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Posts posted by anna0852

  1. 22 minutes ago, VCRTracking said:

    He might be back to full adult Groot by the time the Guardians show up in Avengers Infinity War and this was just a quick shot to show his transition besides being funny.

    That's what I was thinking. Remember, Vol 2 is taking place only a couple of months after Vol 1, even though the movies are 3 years apart. Infinity Wars will put Baby Groot and presumably Teenage Groot several years in the past.

    • Love 5
  2. Raj thinks that building is a dump. He said so several episodes ago. But it would make for easier storylines to put him in 3A. I fear now we'll have more Burt and while he's entertaining, he's like Kripke. We only need him for a couple episodes a season.

    I'm guessing the Princeton storyline was coverage in case contract negotiations didn't work out Mayim. So glad they did though. Can't imagine how they would have written out Bernie if Melissa didn't re-sign.

     I just adored Sheldon tonight. He was trying *so* hard and without prompting to be supportive, even though this will totally rock his world. Can you imagine the reaction from Sheldon circa season 4-5?

    • Love 7
  3. 19 minutes ago, BlossomCulp said:

    ....having Leonard become super successful so his mother can just writhe around in agony trying to find a way to still put him down and Leonard doesn't care anymore then I'd be more than happy with that!!

    I would love to see that! 

    • Love 7
  4. Interesting episode. Sam and Callen now see what their future holds.

    That last scene of the old crew toasting Granger was lovely, but I want to see our guys doing something as well. Lange's Five weren't the only ones who worked with him, respected him and will miss him greatly.

    Loved the confirmation that Deeks told Kensi about confessing to Whiting. And that Kensi is rolling with it and supporting him all the way. I have no doubt that she'll be kept aware of his assistance to Whiting moving forward. "No more secrets" has turned out to be exactly that and it's one of the reason I continue to adore this pairing. Yes of course there are silly moments and moments when one or the other is not their 'best self' but overall, this is a functional adult relationship which is refreshing to see in this franchise (side-eyes the one that will not be named on Mothership).

    • Love 1
  5. I felt really bad for Zach. Leonard is so dismissive and clearly looks down on him, while Zach genuinely likes him and wishes him well. Zach is clearly impressed by how smart Leonard is and respects his intelligence. And he clearly respects that Penny and Leonard are together. He was really just being friendly by inviting them to dinner and offering Penny the job because he thought she'd like it. Leonard was pretty rude, even if it wasn't to Zachs face.

    • Love 14
  6. 8 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

    I'm glad they made it clear that Heather no longer works for Tim.

    Now that I think of it, do Heather, Matt and Greg all "work" from home?  And Joan!

    Heather and Greg are currently stay at home parents. No idea about Matt though.

  7. Even if Josh wasn't convicted of the molestation and there is no official record of it, there is still the media coverage where it was confirmed that it happened. 2 of his victims went on national TV and discussed the crimes. I'm not a lawyer but if this guy's case is that his image is now linked to Josh Duggar's bad publicity, then I would think the details of that publicity would be aired in court. Wouldn't they be needed to establish extent of the damage done?

    • Love 2
  8. 1 hour ago, misstwpherecool said:

    This cartoon keeps dragging along.

    Then why are you watching? I'm not trying to be rude or sarcastic, I'm confused. You clearly don't like it. So why watch, then post about it with a bunch of people that *do* like it?


    33 minutes ago, 123BP said:

    The whole recovery is getting tired. Get engaged, get married, and move on. The idea of Granger walking Kensi down the aisle? Emotionally dishonest and uncharacteristic for him. As for not being uncommunicative teenagers, true, but Deeks has been pretty uncommunicative as an adult.

    I hate to see them waste an episode like they did with this one. At least Jordana didn't write part 2, so there's hope.

    Given that Granger served with her dad and seems to have a bit of a soft spot (as much as is capable of at least) for Kensi, I don't think it's that far fetched.

    I give kudos to the show for being as realistic as they can about Kensi recovering from that kind of injury. My uncle sustained injuries similar in years ago in a motor vehicle crash. It was nearly a year before he was anywhere close to what he had been and it still crops up from time to time. I'd be more annoyed if the whole thing was glossed over.

    And both Kensi and Deeks have had their uncommunicative moments seeing how they're, you know, human.  But they recognize, acknowledge and move on.  

    • Love 5
  9. Yeah, that adoption story was a fail. Doesn't being a parent mean doing what is best for your kids, even when you don't like it yourself? Like knowing the medical procedure that is going to save their life will also be be extremely painful and knowing the procedure has to be done. I vividly remember my mother holding me (age 4) down while I screamed for the doctors to stop, because I need the treatment or I would die. My mother breaks down in tears remembering that but what was she supposed to do?

    Same thing here. And it's not just what is best for the baby but what is best for her two existing kids as well. She couldn't support two of them, let alone three. There was no mention of her working once she recovered or anything. Is she expecting Dot and her husband to just support them? That makes Marnie as materialistic as we were *supposed* to see Dot.

    That baby was going to have a loving home with devoted parents. It's not about what they could provide, they were very clearly head-over-heels in love that that child from the get-go. Marnie wasn't choosing what was best for her children, she was choosing what was best for herself.

    • Love 9
  10. 1 hour ago, arieswriting said:

    I thought the reason Sam and Callen were so annoyed is that technically these were civilians interfering in an official investigation, one in which they knew the accused, and they were involving themselves when they really shouldn't be. The admirals weren't there in any official capacity. It'd be like any witness or friend of the accused suddenly showing up with guns to help - nevermind that they have military experience. And with all the crap Hetty has pulled, I wouldn't be surprised if Sam and Callen would be wary of the fact she tipped these guys off about what was happening.

    You beat me to saying it!

    Yes, Sam was a little less respectful than we are used to seeing but at the same time Hetty was pulling her 'puppet master' crap again and mixing civilians into the investigation. Why on earth couldn't she have said 'these guys used to work with him and have valuable insights. I'm bring them in, please cooperate.'

    I also think the push-back was due to having it acknowledged to them that Granger is gone and most likely dead by now. Emotions were running pretty high and on any other day, the admirals presence wouldn't have caused as much friction. Unfortunately it ran a little too close to 'your grumpy old cuss is gone, here are his replacements, deal.' I'm not saying that was actually said to the guys or that they even consciously thought it but emotionally I'm guessing the feeling was pretty close.

    I did like how the FBI agent so cheerfully refused to budge but at the same time was willing to cooperate with NCIS.

    I teared up along with Kensi about Granger walking her down the aisle. And I continue to be impressed with how her recovery storyline is being handled, acknowledging that while Deeks wasn't physically injured this whole thing did a have a huge impact on him. I'm so happy that not only did this show refuse to draw out the will-they, won't-they but that the resulting relationship is clearly between adults who may have their silly moments but don't act like over-emotional and uncommunicative teenagers. I out-grew WB/CW teen dramas a long time ago!

    • Love 2
  11. 42 minutes ago, rmontro said:

    What are they spending a lot of money on?  Howard seems to need Bernadette's permission to buy a stick of gum (I know families like that, by the way), and as has been said, the house they're living in should be free.  All they have to do is intentionally start investing/putting some money back, which is something they should have been doing all along anyway.

    Off the top of my head:

    Health Insurance for the baby

    Hospital bill from baby's birth

    Daycare for the baby

    Diapers and other supplies for the baby

    Car payment for the mini-van (and potentially increased insurance premiums)

    College fund for the baby

    It hasn't been said one way or the other, but in the US it is extremely common for maternity leave to be unpaid in part, if not in full. Basically your employer is just holding your job for you. Bernie might not have been getting her full paycheck for those 4 months and still has to pay her share of the health insurance premiums (ask me how I know! :-( ) Howard took time off too and that might not have been fully paid either.

    This is all on top of their existing bills: yes, a free house but there is still upkeep and property taxes (which most likely increased after the renovations as the value went up), homeowners insurance, the car payment on the car Howard bought a couple of years ago, existing student debt, health insurance, car insurance, retirement savings, etc....

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