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Posts posted by anna0852

  1. I do really appreciate the show's efforts with this story. And kudos to the writers! If this arc hasn't been planned out for years (I'd love to find out if it was or wasn't) then they did a heck of a job going back through their established continuity and history to pull this off.  The OSP team has massively overstepped bounds all over the place and for a long time now. I get that it's not out of malice but soon or later that was going to come back to bite them. I appreciate that fact being acknowledged. And really, who else but the CIA could muster these kinds of resources? I am choosing to believe that Joelle really didn't know what was going on, that she was just being used for information. And the girl has skills! Fooling Callen and the team for literally years is no small feat. 

    I'm also snickering to myself that ultimately this all comes back to Daniela's first maternity leave back in Season 5, which is why Kensi was sent to Afghanistan in the first place. The direction of the show might have been very different otherwise.

    I'm really dreading that we have to lose Granger but bringing in Chegwidden is a stroke of brilliance. A great way to maintain the character balance (as said by @mtmjr above) and maintain connections to the bigger universe that started with JAG.

    Until I'm proven wrong I'm choosing to believe that Sabatino was really pulling the strings here and set this whole thing in motion. I think (with no proof, just a theory) that he blames the OSP team for getting his partner Snyder killed back in Season 4, Wanted

    • Love 5
  2. I'm thinking Joelle was pretty backstopped. Probably legit trained as a teacher and recuited by the CIA after being hired at the school. Not something that's going to show up in a background check. And its not like Michelle knows every single agent. She left the Agency after having kids and she doesn't have reason to think her daughters teacher is an agent.

    • Love 1
  3. I don't think Joelle knew about the 'kill people' angle but was rather used for intel gathering on the team. Remember, she met Callen when Kensi was in Afghanistan and this whole mess was just starting. And her presence in the church was a delaying tactic. Now they have to figure out how she got there, how she ties in and if her cover is blown then that will cause even further delays. 

    I did think it was interesting to Deeks go instantly from 'ready to kill' back to 'goofy surfer' the second Kensi was safe.

    • Love 3
  4. Thoughts, so many thoughts!

    Granger isn't dead! But we know it's coming. I got the sense that it was Renee talking in the hospital room tonight, not Nell. There seemed to be a finality to that scene and a definite sense of sadness from her.

    So the sawzall got put to good use after all! That's a unique form of therapy Callen found there. Wasn't expecting Joelle to turn out to be a CIA but it did make sense the way they wrote it. Monitoring the bigwigs kids at her school and then able to seize the opportunity to monitor Callen when it came along. No wonder she was hooking up with him after they officially broke up. I'm really wishing Aunjanue Ellis wasn't on Quantico at the moment, cause it would have made a hell of a lot of sense for her to be there. At the very least I'm betting Michelle and Sam had an immediate 'did you know' conversation when he got home! 

    I was yelling a big 'hell yeah' at the screen when Deeks gave Hetty that well deserved Reason You Suck Speech. It's about time somebody outlined exactly how playing chess mistress was screwing with people's lives. I just wished she'd paid more attention. Deeks was definitely channeling his dark side tonight, even more than he did in Spoils of War back in Season Five. No hesitation on that double-tap at all. Plus wailing on Sabatino like that. Man, when he's pissed he's really pissed. Interesting that it's really only threatening Kensi that brings out that side of him. And Kensi shows that same streak when Deeks is threatened. 

    So proud of Kensi for not being damsel in distress but actively working to rescue herself from the get-go. I forgot how good she is at playing head games. I think she's ready to return to field work now.

    A couple of loose ends though: what happened to Detective Whiting? Is she dead? And why did Sharov/Balinski turn on the OSP team so easily? They popped him out of Russian jail, I would think that was worth a little hesitation to turn on them.

    So Sabatino is loose again. They must really like having Erik Palladino around, given that he goes back to a one-off guest shot back in Season Three (Granger's introductory episode, actually). They've really been going to the well for that character.

    I'm guessing Hetty's job offer to Chegwidden is how they will ultimately fill Granger's slot. I'm not looking forward to when we have to lose him but I do think it's rather brilliant to bring a character not from the parent show but the *grandparent show*. It's so easy to forget that NCIS started as a spin-off of JAG. Forget trying to get LA to have more crossover's with the Mothership, they'll just mine the Grandmother ship instead! I really hope we see more of Chegwidden, even if it's a guest role rather than Granger's full time part.

    And props to Eric, for not only getting the drop on the Admiral with the gun but working that tablet one-handed to verify his identity and that neat kneel down he did to retrieve the ID. Kept the gun on him the whole time!

    • Love 12
  5. On 2/17/2017 at 0:53 AM, kat165 said:

    Amy makes me sad. She had a relatively nice apt with a fairly large bedroom and living area and now she's stuck in that cramped box of an apt with Sheldon. They seemed to have made a few changes in the apt decor, but small things. It seems to be a very uncomfortable apt for 2 grownups.

    This was kind of a boring ep. I don't like the rock guy but did enjoy Sheldon's quip about him ("for a good time.."). I think it was the only time I laughed this ep. Still loathe Raj, such a jackass.

    Why sad?  Yes it's a smaller apartment but she knew the size when she agreed to move in and she had been living with Sheldon for awhile when she agreed to be permanent. In fact she was actively working to make it permanent. They're both at work all day and seem to be sharing the space very well. Amy clearly feels the smaller space is worth being able to live with the boyfriend she clearly cares a great deal for. And we've seen time and again that she does have boundaries and will enforce them. I'm expecting her to be furious about Sheldon being able to drive and I'm not going to be surprised if we get an episode with him being marched down to a car lot.

    I do think it's a nice bit of continuity that bit by bit, items are being swapped between 4A and 4B as Penny's stuff gets moved over and Amy/Sheldon get their stuff moved in. 

    • Love 4
  6. She did find out about the ring, back when Memaw visited. 


    Poor, sweet, clueless Sheldon. This episode really drove home for me how lacking his social skills are and how hard it is for him to recognize that fact. He genuinely doesn't get when he's speaking out of turn. I'm glad Amy pushes back and I hope she recognizes the effort he makes. None of this comes naturally to him and I think he's genuinely remorseful when he hurts someones feelings. 

    • Love 19
  7. I don't know the details but I have to think that there is some person that oversees all three shows (maybe the production company or something?) who could put a stop to it. I mean, someone had the bright idea to have Tony Dinozzo show up in LA last season so clearly cross-overs are possible. 

    And I'm not saying we need tons of cross-overs. But incorporating major plot points from one of the shows, when it affects all the others, should be happening. Mothership killed off the Secretary of the Navy a couple of seasons ago. That darned well should be getting a mention on LA, which costs Harmon et al nothing. And vice versa, when Granger dies and at this point that is a sad given, the Mothership might want to mention in passing that an Assistant Director was killed in the custody of LAPD. I would think Vance would have something to say about that. It's sloppy storytelling otherwise.

  8. Oh, good point about the flashbangs! Kensi will never hear the end of it if Eric uses them *again* for a good end. 

    I'm curious about how Deek's confession to Whiting is going to play out. I think she's going to die but they could always go for a winky nudge about her having memory loss.

    I do think Deeks and Kensi are going to end up married pretty soon thought, if nothing else so that she can't be subpoenaed to testify against him. Spousal privilege! 

    • Love 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Skyline said:

    Daisy debunked Rey Solo last year. 


    I'll believe that when the movie is actually released. I'm pretty sure that the studio wants to make Rey's parentage a Thing and they aren't going to let one of the very plausible options be debunked that early and casually. Daisy might have been *told* one thing but we all know now that Mark Hamill was told one thing in the Empire script and got *very* different instructions on the day.

  10. On 1/27/2017 at 9:41 AM, dusang said:

    As someone who has barely been able to make it through a 2-minute Daily Show clip since the election, 20 minutes of John might actually be too much for me right now.  I want him speaking, I just don't know if I'm emotionally prepared to listen to him.

    I'm with you. I love John and I love Samantha Bee but I'm having such a hard time watching because of the subject matter. Which sucks, because these are important stories and it's vital that we hear them.

    • Love 4
  11. I've recovered my wits somewhat:

    Loved how gobsmacked Whiting was in Ops, as the Team is doing their well-rehearsed Black Ops ninja stuff. "Who are you guys?"

    Did Hetty give IAB real info to get Deeks arrested or something fake-but-plausible-and-has-to-be-checked-out? Cause, as we've said before and were reminded of tonight: Deeks really did commit that crime and for the rest of his life, stands the chance of being charged for it. If Hetty gave real info and I'm Deeks, I'm not sure I'm able to trust her moving forward. That is one hell of a piece of blackmail.

    I'm not sure if Deeks is going to put a bullet in his head or if Kensi will snap his neck, either way Sullivan/Ferris is a dead man.

    How in the hell are Joelle and Chegwidden (he's from JAG, the almost forgotten parent show of the NCIS-verse) going to fit into this for the 3rd part?

    I'd really like to get more background on how Sharov was convinced to turn on them, given that his only contact with them was being busted out of a Russian prison last year. Not exactly something that should be pissing him off. That being said, I do get it with Sabatino. I think he's pissed about them interfering in Afghanistan 3 years ago not to mention how his partner got shot back in Season 4 on the OSP team's watch. I think this is his long-term revenge for that. How else to you explain him emailing Kensi a virus in Afghanistan, *before* the op that cost Ferris his leg? I'm starting to think the the CIA looks for 'grudge-holding' as an essential skill for new hires since they sure seem to be good at it. And once you have Sabatino cross paths with Ferris......

    A mention of Michelle having CIA contacts would have been nice, since I'm pretty sure that she's the one CIA employee the team will feel they could trust. I get the actress can't show up since she's full time on an ABC show (that air Sunday nights incidentally) but there really should have been a mention. 

  12. Wow.

    So, um, not Nate? I got that wrong.

    Is Daniela leaving the show? Cause if Kensi actually loses a foot, then her fieldwork days are done. 

    So all this time we've muttered about the *Los Angeles* office working outside their jurisdictions and it somehow being okay for them to go overseas, it turns out reality ensued and they *did* cause issues? That they have been causing collateral damage that came back to haunt them? That's.....shockingly well thought out. 

    Nice shout-outs to other characters. I don't think we heard about Rose the coroner since Season 4, plus good explanations about why Anna or Nate wouldn't be able to help them. Even a mention of looping in SecNav although I would think Director Vance needs a call as well.

    Hetty, the next time you need people to follow a particular protocol because you have a plan, freaking tell them! All she had to do was let Kensi know the guys were on ice for their own safety and the rest of them should not leave the office. 

    Do we really have to wait 3 freaking weeks to see how this ends? Cause at this point the only plot points to wrap up are: where is Kensi, notification of Granger's death (I'd say that a given, due to the circumstances) and Hetty's reinstatement (unless Linda is leaving the show). And the longer it takes to find Kensi, the more likely it is that she takes permanent damage. Both physically and mentally. Seriously, is Dani leaving and they've just kept it under wraps?

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