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Everything posted by ChiMama

  1. As a Land of of Lincoln resident, let me correct the record — she lives in Illinois (though it’s Quincy; practically Missouri). Wasn’t there a backward/immature 90 Day’er several seasons ago from Quincy who plucked some young Central/South American boy band member and made him live in lovely western IL? (refusing to consider moving to Chicago where he’d have career opportunities beyond the lunch hour at Potbelly’s because . . . big city. 😳).
  2. I thought it was interesting the difference in how Michaela & Zach described their interaction after the Dr. Pepper session. Michaela let her sister BELIEVE they’d had sex, but Zach mentioned nothing about her staying over, etc. - he told Gil they had lunch & conversation. I don’t trust Michaela’s sly version of events tbh.
  3. Yes, none of us want to disparage Gil. He works in a noble profession that is very courageous and saves lives. However, he can not keep constantly bringing up Myrla's finances and personal habits while his finances are protected from any scrutiny. How much of his income is sent home to his mother? Does he have any savings at all in this country? There’s been plenty of Gil disparagement and a clear dichotomy between “his finances are protected from scrutiny” followed by lots of speculation about his income/lack thereof, what he does with it, and suggestions he get a 2nd job. Myrla has been vocal that she DOES like designer things. That’s fine. But, to your point - how do we really know she “does quite well for herself” if the show can “totally bullshit their finances”? Her apartment, for example, was not that fancy. Why doesn’t she own a fancy condo if she’s so flush? My point is that this show is practically scripted at this point & heavily edited to showcase certain character traits, hide others, omit situations & conversations, etc. all in support of a ‘story’ they’ve concocted. BOTH Gil & Myrla are free to live their financial lives as singles as they wish, but they would need to honestly collaborate & compromise to successfully make it as a married couple — as does anyone. I don’t see that happening. Doesn’t really matter - the increased fakery, cast quality & forced drama of this show the last couple of seasons means I’m making this my final season. Fini. Amen. Adios. LOL
  4. Thank you. It feels like Gil has really been unfairly piled on as of late. He & Myrla are a poor match in many ways - it doesn’t make him a villain.
  5. I don't think that we know specifics of anyone's salary though I suppose Gil's would be easy to estimate. Myrla has talked a little about what she does and I think that the hive mind has sort of estimated that she makes about $100,000 - $125,000/annually, but I don't recall that she has said that. I think the comments re: Gil & Myrla’s careers, respective stations in life, motivations, and dreams for the future are just armchair supposition that I don’t recall being directly referenced often if at all on the show. I don’t read a lot of offline comments (just here) or follow cast social media, so maybe I’m just uninformed, but the Gil vs. Myrla stuff seems to be mostly guesses — like sharing opinions/trying to figure out the reasons for what all the other couples are saying/doing this season. MAFS is a kind of twisted guessing game at this point — what is real; what is scripted? LOL I’m predicting the experts will go 0 for 5 on Decision Day this season. Maybe the Houston debacle will force a return to the early - more genuine, fun & interesting (less stressful) - seasons. Fingers crossed!
  6. Ugh. Manufactured drama re: the sunset wedding. Have a cocktail hour with DJ/mariachi from 5-7, get married at 7 (20-30 mins tops?), carry on with dinner, dancers & the dj. Easy peasy compromise, no more tears. Sigh.
  7. I consider why Zach keeps saying he wants to continue seeing Michaela after the show/divorce. Is it her scintillating conversations? Her calming, nurturing nature? Her joy sharing activities like dancing? Or something else. I dunno — maybe to keep her calm and mollified & distracted as he chews off his leg to escape from the trap? LOL
  8. I found it odd that though Myrla seemed to get a little teary-eyed when he told the story, she didn’t move closer, touch him, hug him, or offer any comfort. Even Jerk Johnny hugged Bao when she talked about her childhood traumas. It was oddly cold - I kept yelling at the TV “hug the guy!”
  9. If true, he's not making a good impression on any women watching this show because no one would want anyone being that desperate for sex with a crazy person. When (I hope) they get divorced he'd better watch his back and any woman dating him had better watch her back for Michaela. I may be wrong, but isn’t the only reference to alleged sexual activity between Zach and Michaela when Michaela claimed as such in a conversation with her sister the enabler? I’m sorry, but I don’t trust Michaela’s narrative & wouldn’t accept this claim as a true reflection of what happened or is happening in real life by any means.
  10. Funny - I just assumed it was HER car because of the brand & the flashiness and he was driving because they were going to visit his childhood neighborhood. It’s definitely a Myrla-ish “I deserve an expensive/luxury brand” type of vehicle & not Gil’s style. I bet it’s hers. Myrla on Unfiltered definitely threw shade at Bao - wonder what the story is there?
  11. Watching this session with Michaela, Zach & Dr. Pepper was infuriating. His initial gut instinct not to participate was the right one. I’ve been Zach and listened to someone calmly & blatantly lie about themselves while gaslighting me about my own actions. It’s the most helpless, lonely feeling in the world and the ONLY remedy is to get out of that toxic environment - no therapy from a TV “expert” is going to help. Michaela’s calm, cold assessment of the situation was jaw-droppingly chilling — ugh. Triggering™️ — and I’ve come to hate that term & don’t use it lightly. I used to watch this show as a fun voyeur experience while being a sap hoping to see true love come out of an unconventional situation. The last two seasons have not been fun or enjoyable - the angst and anger and cruelty have really been on display when what we all need right now is some frothy heartwarming fun & people we can root for. I’m thinking of taking this off my DVR. It’s a trainwreck and not a good way to spend 2 hrs/week.
  12. Ye gods - I thought putting together a toddler bed was boring, but a road trip to Omaha?! OMAHA. And the thunderstorm they drove through was nowhere near a tornado - gimme a break. Bobby & Danielle are the most boring couple, vying with Jamie & Doug for the honor. Laura is adorable.
  13. She’s creepy with her weird laugh, blank cold stare, sarcastic tone, calm whisper with crazy eyes, and wild contradictory swings. Talking with her is like trying to nail jello to the wall - impossible. And her switch up to solicitous concern for his safety? C’mon! I don’t blame Zack one bit for fleeing from that toxic scenario. Just be done for real this time - it ain’t going to get better from here (been there, done that). I also feel bad for her sister - always dealing with Michaela’s shit. Reminds me of the Laura Linney character in Love Actually, always being interrupted & putting aside her own life to cater to her brother and his mental issues.
  14. He reminded me of a wee little cowboy doll, a la Woody in TOY STORY.
  15. What is with Brett’s fugly black camo baggy sweats? Yuck. Talk about hiding your light under a bushel!
  16. Ugh. Michaela. Ugh. I’m watching on a delay, so haven’t seen the rave out yet, but her constant fake-ass pontificating and ‘wise advice’ to the other couples — like she’s got life all figured out — is grotesque. 🤮 Myrla - I’ve said it before - PUT DOWN THE DAMN PHONE! So annoying & rude.
  17. I’m still traumatized by the walk from the car and the competing undulations from his moobs and his muffin top under his t-shirt. Gag.
  18. Her ass is the biggest thing in any room. Out of context, I thought you were talking about Brittany and her gratuitous twerking. Ugh. What a vapid twit. Can NOT stand that girl. Methinks Ed left out MANY details about his “little argument” with Liz in Vegas. She is an idiot. Just EW. Colt makes me what to hurl. On Pillow Talk, Anny said his ‘special underwear’ looked like Debbie’s pants. LOL I snorted my green tea. Danielle’s incessant giggling drives me mad. And WHY tell Robert - who appears to be a very nice man - about your bad smell on the second date (or at all)?! WTAF?! He doesn’t even know your favorite color or ice cream or movie yet, for the love of dog! Fernanda. Yawn. Another vapid twit. Pillow Talk is actually pretty funny - I think I may confine my viewing to that for Single Life & skip the main show.
  19. That was truly hard to watch. How do the other couples stay after that? I would be making a break for it to evacuate Hurricane Kay. Very scary! That Exorcist-style exit from the sectional when she & Zack were talking? And the rave out and destruction in the common area in the middle of the night? Whoa. I did get a chuckle out of all the shots of Bao peeking through a crack in the door to watch though . . . LOL
  20. Yep. He said something like “I agree with all of Dr. Pepper’s advice . . . IF I CAN GET BAO TO GO ALONG. Putting advice to HIM about his communication style on her . . . OK. I thought it was funny Ryan was scared to talk to Dr. Pepper because she’d call him out. Also enlightening that he said he had a switch in feelings AFTER THE SESSION WITH DR. VIVIANA. Sounds about right - I know their issues are not her fault, but she could counsel the happiest couple to the brink of divorce. Why didn’t Brett speak candidly with him, as advised? She (rightly) criticizes Ryan for not being forthright, but she’s just as bad. And his sis was gently trying to give Brett the 411. Zack, Bao & Rachel need to cut their losses and move on. Tempers, cruelty & rage this early on & publicly/on TV do NOT bode well for behavior “after the cameras go away.” Myrla & Gil seems well-adjusted and open to talk about their issues. I think Myrla will be less critical and negative (and more social & SOCIABLE) as she feels more secure with Gil and in general. It was touching when she got emotional when talking about her happiness - or was it the margaritas talking? LOL
  21. And he’s a pro gaslighter. How can he sit there (on Unfiltered) and watch that clip of all the mean things he’s said to Bao’s face on camera and claim that she’s fake & different when it’s just the two of them (which, conveniently, can NOT be proven/disproven)? Then he has the gall to complain that Bao runs him down to the other wives (backed up by ever-so-stable & judgmental Michaela, chiming in with “all the time”)! Don’t be an ass & she won’t TELL people you’re an ass, Johnny! So she has to put up with your crap AND keep it to herself? No sir.
  22. Amen. In fact, I’ve heard enough both about & from her. Hope this is her last 90DF appearance - she is selfish, vapid & shallow. Don’t care about her journey™️ in the least.
  23. What about their younger son’s wife - the one who just announced her pregnancy?
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