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  1. I don't even really care how it plays out in the books if it's Jon kills Dany.To me that's always been a disgusting ending if it's nissa nissa sacrifice type or putting down mad queen dany or whatever version.
  2. Same she suffered so much because of the decision to help the north and by listening to his counsel and Tyrion's she gave Cersei the opportunity to do this.
  3. Same,I think I'm going to stop watching already tbh
  4. Thanks for finding it.Wow that's just about the worst ending I can imagine.I guess I'll watch ep 4 and if I see it going in this direction I'll have to somehow suppress all memory of having watched GoT 😂
  5. Which leak is that?I'm getting so confused lol
  6. Yeah that's a really gross implication in this leak imo.Making the unsulied who suffered so much and who die to save westeros,kill innocents.Really hoping this is a fake leak that took off because it all sounds really terrible.
  7. I think the Tarly thing is pretty weak for some mad tyrant narrative but after episode 3 I feel like almost all bets are off tbh.
  8. I was so sure WF was going to burn down completely and we weren't even going to see it start being rebuilt until like an epilogue maybe.And based on the promo for episode 4 they pretty much repaired the damage lol
  9. I get your point and yeah it could go that way.I just feel like in light of huge loses after the great war they'll have to reexamine if they can afford not to use the dragons when it's the one real advantage they have.
  10. I just don't see how Dany avoids using the dragons at this point tbh.Her armies are severely weakened,Cersei probably has her beat there.The dragons are the one advantage and I think she'll have to use them.We'll see if the extent or circumstances cross into being cruel and not caring about people's lives but don't see how she gets rid of Cersei without using them at all tho.
  11. I thought that was Rhaegal?But yeah I think Cersei is taking down a dragon unfortunately,she doesn't have that weapon made for nothing.
  12. Same,I love him so much.I used to be sure the dragons die because I believed that all magic will disappear idea now I actually have a bit of hope they survive which might make it worse lol
  13. It seems to me that Friki was only ever confident in his Tyrion leak and the episode 1 summary.The rest were his speculation,including Jon and Dany.And now that the show really surprised him he's less sure and thinks anything could happen.Which is pretty much most people after episode 3 lol.
  14. I'm honestly not sure what I think about the Sansa and Tyrion scenes.They definitely had some romantic vibe happening but idk if it's necessarily a sign they'll end up together or even that their feelings about each other will be relevant going forward.I could see it both way.As set up for them deciding to get married again.Or I could also see it as a way to bring up Tyrion's divided loyalties when it comes to Dany and just an emotional scene,brought on by the fact that they might die, between basically the only two main characters in the crypts. I do think they would probably be perfect for each at this point tho.They both think they're smarter than anyone else and can just judge people together lol
  15. That's my thing as well.I just don't see it.Plus that would very likely mean two mad queens who get killed by their lovers who are related to them lol.Seems a bit much to me I guess. I do think the show has been teasing Mad Queen Dany in the sense that you have Sam and Sansa doubting and hating her.But her actual actions don't support the narrative tho.With Tyrion I can see hints of possible betrayal mostly in the fact that he still think Cersei is pregnant and Sansa saying that line about his divided loyalties.I think on both we'll get to see where its going next episode when Dany is dealing with Jon's parentage and Tyrion is faced with that Dany is back at war against Cersei.Jaime also may be a factor there imo because despite fighting at WF,I'm not sure he's actually over Cersei and I think he'd want to protect his kid for sure.While Dany seems pretty done with giving Cersei any chances anymore.
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