background story but unfortunately many women share the story but most haven't gained 400 + pounds and refused to grow up and become independant. Most don't create a situation and then expect someone to wave a magic wand and fix their life without them putting any effort in. She weighed 200 lbs at 12 years old and wasn't raped for years after that so I'm no5 convinced her trauma had that much to do with her weight gain. Just my wild guess but I bet her mother spoiled her rotten and showed obvious favor over her other children. That would account for the immaturity and other character flaws as well as her family's fed up attitude. Although, whatever childhood events contributed to her situation, she's old enough to make her own decisions, not expect her family to give up their lives for her comfort and figure out ways to take care of herself. I think her family members, Mollie and Jessie, went above and beyond by traveling to Texas when she had her surgery. I understand that at her weight she is more at risk but when I had life threatening surgery my family didn't fly across the country to spend the day in a waiting room and I didn't want or expect them to, they have lives. and I have a fairly functional family. She's so childlike. I'm guessing as a child her mother did everything for her, if her dad was as bad as she said, her mother may have tried to make up for his harshness by coddling her. In the final scene when she said "oh look, a python" she sounded like a 4 year old and she hasn't been a shut in since 4 years old. Being isolated would not account for her childishness. With tears in her eyes Erica tells us that Jessie is the only one who takes care of her. She doesn't understand that adults don't require care.
I'm only halfway through the episode but it's hard to imagine her succeeding when she's deathly ill with cellulitis and Dr Now tells her that her lack of protein and excess carbs is the reason she's ill and she continues shoveling in the carbs. Of course all the while complaining about how sick she is. I hate to say it because she seems to have a good heart but she's pissing me off. My son has inoperable bladder cancer, he did nothing to cause his suffering and he's never whined like this woman who caused her own problems yet continues the behavior.
Jorge & Anfisa: We Are Living in a Material World
lenny replied to Drogo's topic in The Couples (Spoilers)
And that's her problem.....why she's stuck with Jorge. She isn't terribly attractive aside from a nice body. Walk down any street in the country and you'll see plenty of nice female bodies, many that are better than hers by today's standards. Her controlling, demanding, screaming and abusive personality came out before she knew Jorge wasn't loaded so her charm won't win anyone over. A truly wealthy man who has his pick of the litter wouldn't even consider her a contender. I keep thinking that considering her objectives she would have done some research on potential suitors and knew all along that loverboy is broke. My theory is that with limited choices she figured she'd get what she could out of Jorge, drain him dry, get to the U.S. and make herself rich and famous using TLC as her launch pad. How long before we see a porn film featuring her with some minor celebrity? You know she's read Kim Kardashian's bio cover to cover. Just my theory. -
H I was really rooting for Sheila and Nate, they were my favorite couple until the episode of a road trip when they had a minor squabble and she got out of the car and stomped off down the street talking on her phone refusing to talk about the problem. I understand that editing can make one person look like the bad guy but I have always felt editing only does so much. If a person said something, they said it. Doesn't matter if it was taken out of context, they still acted badly. Sheila is a hypocrit who needs to work on that spirituality she brags about so much. I haven't watched the finale yet but even if they stay together at the end I don't give them a year. She"s too self centered. "Me, me, me.....hey, what about me?" It might be ok for Naye right now but it's going to get old fast once the cameras are gone. Then we have Ashley, who has one goal out of this......a baby......yesterday if not sooner. She wanted to get pregnant after knowing Anthony a week. While he wanted to talk about their relationship she just wanted to talk about how soon she could get pregnant. Nothing wrong with single parenthood, sometimes a relationship doesn't work out and you find a way to co parent but to plan a family 2 weeks after meeting someone......it's just sort of backwards to me. Maybe I'm old fashioned but I think you should feel you want to be together forever when you concieve a child. Maybe it happens, maybe it doesn't but a child should be conceived with the expectation of being raised in a 2 parent household filled with lots of love. I won't even go into what a ridiculous mistake it is to move into her sisters building. Time to grow up sweetie. We can be close to our families without being overly dependant. That dependence needs to be on our grown up relationship. Oh,Cody.....poor geeky Cody. Ashley has a picture in her mind of what makes a real man. She wants a cave man and she knew it wouldn't be Cody on Day 2 but apparently wanted the exposure too much to let Cody know he didn't stand a chance back then. She keeps saying she wants passion, you can't have passion if you aren't having sex. IF she really wanted to give it a shot she should have at least tried some foreplay. For crying out loud, she isn't an 18 year old virgin. Sometimes the attraction develops during a physical relationship. Danielle says she can't get into it because she's not in love but love won't come with no intimacy.
We had terrible diets as kids. Lots of fast food and carbs. OMG, I remember being about 5 and sitting down in front of my mother with the sugar bowl and a spoon and eating all the sugar with nothing said about it. Needless to say, I was a chubby kid. I am not a stick thin adult but I have never approached 200 lbs. Yes, it's easier if we were taught healthy nutrition as children but once grown we make our own choices. "Choice" is a word addicts of any kind don't understand. "I was so upset I HAD to eat something" . No, you chose to eat. Their breakthroughs all seem to come after they learn the difference between what they had to do over what they chose to do.