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Everything posted by PepperMonkey

  1. I remember the show about Chelsea has been on before, because I remember some discussion about it, but it's the first time I've seen it. Her friends were appalling. I'm sorry, but they LEFT without her? And one of them had her PHONE????? What the pixellated hell? cooksdelight, btw, thank you for the story about the lip sore: It was all I could see when they showed that guy LOL. Agree, what was that anyway? It almost looked like a boil or cyst of some kind... must have been painful.
  2. Yes, I noticed they didn't really call the slices "showstopper".... I'm missing having all three rounds of competition, too. But I really like these bakers. They're just as fun and nice as the UK and Aussie bakers. So happy for this!! Especially since I think it's a couple months until Masterchef (UK) The Professionals. :)
  3. ElectricBoogaloo, I haven't had a chance to watch this yet, so I'm reading your posts but I have to say this..... THESE are showstoppers? Am I just spoiled by how good some of the UK bakers are?? At any rate, will be watching the first two episodes over the weekend so I can get a feel for the Kiwi bakers.....
  4. Mr Monkey and I just finished a B99 binge because it's a couple months before the show's back. I hardly ever like romantic pairings on sitcoms, because they always seem so contrived, forced and ratings-focused. But I HEART Jake and Amy and love the way they seem like a real couple. The only thing that bothered me about the quickie wedding was that Jake and Amy didn't get their parents there, or Charles didn't, when he said give me half an hour. I'm thinking it didn't matter (?) because they were going to go to city hall, but it bugged me a little bit anyway. And I'm seriously wanting to get to know Amy's brothers. I mean, we had a whole episode devoted to one of Jake's half sisters. I LOVE Charles, but agree with Ceindreadh regarding the obsessiveness vis a vis Jake. That needs to be dialed back, more like when Charles first adopted Nikolaj and seemed to be slightly less invested in Jake, which was fine with me. They can still be best friends; I think it's interesting that they ARE bffs, because they are so different from each other. So in summation: keep giving us the Jake and Amy; more Holt, Kevin, and Cheddar the Dog; more of the minor players, from time to time. They're a great ensemble. I will miss Gina if she's NEVER on the show, so even though I know she said she's not going to be regular, I do hope she drops by from time to time. If she can be nice to Amy.
  5. I always enjoy watching this Apprentice because it reminds me that there are jerks in the UK as well. From watching the UK Masterchefs, GBBO, etc., they're always so much startlingly nicer than American contestants on our shows, that it's embarrassing. But here, on Apprentice UK, you can see that there are a-holes everywhere. As an American, it's reaffirming to see that. Meanwhile, I want to now see a project manager go home, please. I can think of a couple of times the PM should have gone when Lord Shugah sent home just a regular player; in fact - and please keep in mind I can't remember hardly anyone's name yet, except Keodie, and I'm not sure I'm spelling that correctly - but the PM for the winning team, with the piercing? I was surprised Sugar and the gang didn't give her a harder time about obviously trying to marginalize Keodie. And then she effed up with the sports equipment guy by only caring about cost. She's lucky they won the challenge, but not many of these guys are impressing me so far...
  6. My sable ferret's name was Gizmo and we called him Gizzy! :)
  7. There's no one that I actively, really hate this season except for Christian and Cleen - LOLOL!! Seriously, at least Nunez can finally get his pet, Cleen, a win, because you know that's where we're headed. Tiffer is probably the best one on the show, anyway, so even though he's connected to Cleen, the benefits are two-fold: maybe if Cleen finally gets a win, we'll be done with him, and the best artist (Tiffer) would have won, so victory. The artist that went home this week (is that Angel?)... I kept seeing Rachel Dratch doing an SNL sketch as a competitor on InkMaster so she was distracting for me. Sorry to see her go though because we're already down to only one woman left. I realize it's a male-dominated profession, but I have a hard time believing there are no good female artists out there. I mean, we've previously SEEN some on this very show.
  8. I don't care for Shonee, either, based on the laziness factor that we have both seen and heard about from herself, even. On the whole, I'd rather Shonee win than Benji, so winner, already??? Of the remaining four, I am still rooting for Shane, but I just don't see it happening, but I DO believe that if Shonee is final two with either Shane or Sharn, she may not have a chance. Brian against Shonee, though, Shonee would probably take it. I don't like that her "occupation" is pro skater's wife... i mean why not just stay at home mom or housewife, or, if she has a career or job, whatever her career IS instead of "hanger on." Maybe that's an American thing, sorry; so it could just be me feeling that way. Also, yeah, the "so far I haven't done anything" and then later on, after merge, when she and Fenella were upset because someone didn't cook breakfast for them... come ON. I'm actually not watching the show at all anymore, just the last couple minutes to see who is eliminated, so thank you all for coming here to post so I kind of know what's still going on. Shout out to TVbitch !!!!
  9. I think it was a "courtesy" that they let her talk with her son by herself and without recording it, because I think they maybe thought that, as a corrections officer, she might decide to convince him to do the right thing. My theory is that he DID tell her he did it, and then at the trial she decided to tell that and spin it with, but he said it was an accident. Look, I don't hate her or anything... law enforcement was stupid, possibly, to think that her being a CO would override her being a mother. On the other hand, his dad bugged the shite out of me: the text "have you got the money yet" and then I couldn't see the entirety of Isaiah's reply, but it was something to the effect of "...she or her..." which I interpreted as the victim (Sorry, her name is escaping me)... and yet his father was okay that he was borrowing money from a young girl who was both going to school and working herself, so that he (the father) could have HIS money back. Meanwhile, the guy owed her $600 and had already stolen another $300 from her. Whatever was going on with the kid/former boyfriend, it's clear he had rounded the corner away from good kid. If dad was putting the screws to him, I do not think it's that far a stretch to have resorted to murder, especially if he probably asked her if he could borrow more money and she either said she couldn't afford to lend him any or just said no outright. The blue towel was a pretty good coincidence, not to mention his friend who knew something was not right... the missing gun, all the money borrowed, thefts... I know that does not add up to murder, but yeah, I think they got the right guy, too. Won't be surprised if he does get another trial, though... ETA: Agreed, WalnutQueen ... there is no way I would talk to the police either. Am always shocked when people continue to talk with them, in fact. Let them work the case to the best of their ability, but don't let them lie to and intimidate you into something. You have the absolute right not to incriminate yourself.
  10. YES, TVbitch !!! I am watching Celebrity right now. I meant as far as Australian reality shows. I tried watching The Block and couldn't get into it. And I really liked this Survivor, at first. :)
  11. I guess I can say it now: Aw, Steve... I kind of enjoyed his calm stoicism. They're letting Shonee run things like they did Benji before; or that is how it appears to me. I'm actually surprised the Champions haven't banded together to get rid of the last two Contenders, but Brian may think or realize he can't win against Shane or Sharn (with the jury, I mean)... I don't know. Thank the tv gods this is almost over... I can't quite quit it but I'm not interested enough the past few weeks to watch anything but the last few minutes.
  12. Re: A Deal with the Devil... I don't know about anyone else, but for some reason, it totally chaps my ass when cops and then even FBI agents talk about how a serial killer is the most intelligent person with whom they've ever come in contact. Like, even if he IS, don't say it because you know that self-centered asshole is just eating that shit up if he's watching it in prison. For me, the serial killer-ness overrides the intelligence to the point intelligence should not ever be mentioned again in conjunction with that person. Kaysi's mother bugged the heck out of me also, but it started for me when they talked to her the first time and she started THEN voicing all her concerns, like her freaking daughter had been missing for months, jerkwad was unaccounted for for days but she never contacts the police or even her ex-husband, the girl's FATHER, to voice any of this until they drag her in. Unless she's brain dead, she had to be suspicious for years, if not months, at least, but never said anything. And if she "worked" at the "ranch", how could she not know what was going on with funds, money and from whence they came?? I didn't buy her grief one bit.. and like most of you, I was actually kind of incensed when she told him she forgives him because she knows Kaysi would have forgiven him. Like how do you know? You were going to drag her to the police station on his insistence that she was using again, when she told you she was NOT, and she hadn't been for a while. UGH. Re: Jonestown. This was actually on not too long ago, and I, too, was a teenager when it happened, but I remember having nightmares for a while. I was also a big fan of Leo Ryan's because, for some reason, I was interested in California politics, and they had all the best liberals, back in the day. Jim Jones was NOT a "socialist"... he was pretending to be a socialist but he was a delusional megalomaniac who thought he was god.
  13. ah lol!! That's what I get for watching 2 minutes of it!! Thank you, TVbitch !!! The good news is: ...only 8 months until Masterchef Australia...!!!
  14. Once again I FF'd to the end to see who went home - YAY. Honestly, though, I seriously don't care who wins now although I would prefer it NOT be Shonee, mainly because of the comment previously when she stated she had gotten by without really ever having to DO anything. Also, she doesn't seem to know many two- or greater - syllable words. Guess it wouldn't bother me too awfully if PG wins, because I'm so meh about the people who are left. Still... Team SHANE!
  15. Didn't watch it... Mat went home. Benji continues to roll over everyone else who still remains. I guess the other person who will be standing with him, at the end, is hoping the jury will vote anyone but Benji... is that how the jury works? I'm bored beyond belief, but I'll check back in a couple weeks to see what's happening. Team SHANE!
  16. I want "Rahul encountering pheasants" to be the wallpaper of my life.
  17. Welp, I shoulda just kept my mouth shut because as soon as I said Sam has become my favourite Champ, he was sent home. Bah. I don't care who wins as long as it's not Benji. I was rooting for Mat, but he was kind of toolish, so meh.
  18. I don't know, TVbitch, I am still only fast forwarding to the end and seeing who gets sent home. I'm still invested enough to see who wins, but not interested enough to watch an almost hour long episode twice a week. Am I the only one who cannot stand Benji? He is just totally gross to me, made worse by when he ate over the plate of nachos and then dug around in them with his filthy hands, which I kind of get because they can't exactly be super sanitary there in those conditions, and there WAS an immunity idol clue there, but just g r o s s, anyway. I don't have as much of a problem with him "playing the game" but I just don't like him period, so I'll be super pissed off if he pulls out a win. I'm worried about it because they had the voiceover about "get ready for the greatest end game ever seen on Australian Survivor" and I can't think who it might be unless Shonee, Fenella or Brian pull something out of their ass/hat here at the end. I'm kind of glad there's a jury, I guess, having not ever watched Survivor ever, until this series, this season, but would Robbie know at the point of the jury that Benji "betrayed" him? I kind of appreciated that Mat let Lydia know he "betrayed" her and said sorry, mate. Guess some don't like Mat, but I am kind of fond of him after getting to know him a little bit through this show. Sam has become my favourite Champion, while Fenella firmly remains my favourite Contender.
  19. Today I did my new trick of ff'ing to the end to see who goes home and I had to actually back it up and watch the episode to see what happened. It makes sense that they would want to get rid of strong contestants, now that they are in individual challenges, but I really thought they might try to clear out Robbie and Benji first. I think they still could have gotten Lydia out after that, but it might have been harder for them to "betray" her if she had been back with the tribe for a couple weeks. I do agree, though: I don't think there is any of them that could have beaten her at any kind of endurance test. If I were Champs, though, I would seriously start working on whittling away the Contenders, before the champs decide to turn on each other, which I know is inevitable and natural, since there's only one sole survivor. Ready for Shane to stop saying "Don't fuck with Shane Gould" because I'm not sure who HAS been fucking with her OR does she mean it as a warning going forward? That was a pretty devious and interesting move she made; and to turn Mat against Lydia was kind of a feat. Although he DID say the camaraderie between Lydia and the Contender boys was making him question her loyalty, although I don't know why, because I honestly think she was just trying to survive to get to the merger. And they could have easily targeted her and Sharn, but they didn't. So... because I have not been watching entire shows, I had no idea Benji got an immunity idol. And Mat DOES still have the idol Moana gave him to keep for her. I had wondered if he could keep that and use it, if need be. I mean, it seems like it would be fair game to do so. Kind of interested to see to what Benji was referring when he said the champions have no idea what's coming for them. I hope it's just empty bluster, because I don't care for him.
  20. Bored of this now; I'm just FF'ing and watching tribal council and even that is not riveting, ALTHOUGH I'm not spoiled to all the pre council machinations so I have no idea who's going home. That's about the only positive thing I have left to say. Tired of Lydia and Robbie/Rob. Benji can go home last week.
  21. BK1978, yeah, you are right about Lydia... she's beginning to grate on me. Totally agree on Fenella too: in the challenge with coconut baskets, she was amazingly strong. I have to admit, I didn't watch the whole episode because I'm kind of bored by them all a bit, now, but I'm invested enough to want to hang and see who ultimately wins. Also, summer teevee is a doldrums in the states, so it's pretty much this and Celebrity Masterchef UK going on for me right now. I liked Tegan, however, I could not believe they were trying to give her yet another chance to stay. Wouldn't have minded if she hadn't been voted out, but once she was, and for the second time, I'm actually kind of glad they didn't vote to save her. If Champs are on the block again next Monday, I'm hoping Shonee goes next because I never liked her but her attitude is bugging me worse and worse. I don't know why; it's a competition and there's ultimately only going to be one winner, but Shonee, unless something changes drastically, would be my next choice out over even Benji, who I've disliked ever since Nacho Gate.
  22. Yay, Jackie is gone, finally... actually wasn't minding her so much the past coupla weeks, but then I realized it's only because the Champs were't on the chopping block, so she didn't need to machinate behind the scenes. Can't really figure out Brian; the Jackie alliance surprised me. Wonder why Mat, Steve and Samuel haven't tried to bring him in to their alliance? Guess everyone doesn't just like everyone; they have to have a reason for the liking. Lydia is super strong and I was not surprised the Contenders won, what with her and Robbie being paired for the cube hold. Shane and Shonee did an awesome job, though; the woman is 61 or 62 (?) ffs, and look at the leg strength. For the first time in a few shows, I'm a bit worried about a couple of my favorites. I hope Mat and Sam are safe; also okay with Lydia and Tegan being around for a much longer time. There are actually more than a few people I like, and only a couple that I don't really care for: Benji and Shonee being two of them. When Shonee actually bragged about being there for 25 days and practically doing nothing the whole time, I was thinking, wow, I wish everyone else could see her making those comments. She made up for it a tiny bit with her performance in the immunity challenge, but not enough that I'd like to see her stay around for the long haul.
  23. Okay, so I read where WB is shopping the show, hoping for a third season, which is jake with me. I hope they find someone to pick it up; this and Brooklyn Nine-nine are my favorite network comedies. I didn't like this season as much as the Lithgow season either. Kristen Chenowith (spelling?) creeps me out. I'm sorry to say that, but she always has, even though I recognize that many people think she's an amazing singer. But if this was to be the final season, I will miss this show and Josh, Dwayne, Ann, and Carol Anne Keane. I was glad the baby wasn't Josh's but he's so sweet he might decide he wants to marry her and raise the baby, anyway. I really like them as a love to hate each other couple, though.
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