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Posts posted by ribboninthesky1

  1. 18 hours ago, Raja said:

    The strange family with Mel and another as yet not shown brother in the armed services yet those two seemed shocked that Mel learned how to shoot in the military

    I was confused for a bit while watching because I thought the brother we saw was the one in the military. Should have been paying closer attention, I guess.  

    I thought it was strange that Harry didn't call Robyn when Mel didn't return home overnight and wasn't responding to calls or texts. Their relationship is so odd to me, as the actors just do not sell "husband and wife" in their scenes together.  It has improved since season one, but not by much.  I've sometimes wondered how/if the actors get along behind the scenes.  

    I'm okay with the case of the week stuff, along as there are no fight scenes.  Love her to pieces, but Queen Latifah is terrible at fight choreography, at least on this show. 

    As for the family dynamics, the personal and professional lines have been blurred for awhile now.  Robyn is finally catching on.      

    • Like 2
  2. 7 hours ago, Raja said:

    Why with the FBI running cover for him? It seemed like an odd way just to end the story, it reminded me of Third Watch where they wrote Sergeant Cruz into a box but then decided to center much of the show around her the next season so the magic FBI informant angle came up.  I guess the payoff was that a live person was finally fed to his dog.

    Speaking of, why would the FBI be fine with him murdering people?  I'm sure we're not meant to think too deeply on this.  Still, it's one thing to have a henchman do his dirty work, but he's responsible for the dog. Not to mention the almost murder of Teddy.  In any case, the "he's an FBI informant" felt like an unnecessary deus ex machina.  Because surely the FBI would have caught wind of the NYPD undercover op? Murphy is not a character I want to see again. 

    Also, I rolled my eyes at Stabler threatening him.  Assuming he goes through with the threat, it's no different than Bell taking him out.  

    • Like 2
  3. I acknowledge that Liz really stepped up and was there for Alice when Jimmy was...Jimmying.  And yet, she annoys me immensely.  I've never had strong feelings against Christa Miller as an actress, but she's not working for me in this.  When Gabby, Brian, and Liz went for the walk, and Brian blurted out, "And why is Liz here?" I was like, "Exactly! Please go kick those rocks you love so much."  I can't remember the last time a character got on my last nerve so quickly in a show.  Derek can stay.    

    And on a lighter note of annoyance, I'm also over Sean.  I guess I missed the show establishing his age, as I thought it was super weird that he cajoled Alice to skip school so he could vent.  The actor presents as late 20s, so Sean is coming off super immature to me.  Plus, he's staying at Jimmy's presumably rent-free and could stand to be a TAD more gracious.  I know Jimmy is a lot and should never have crossed that boundary, but no one forced him to move in, either. 

    I think this was the first episode we saw Gabby interacting with patients?  

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  4. Ayanna looked stunning in that blue dress at the top of the episode.  

    Otherwise, nothing of consequence seemed to happen. Jamie getting pissy with Bobby while chasing down Teddy was odd.  He could go right along with Jet, and I wouldn't miss him. 

    And while I wasn't invested in the dead partner case (mostly because of the weak writing), I thought Danielle Moné Truitt did a good job with what she was given. 

    I'm so tired of Jet. 

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

    My mama used to fry salmon patties, and I cook them occasionally now.  Sometimes they taste good; sometimes they taste nasty. 😅

    Ha! I remember it being a toss up - it's why I never cooked them as an adult.

    5 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

    That firefighter really rocked his scenes.  I loved his deflated look when Melissa was talking about the metal and not him.  Firefighters are well regarded, and he was kinda bald head cute, so surely he can get some love somewhere.  🥰

    And he just wanted to be loved for himself, not the truck.  Bless his heart, I am rooting for him. 😍

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  6. 6 hours ago, LydiaMoon1 said:

    Jacob tried to give away those carrot cookies to the very end. Turns out, they were good (according to Melissa). I don't believe her.

    I was also skeptical! "Probiotic" and "cookies" should never be mentioned together! 'Tis sacrilege. 

    Also, those cookies reminded me of the salmon patties my mama used to fry up, and that's not the visual to go for! 

    Shout out to the bald firefighter - he did a lot with his scenes. The way he physically deflated after Melissa's "Would you look at this big hunk of.....metal" spiel had me rolling.  


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  7. 19 hours ago, AngieBee1 said:

    She's had this face and slurring even when she appeared on SCRUBS.

    Really? I don't remember that.  Then again, it's been a long time since I've seen SCRUBS. 

    2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    I didn't know this was a Bill Lawrence show until just now. It's good, but comparing it to Ted Lasso (or Scrubs or Cougar Town) is like apples and oranges. Totally different stories. I like it though. I don't feel compelled to say I like one better than the other. I think this one is more pithy given the premise. 

    I mentioned Ted Lasso because it was mentioned by others, and they're both on Apple TV. The shows are both dramedies, so it's not off base to compare them.   

  8. On 1/31/2023 at 8:10 PM, scarynikki12 said:

    SIGH. That little shit could be written amazingly and played wonderfully and I will still hate him. I'd rather watch Bruce being a father to Dick, Jason, and Tim. Damian sucks so much.

    It warms my heart to know that others loathe Damian as much as I do.  

    James Gunn's directorial style is not my cup of tea (I've never been able to get through GOTG or his version of Suicide Squad). So when I read he was tapped to head DC Comics, I wasn't interested.  I've primarily been interested in DC Comics via the animated universe and some of the live action productions. Thus, I'm unfamiliar with several of those lesser known titles and characters. Guess the true comics fans can enjoy those. 

    On 1/31/2023 at 2:51 PM, Dani said:

    This worries me coming from a studio who has struggled to make any decent movies with the “diamond characters”. 

    I feel the same.  I think the time for DC Filmverse has largely passed.  Marvel has been outselling at the box office and a media darling for the past 10+ years.  Plus, all the BTS scenes stuff with Time Warner/WB being bounced around with poor leadership. 

    I'm kind of interested in Amanda Waller, but won't get my hopes up. 

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  9. On 2/4/2023 at 8:51 PM, Empress1 said:

    When I tell you I HOWLED at “Eat a dick, Pam!”

    Liz' husband is hilarious.  And yet, I feel kind of bad for him because he's trying to connect with her, but she's too caught up in in Jimmy and Alice's life. 

    On 1/31/2023 at 9:42 AM, pasdetrois said:

    I'm distracted by Christa Miller's presumed fillers and Botox. Occasionally she slurs her words.

    Yeah, I don't know if she recently had something done and it hadn't settled when they filmed the show.  Compared to Wendy Malick, who either has a better routine, great genes, or combo thereof.  

    I prefer this over Ted Lasso so far.  The show isn't pulling any punches about Jimmy being a bad parent, friend, and therapist despite his grief.  

    • Like 3
  10. 19 hours ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

    It’s quite silly that Seamus never realized how clingy Juliet is in the very early stage of their relationship

    I was like....didn't they meet just a day or two ago? Seamus is a handsome guy, surely she can't be the first attractive woman he's ever met. What's with all of the lovey dovey stuff?

    But hey, I've already mentioned how much I dislike Jet.  I find the actress to be bland.  She seems to have only 1-2 facial expressions, mostly of the "let me open my eyes widely to convey emotion or sarcasm" variety. I will say I agreed with Jet about "Stabler has done worse."  But hey, dem's the breaks. 

    On 2/3/2023 at 6:58 AM, Route66 said:

    A highly trained dog like that isn't going to stop eating because Eliott tells him.

    I wondered about that, as it didn't seem realistic. 

    I like Ayanna, but I'm more interested in her acrimonious relationship with the Inspector General guy or whatever his title is.  I don't care about the former partner case.  

    On 2/3/2023 at 6:58 AM, Route66 said:

    Bell reveals to Jett that Murphy killed "her partner". Jett then refers to him as "Jennings". How does she know his name?

    Ayanna says his name in that conversation.  I was more curious how Jet knew where Ayanna lived.  I know Stabler's been over there before, but I didn't get the sense that she connected with anyone else on the team in that way. 

    • Like 2
  11. This is the only L&O show I've ever watched regularly.  And I am continuously amused at Stabler being undercover.  Even aside from the decades he was on the force before joining this team, he's definitely done enough "organized crime" undercover work for someone to recognize him. I get that NYC is densely populated, but come on. It is so ridiculous. At least Reyes tries to change up his look.

    2 hours ago, Route66 said:

    A few episodes ago, we saw Reyes having been raised in foster care and now he has close family.

    I thought the woman was his wife's aunt, not his? She appears to be estranged from his wife, since apparently she's never met their children? Or maybe they've kept their distance since he became a cop? Not sure how long he and the wife have been together. 

    I thought it was more strange that she was his CI - I didn't think cops could enlist extended family members like that. 

    Jet has been my least favorite cast member (which is saying something because Stabler is annoying), and yet she's the only one besides Ayanna who has remained across all seasons.  Sigh.   

    I'm mildly obsessed with Ayanna's braids.  Whoever the actress uses as her stylist is on point. 

    • Like 4
  12. The show seems a bit disjointed, but the episode switch wasn't the problem for me.  I've not read the books, so my perspective is just based on what's aired to date.  It feels like the show wants to toe-dip into trauma because of the source material but not! too! much! Just enough to keep it quirky. I keep wondering how Angie is still employed, but I am pretty sure I shouldn't be wondering about her addiction.  Or wondering how Will has made it this far in his career without having to write or type up and review reports.    

    The way Faith's diabetes was introduced was...abrupt.  But I appreciated that Will was trying to look out for her. 

    I'm ambivalent about Ormewood because he's more caricature than character.   

    Anyway, it's still early days and time for the show to find its footing. 

    3 hours ago, catrice2 said:

    I do, however, wonder why they only have him using an accent?  That seems out of place. 

    I think Rodriguez is a producer, so I wonder if it's a choice he made rather than the showrunners?

    It's interesting, I've been thinking that Sonja Sohn sounds...southern-y.  I looked her up, and she grew up in Virginia.  She was also born in Georgia, but on a military base so not sure if her father was a Georgia native.    

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  13. On 1/22/2023 at 9:54 PM, DearEvette said:

    As much as I appreciate the comic relief of the B-plot with Angie and Ormewood and their triplets, I kinda wish the show had just stayed with the A plot alone.  It as a great plot with a nice twist but it felt rushed. 

    Agreed.  I liked the sheriff and her bonding with Faith. I wasn't too surprised by the twist, but I was still hoping the sheriff might be a character that might pop up now and again in future episodes.

    Once the twist was revealed, I was kinda hoping Josie got away with it.  White people (men especially) have been murdering black people with impunity in the US for a long time, so I'm perfectly fine with someone taking revenge for direct, physical harm.  I wish she would have left Faith handcuffed elsewhere, dispatched the final killer, and made her escape.  The show had no problem handwaving Mark-Paul's character shooting the man who kidnapped his daughter.  Not sure why this plot had to end as it did, even if it was true to the books.    

    I like Angie well enough, but agree with her sponsor that her relationship with Will is codependent.  On the one hand, I appreciate that they have a shared past, know each other, and are actually friends.  On the other, not looking forward to a bunch of will they/won't they for the sake of drama.    

    I'm kind of...eh on Will, mostly because he comes off rather immature in relation to and condescending to Faith at times.  I'm from Georgia, live in Atlanta, and I don't know what the hell kind of accent Rodriguez is going for.  Good thing he's handsome.         

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  14. I'm...not sure what to say about this season.  It started off pretty good for me, and this started veering off-course right around dumb Clara getting kidnapped.  I was curious how Harriet eventually ended up working with Chava, and of all the flashbacks, that's one that was entirely relevant to this season. Unless I missed it.  There was the flashback of how they met, but nothing else beyond that. 

    Jonah and Meyer could have been largely absent this season, and I wouldn't have missed either character nor do I think the story would have been adversely impacted.  There were much more interesting things to flesh out if they wanted to: aforementioned Harriet/Chava partnership, flashbacks with Georges (RIP, handsome) and Zev and the others mentioned but not shown, why Joe was taken and brainwashed, how Roxy got into counterfeiting, how Travis broke out of prison, details of the botched Spain incident, etc. 

    I remember wondering if Meyer was actually the one who killed Ruth in the first season, so I wasn't surprised that he made the call that led to her death.  Doesn't really explain why he then chose to take Jonah under his wing, but whatever. 




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  15. I watched the first season, and generally agreed with the complaints about the show.  I think season 2 has better pacing so far, although I'm not a fan of the Meyer flashbacks.  I think I understand they're trying to round out the story, but I think the flashbacks would have been better served in the first season, minus the revelation that Meyer = The Wolf.

    Also, this episode confirmed Jonah wasn't needed in this season at all, really.  He oscillated between annoying and insufferable last season, and I've zero interest in his love life or his nosy, intrusive fiancée.  Maybe I'll feel differently after watching the rest of the season.     

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  16. 3 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    The landlord story line was funny, but I'm pretty sure that Nolan was not permitted to go in his police uniform on work time to try to collect rent.  He can't misuse the badge that way.

    I was wondering about that.  

    I have no real issues with Bailey.  Of the two, I find Nolan far more annoying.  

    1 hour ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

    Hey, it’s Drew Fuller from Charmed and Army Wives!

    Thank you for this.  I was racking my brain trying to remember where I knew the actor from. Never watched Army Wives, so Charmed.  Which was....a long damn time ago, my goodness. 

    I thought it would have been more interesting to see Bradford struggling with how to manage the Little League team and learning to find balance on his own.  But then super-Chen wouldn't have been able to fly in and take charge!

    The varying perspectives on the nature of evil was the best part of the episode for me.  There are no easy answers, and police definitely see the worst side of humanity (often within its ranks). 

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  17. @shapeshifter, thanks for the (kind of hilarious) spoiler! Saved me some time.   

    7 hours ago, Snapdragon said:

    Why have Angela and Iceman (can't remember the character's name right now so I'm going with his X-Men character...who might actually have been played by his twin brother. , now that I think about it.  Never sure with those two) never discussed how many kids they want or how far apart they'd like the spacing? 

    You took it all the way back to X-Men! I think you have the right twin - his brother has a fuller face, if I recall. I just realized I used the actress' last name (Diaz) instead of Lopez in an earlier post, so can relate to the name mix-ups. 

    Anyway, yes, you would think they would have already had a discussion about the number of kids.  Totally understand why Angela wants to postpone, but why not make make that clear before you get pregnant or (at least) while you're pregnant with the first? I'm unfair for putting the onus on her, but given she bears the physical burden and risks of pregnancy, it's on her to set the boundaries, IMO. Her body, her responsibility. 

    7 hours ago, Snapdragon said:

    And what was with the awkward declaration that Chen made about how she wasn't planning on sleeping with Bradford right away?  I mean, we're most of us assuming that they weren't just going to jump into bed together?  Don't know why they had to write dialogue about that.  

    Which made her quip about the grandkids on the very next date even more ridiculous.  Taken alone, it would have just been fun flirting.  But her "no-sex, take things slow" declaration the night before made her seem fickle. But hey, I barely tolerate Chen.  

    2 hours ago, domina89 said:

    I think the writers are just waiting for an appropriate time to bring it up again- probably right at the point when Lucy and Tim are hitting a nice groove in their relationship.  

    I don't know...I feel like the show has forgotten about them.  Or at least, they want the viewers to do so, given the last of chemistry between the actors.      

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  18. 36 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    Why is the Scorpio astrological sign (Aaron's sign) considered a deal breaker when seeking a romantic partner?

    As a Scorpio, I was highly offended! Not really, as my astrology knowledge is minimal so I have no idea why Scorpios make questionable romantic partners. 

    That said, it was very interesting to see the show's perspective shift on workplace relationships from the first season.  

    I'm not invested in Chenford, but I thought they seemed more relaxed and natural on the 2nd date (1st date, take 2?).  I thought Bradford hated fancy-ish restaurants, so I didn't understand why they went to one.  

    I love the bond between Harper and Diaz (best part of the season), although I question the wisdom of asking another cop to be the godparent of your child. But there was plenty of implausibility to go around, and this was the least of it. 

    I've no interest in Rookie: FBI edition.  Still, I'm kind of curious what happens to the black woman as the last of bank robber trio still standing and apparent mastermind. 

    • Like 6
  19. 21 hours ago, Dani said:

    I have a question for someone with knowledge of the finance than me. Did the plot about using the insurance money to clean the money from the bonds make any sense at all? If the entire point of the bearer bonds is that they didn’t have to be registered why would the money need to be cleaned. Why launder the money you have already laundered? 

    I am not a finance person.  My interpretation: they file insurance claims against the stolen bonds and get their money back without having to worry about the thieves or further security of the bonds themselves.  And since the bonds were unregistered, they could still be cashed in by Hannah? Without fear of reprisal? I think? 

    I wasn't surprised about Hannah's plan - I assumed the bonds were in those FedEx boxes as soon as we saw the random FedEx guy carrying boxes out the next morning. I thought Leo/Ray was in on that part of the plan because Bob was a loose cannon and he wanted to ensure everyone got their cut.  The one thing I didn't get about Hannah's plan was she supposedly saved his life by taking the bonds herself, but just assumed anyone on Ray's team wouldn't kill him for not getting their cut.  

    I appreciate Stan being a foodie, but otherwise, I really had no idea why he was chosen for the team.  At least everyone else had a clear purpose, but he was as dumb as Bob.  More likable for sure (at least he was loyal to Ray), but just as dumb.   


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  20. I didn't know anything about the shuffled order of the episodes until I started watching. My order was:

    • Yellow
    • Green
    • Orange
    • Violet
    • Blue
    • Red
    • Pink
    • White

    Which differed from the the Vulture-recommended order in that Violet and Green were switched.  Since I was pretty close to the "ideal" order, it worked for me.  Red was probably the weakest episode for me because it felt the most gimmicky, unnatural.  

    The more interesting aspect of the series was no happy ending for anyone, really.  Not even Hannah, although I know I should think otherwise.


  21. I've not read Tom Clancy's novels, but even I was wondering why it seemed to be only Jack and Greer in the mix.  Wright was kind of an interesting foil, but got sidelined halfway through.  November just seemed to be around for quips and "comic relief." 

    It's been three years since season 2, and I barely remember anything of it beyond Ryan being annoying.  At least the show was consistent in that regard.  I appreciate shortened seasons in this era of streaming, but this one felt like it could have been wrapped up in six episodes.  Also, I spent more time chuckling at the absurdity of the writing and dialogue than I should have given that WWIII at stake.     

    I appreciated the cinematography and the eye candy via some of the handsome male actors I've never seen before. It started off well enough, but went downhill quickly.  Once I saw poor Krasinski struggling to run around the city in skinny jeans to the Czech president traveling around all tarnation with little to no security, it got increasing funnier.  

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  22. I know I'm supposed to suspend disbelief, but I can't get past a European head of state being missing for several hours and the apparent lack of response from the Czech government until the morning?  I get it, tall dark and handsome was head of security, but wouldn't there be security check-ins? A protocol when no one heard from him? And why did it take all night for Greer to arrive? It was unintentionally hilarious.   


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  23. I had super low expectations - the trailer seemed boring when I watched many months ago.  I only watched it because I have HBOMax.  I was pleasantly surprised and entertained for about 2/3 of the film.  However, by the time Ishmael was revealed as alive AGAIN, it really started to drag. Film could have ended with him (Black Adam) imprisoned, really, and wouldn't have lost anything. 

    I agree with others on Pierce Brosnan - he was great.  

    I completely disagree with others on Aldris Hodge - he was borderline terrible. And I didn't even get to see him shirtless! *boo*

    I was familiar with Sarah Shahi from TV, and this is the first role where I liked a character she played.  

    Dwayne Johnson wasn't bad, but the writing did him no favors.  

    The Cavill cameo as Superman was bittersweet, given what we know now.  

    All told, it was entertaining for a film I got to see from my comfy couch and no extra cost (I get HBOMax as part of my grandfathered AT&T Fiber service, so it's not a separate paid subscription).

    • Like 1
  24. 10 hours ago, jabRI said:

    She cheated.  THen Eva tried to use that against Hen as proof she was a bad mother.

    Thank you for remembering! Maybe it wasn't in the flashback because it stopped after baby Denny, and the affair was later. 

    • Like 1
  25. 2 hours ago, DearEvette said:

    So we got a stealth HenRen Begins episode. 

    Not HenRen! Stealing this.

    2 hours ago, DearEvette said:

    Yup, love that Chim was their matchmaker and also their little busy-body meddler making sure they stay together. 

    Hen and Chim's convo after the 1st date was hilarious.  And he was so wrong for calling Karen with the "Hen is dead! Well, not really, but I needed to scare you back into her life!" spiel. He was all up in their business. 

    I don't know how the show did it, but baby Denny's facial expressions while sitting in his carrier were spot on. He really looked like, "You two seem new at this. So, um...am I gonna get a bottle or something...??"

    Also grateful that the medical school storyline is done. 

    Does anyone remember HenRen conflict from an earlier season where Hen supposedly cheated with Eva while they were together? Did I imagine this? It didn't come up in the flashback.

    When Athena showed up and said Toni called her, I wondered, "Who is Toni?" Totally forgot about Marsha Warfield's character since we haven't seen her in awhile. 

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