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Posts posted by ribboninthesky1

  1. 21 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

    Oh, and Angry Bobby is hawt.

    Yes, pissed off Bobby is a Bobby I am on board with.  I just wish that it was due to something like fatigue from working several 24 hour shifts.  Because I know first responders get tired of people's shit sometimes. 

    I shall miss the hotness that was Buck-with-a-clipboard. 

    I hope we hear about Maddie in a facility next episode, assuming there are no more scenes with her for awhile.

    I thought Eddie and Ana had chemistry, and yet I didn't care about the break-up.  Yes, he should have spoken up earlier.  OTOH, Ana knew that his panic attack was about her and didn't want to face it.  I don't know, I'm not feeling a lot of sympathy for her. Because if I realize a man is having a panic attack at the thought of being with me, I'm taking that as my cue to exit.  I would certainly NOT stay at his home and look after his son, blackout be damned.  Eddie could have figured out the child care situation on his own.  But mostly, this is just a writer's problem, because Eddie was all in last season.    

    2 hours ago, CoderLady said:

    I actually enjoyed the "I shot off his junk" conversation between Athena and Michael.

    And also, Athena was fighting for her life when she hot him.  I appreciated that she admitted it wasn't intentional, but had no regrets.  Because...exactly! 

    • Love 5
  2. Albert was barely around last season.  I assumed the previous season finale was setting him up to be more of a supporting character this season.  There's still time, I suppose, assuming the actor hasn't been cast in something else. 

  3. 58 minutes ago, marceline said:

    Lou's reaction to seeing Athena after he woke up was everything. Sasha Roiz acted his ass off without speaking a word.

    He did.  Hopefully, Lou living = more screen time. 

    I was 200% on Buck's side when he was concerned about what animals they would come into contact with.  I know the scenes were played for laughs, and it was funny.  Still, I think animals are anthropomorphized too much, so that colors my perspective. 

    Poor Maddie.  She is really struggling.  

    This multi-episode arc would have been a good time to showcase Albert being a firefighter.  Ah well. 

    Buck-with-a-clipboard is kind of hot.  

    • Love 3
  4. On 9/27/2021 at 8:29 AM, Angeleyes said:

    I’m sad they killed him off, but you could tell last season that the writers didn’t know what to do with his character now the arc of the racist and abusive TO was over. 

    I'd argue they never really knew what to do with Jackson, but it was particularly acute last season. 

    On 9/27/2021 at 12:14 PM, milkyaqua said:

    Apparently based on the show runners, the actor who played West, “What I can say is that Titus [Makin] was not coming back to the show,” Hawley told TVLine earlier this month, “so we needed to do the best that we could to honor the character who’s been so primally a part of the show.”  Whatever that means...  Frankly, I'd have preferred they get rid of Chen but that's probably just me.

    Not just you. Never been a Chen fan.  Too whiny.  It's why I never cared about Bradford/Chen.  Bradford would seem to benefit from someone who is self-reliant, confident, and not easily intimidated.  If there needs to be a pairing, Harper makes more sense.  But we all know that ain't happening. 

    It would be interesting to rotate rookies while keeping the seasoned TOs and Grey, but that ship sailed long ago. 

    4 hours ago, Zaffy said:

    I wonder if this is something that has to do with Fillion, maybe he asks for more serious stories (which he cannot support, sorry Nathan I like you, but you can't act drama to save your life).


    On 9/27/2021 at 1:01 PM, Gregg247 said:

    Anyone else find it ironic that Nolan was announced to now be a full-time cop, after having that 3 month addition to his rookie status due to going rogue, just as he, his boss, and all of his co-workers were about to go rogue?  Great lesson there, show!

    Right?  But I knew that would never last.  I remember calling this in the first episode of season 3:


    Nolan is the lead and "moral center" of the show.  There will never be a time when there are lasting consequences to his actions. [...] Even Sgt Grey's speech about Nolan's reprimand and no future beyond patrol officer will be rendered moot when the writers decide it's promotion time for Nolan. It is what it is.                 

     Still, that couldn't have waited for episode 2? 

  5. On 7/7/2021 at 8:57 AM, HouseofBeck said:

    Matthew seems to have two expressions—feral concern and feral rage. 

    I mean....this is hilarious and accurate.

    I binged the 2nd season during a free SundanceNow trial.  The fashion was the most interesting thing about the 1590s.  It took them FOREVER to time spin or whatever the hell back to the present in the last episode. I giggled a lot over Matthew's blood rage.  The Book of Life seems pointless for all of the focus on it. 

    I thought the modern day stuff was much more interesting.  

    I particularly appreciated the direct, angst-free relationship and actual chemistry between Marcus and Phoebe.  They meet, they like each other, he tells her the truth, she reasonably thinks he's unhinged, he gives her space and then tries again by providing evidence, she investigates, goes back to him, they reconcile, she's committed, he's committed.  I know this is based on books, but if I had a wish list and there had to be a lynchpin couple, Marcus and Phoebe are infinitely preferable.   

    Again, great production values, with so much potential for a good story.  I was sad about Emily's death because I liked the aunts, but they also had very little to do beyond Emily's repetitive "higher magic" spell that meant little beyond her hiding the page.     

    • Love 2
  6. On 9/3/2021 at 1:16 PM, Jillybean said:

    Wow. This show was well-done and kept me interested from one episodes to the next. But the catfishing? Is this really still a thing in 2021?

    Yeah, the catfishing is what really made this fall apart for me.  Not the catfishing itself necessarily, but the who and why.  It's one thing for a bored, lonely woman to pose as another woman online for attention.  But to pose as a man seeking female companionship? Eh. I can relate to ennui and loneliness, but there is absolutely a level of narcissism at play when you're catfishing people, especially as an adult.  I think film and media has misled the public about how narcissism manifests. It's not just the bombastic, delusions of grandeur, cult of personality stuff.   I think the quiet, "vulnerable" narcissist is more insidious in many ways, and the reach of the Internet makes them especially dangerous.


    22 hours ago, phoenics said:

    I think Sophie's demeanor - which is very reserved (she holds things in) tends to lead some to think she's emotionless and maybe that leads to people projecting the worst onto her and not giving her the benefit of the doubt.

    Agreed, although the writing did her no favors.  I had a lot of sympathy for her because Nick and his family were a powder keg of dysfunction that she's seemingly tolerated for years.  I actively disliked Pia the entire series, and the mother wasn't much better.   In my head, Sophie and her boys moved out of town ASAP, moved closer to her mother, and let the healing begin. 

    • Love 8
  7. 20 hours ago, Britneys Scrunchie said:

    The show is visually beautiful, glossy, well-edited, and beautifully scored, and yet…I wish I liked the series more than I do.

    Agreed.  I don't particularly care about any of the characters, although I did enjoy Delilah's exasperated "Fuck off, Tony" in this episode. But mostly I watch this because I'm kind of bored, there isn't much TV catching my interest, and the smoothie scenes make me want one (sans illegal drugs).  Oh, and the pretty scenery. 

    On 9/1/2021 at 11:51 AM, Nellise said:

    This show doesn't work in episodes like this. It's trying to tell 10 stories in 40 minutes so almost nothing happens and there's no forward movement. There's no beginning, middle, and end to these episodes, it's like we're watching the middle of a movie and get cut off. I'm still interested enough to finish it, but I'm going to wait till it's all released.

    In hindsight, maybe I would be more interested if I binged all episodes.  Watching the 1st 3 in short order piqued my interest, but the last 2 weeks, I've been like, "Wait, what happened last episode?" And I've no interest in rewatching any of it, so I'm halfway confused through bits and start scrolling on my phone in disinterest.  Shame, too, since there's a lot of talent on screen and they're doing their jobs.      

    • Love 1
  8. 10 hours ago, weightyghost said:

    Chris Pratt only knows how to be Chris Pratt, eh? His snarky comments/jokes were so out of place. 

    Of all the Chrises, his career has baffled me the most. I've been irrationally annoyed by him ever since Everwood. But my family wanted to watch this, and I was outvoted.

    Agreed that there was a lot of stupid going on.  This reminded me of another sci-fi/alien/time travelesque film with a dumb name - Edge of Tomorrow.  And yet, I really enjoyed EoT.  Tom Cruise is much better at selling a self-centered character as a protagonist. Emily Blunt was more convincing as a doomed, yet tough badass.  I wasn't the least bit invested in the family stuff. 

    Surprisingly, JK Simmons was quite the well-seasoned snack in his brief scenes.    

    I would have found this immensely more interesting if Edwin Hodge and Sam Richardson were the leads. 

    • Love 2
  9. Jaleesa! I wouldn't mind seeing Dawnn Lewis back again.  Athena might as well be a detective.  They could be partners! With Sasha Roiz too.  

    Seeing adorable Nia was a great surprise.

    11 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

    Nevertheless, stellar performance by Oliver Stark throughout the episode.

    He was great.  

    9 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

    Again I know there is a large group who dislike JLH but I actually like the idea of a postpartum story. 

    I like JLH.  I half expected Maddie to have a breakdown between Chim and Buck under sniper threat plus the postpartum depression. It will be interesting to see if the show really explores PPD.     

    Albert has been more or less sidelined this season, so making him a firefighter makes as much sense as anything else on the show.  

    I laughed out loud when Athena slow-motionally came through the fire to shoot the sniper. These 9-1-1 shows are already OTT, but that scene had me rolling. The sniper was a hottie and looked familiar.  Alas, his death was inevitable.  Nobody puts Bobby in a corner!    

    • LOL 7
    • Love 4
  10. I've always liked Delilah.  There was a shot of her and Robyn in the hospital, when she was leaning into her, that made me realize that the actress was good casting - she looks like she could be Latifah's daughter.  And I thought the actress held her own in this episode as well. 

    The last few episodes were off-kilter. I think that was because the attempt to put Marcus (did we know his 1st name before?) and Robyn at moral odds was clunky.   

    In other news, I hated Latifah's hair, heh. But I get it, no-nonsense ponytail when you're scorching the earth. 


    • Love 3
  11. I'm glad Vi knows about Robyn.  Leaving her in the dark never made sense, and the actresses are so good together.  The family scenes were the best part of the episode. I watch this on paramount plus, so I don't see the previews.  But I'm guessing next episode or so will put the family in peril.  They were having too much fun. 

    The ex-husband may also be former military, but not necessarily CIA.  I'd be tickled pink for the stunt cast to be someone like LL Cool J or Method Man. 

    Didn't care one whit about the case of the week.  I think Harry summed up my sentiment: "Why is it when you want to overthrow the government, you're only a patriot if you're white?" Terrorhubby should see the inside of a prison cell for a long time. 

    • Love 5
  12. On 5/18/2021 at 4:15 PM, possibilities said:

    I do think they ramped up the Bobby-Athena conflict really fast, but the issues they are fighting over have been there since the beginning, really. It's not out of character, it's just really sudden that it's come to a head. 

    I'm not even sure it's sudden, as you mention, the issues have always been there.  Maybe it's not fair, but I felt more sympathetic to Bobby's point of view.  I'm all for independence and self-reliance, and Athena and Michael's divorce was initially rough.   I've never been that invested in their marriage, and I have sometimes wondered why Athena got remarried so quickly.  Maybe Bobby jumped into the marriage because he got a ready made family, but didn't think through whether he and Athena were really compatible.  It feels like they could just be friends, and none of the relationships would change all that much.  Beyond Bobby not living with Athena, I guess. 

    8 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    I didn't know about the Eddie controversy until I read it here, and now I don't care what happens to him.


    I'm glad we got to see more of Hen's studies - seems like the show forgot about that aspect of her life for several episodes to haphazardly focus on the foster parent narrative. I definitely related to everything she and her mom conveyed about interacting with doctors. 

    • Love 2
  13. I quit the 1st season about 4 episodes in because Owen (and TK) annoyed me immensely.  Love Sierra McClain as Grace, but she and Judd weren't enough to keep me watching.  Gina Torres was the reason I tuned into season 2. She carried this episode in such an amazing way.  The ambient silence in her scenes was so much more powerful than overpowering music.     

    I just hope Charles was killed because the actor got cast in something else, and not because the showrunners/Rob want to eventually pair Owen and Tommy. Please no.  PLEASE.  


    • Love 5
  14. I've watched both seasons of the show, and it's so apparent that the wheels have fallen off the bus in this season.  I would be surprised if it's renewed.  Shame, too, since there was some great black talent behind and in front of the camera.  Spottiswood sounds like a real piece of work.  

    • Love 1
  15. 10 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    Actually, my friend's 23-year-old daughter took an apartment in Chicago so she could be near the school where she was working on an occupational therapy degree, and someone broke in through the balcony window. After that she kept it locked 24-7, but it would still be hella scary to have someone out there even trying to break in.

    I don't think that is a reason to avoid (non-1st floor) balconies altogether.  These days, it's reasonably simple to add additional security measures to deter crime (camera, high railings if the apartment doesn't provide it, etc).    

    I've lived in mostly first floor apartments as a young single woman living alone.  I've never had a break-in, but I also followed one of Athena's recommendations - finding places in low crime neighborhoods. Still, I totally get why some prefer to live on higher floors.  Nothing is full-proof.  I will always only be as safe as the inherent decency in the people around me. 

    We didn't hear if Athena recommended roommates, either, which to me is more reasonable than no balconies.  More cost-efficient, too. As long as it's not Layla!  😬

    1 hour ago, AheadofStraight said:

    I thought they were going to surprise us and have the kidnapper be Sue's son, specifically because she said in a recent episode that she didn't have kids. Thought that was why she was running up to the car. D'oh, I was totally wrong! Damn it, Jerry!

     That would have been quite the twist!  

  16. Agree with all on Sasha Roiz.  I looked him up in IMDB, thinking maybe he's cast in something else and not wholly available for this show.  That doesn't appear to be the case.  Roiz eye candy is always welcome!        

    23 hours ago, DearEvette said:

    Also, Mama Bear Athena creating an entire terms and conditions for May to read and sign.  LOL

    May's reaction to all that paperwork had me rolling. No 1st floor apartments seem reasonable.  No balconies - hope that one is negotiable.  May can't even sit outside, Athena? 😄

    23 hours ago, anna0852 said:

    Loved Athena rolling up on Buck and Taylor! 

     Never change, Athena! 

    Karen Malina White as the kidnapped woman's mother was a pleasant surprise. Of course Charmaine as mom would block in and hold her daughter's ex hostage with a bat!


    • Love 5
  17. I was into this episode until the end.  Two things bothered me:

    • I was okay with Robyn having a back-up plan if she couldn't talk serial killer down.  But to have Mel shoot to kill rather than disarm made zero sense.  
    • The show has demonstrated multiple times how adept Robyn is at reading people.  That she didn't consider the ramifications of killing said serial killer in Dante's home and NOT by Dante's gun also made zero sense.  That's just not something he can explain away.    

    I'm fine with Dante and Robyn being at odds, but the way the writers went about it was strange.  Don't completely undermine your lead character to get there.  It's one thing to skirt the law, but suddenly she's not clever enough to save Dante's life in a way that restores some level of trust from him?    

    • Love 6
  18. I preferred this episode to last week's. I watch the 911 Lonestar episodes only bc of Gina Torres and Sierra McClain, but something about the way THIS cast (main and supporting) interact together just works for me, even when the writing is absurd.  There were plenty of tears from me watching, particularly the black mother/daughter scenes - the guest stars and Athena/May. 

    I really like Hen and Chim's friendship, so it was nice to see a wee bit of their bond in this episode.  I know nothing about being foster parents, so I didn't have a strong opinion beyond it felt like the writers wanted to give Hen a super dramatic storyline.  The Nia actress is a treasure, it's too bad we won't be seeing her anymore.  Jee-Yun is super adorable, too! As were the new foster kids.  They sure know how to cast the youngins. 

    On 4/27/2021 at 7:44 PM, CoderLady said:

    What I love about the May/Athena conflict is that Athena went full warrior queen on May for wanting to give a proven enemy another chance. It was a doomed approach, but it was unhesitatingly geared toward urging May to be strong and smart rather than using her own considerable pain over the attempted suicide to guilt May. I'm glad May got the full perspective from the 911 call in the end, though. 

    I agree.  In a show where there are significant parental issues for some of the main cast, I really appreciated the bolded.  Athena went full on "I think the hell NOT" about Lydia, and I kind of loved it while being sympathetic to May.     

    I thought Michael's words to May were poignant as well - nicely played by Dunbar. 

    • Love 2
  19. On 4/26/2021 at 12:37 AM, ZeeEnnui said:

    Can someone check on Augie? Is he awkwardly in a corner just saying "no" to all of the touched hookers? Definitely not the guy to leave in charge of the upscale whorehouse, Hugo.

    Ha! I don't know why the phrase "touched hookers" amuses me so, but it does.

    On 4/26/2021 at 10:12 AM, Enigma X said:

    I knew Mary was going to die as well and (pretty or not) it sucks! Lavinia does not strike me as a mastermind and am finding it hard to believe that since the orphanage has been running that Amelia has not started to have suspicions. Alas, plot armor. 

    Also plot armor that True had no ripplings about Mary's death at the park.  But one doesn't even have to be touched to divine Bidlow's hand.  She was the only one who knew about Mary and the park and with the power to get Machine Gun Kelly out of jail.  Not sure if I'll tune in next episode, but with her all special insight and perceptions into people, I hope True gets a clue.   

    I have HBOMax, and this show has been HEAVILY promoted there. I knew nothing about the show going in, but finally decided to watch. I wondered why the 1st episode didn't connect with me, and then Joss Whedon's name popped up and it made sense.  Never watched Buffy, and the few other Whedon productions I've seen in whole or part seemed unnecessarily quippy yet weak on the storytelling.  The lake fight was the best part of episode 3, kudos to the production team, Amalia actress and the effects.  

    • LOL 1
  20. After barely showing Albert and Chim interacting most of the season, I thought Albert being part of the accident wasn't really necessary.  Felt like overkill with everything else in the episode.  

    On 4/19/2021 at 10:21 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    I have to point out that there's such an importance in giving Maddie and Chimney's daughter a Korean name.....

    Jee-Yun is a truly unique name for television and I have to give this show props for going that direction, and that Maddie knew Chimney well enough to choose his mother's name as their daughter's while he was dealing with his brother's hospitalization.

    That was such a nice, refreshing touch.  Great way to show inclusion and diversity in a meaningful yet subtle way. 

    20 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

    It was a multitude of issues.   He got drunk in a empty apartment and left a space heater on.   The bad electrical caused a  fire and lack of proper fire safety stuff (like working fire detectors and extinguishers). which a sober Bobby would have noticed but drunk Bobby ignored failed to warn people of dangers before it was too late.     I think Bobby was censured  but never charged because the building had such faulty wiring.   He was responsible for the fire but if the apartment they lived in had been up to code it wouldn’t have burnt as fast and hot as it did.   Even left on a space heater shouldn’t have caused a five alarm fire unless something else was at play.

    Yeah, I like Bobby well enough.  But I never did understand why he would knowingly live with his family in a building that wasn't up to code. Even beyond his professional duty, that's pretty terrible for a spouse and parent that is a fire chief.  He has some accountability for not reporting the violations. 

    He was an addict, if it wasn't the fire, it likely would have been something else that put his family in peril.  Bobby shaken up by the pile-up and Athena's harsh words made perfect sense - there were parallels.    

    On 4/21/2021 at 3:53 PM, mostlylurking said:
    All I can think when he starts waxing all wise is didn’t you kill a bunch of people?? Yes it was a tragedy and I’m glad he was able to pick up the pieces of his life as addiction is a disease. However, he shouldn’t be a fire chief. He just shouldn’t have that influential position in society. My humble opinion. 

    I understand your perspective, although I do believe Bobby walks in humility, is a good listener, someone who doesn't judge, and shares from his life experience.  As someone else mentioned, he lost everything because of that fire.  In that season 2 episode, his own chief basically said his punishment was survival.      

    • Love 3
  21. Did I miss an episode where we found out if Robyn didn't work at the CIA, Delilah would have no shelter or food? I got the impression that due to the nature of her CIA work, it wasn't just a case of Robyn working late nights or weekends.  There are all kinds of jobs that don't fall under generic covert spy operations or whatever the TV version of the CIA is.  Also, I don't recall if the show has stated how long she and ex-hubby have been divorced - he may have been the present parent.  It's like that sometimes.      

    Plus, at this stage, what Robyn does is a choice.  Not like if she stops the Equalizer work (which is a lot closer to home and riskier to the family), they'd be homeless and starve.  I think it's admirable and generous, but she's not doing it to pay the bills.               

  22. This is the first episode where Mel and Harry felt like spouses for me. There was even physical affection! *clutches pearls*

    As for Delilah, as far as TV teens go, she doesn't seem particularly obnoxious to me.  I don't think we've met the dad/ex-hubby yet, so not sure what kind of parent he was.  But based on what we know so far, Robyn seemed to be a rather absent parent until recently.  She's decided she wants to be a "full-time" parent when her daughter is closer to an adult than a child, and um....I don't really blame Delilah for side-eying her about that.  I assume Vi has been more of a mother to her than Robyn has.   

    Speaking of Vi and Robyn, I'm a bit baffled that Vi doesn't know about Robyn and the CIA.  Not saying she should know the details, but I don't get it beyond plot device.  It makes more sense for Vi to know what she's really up to, but I didn't watch OG Equalizer, so maybe that's a thing.    

    On 4/5/2021 at 3:40 PM, AnimeMania said:

    I don't see how it was against the law since she had a key and the guy invited her to move in.

    I was confused about this too.  Maybe the guy caught them and decided to be petty and call the police?

    On 4/5/2021 at 1:09 AM, possibilities said:

    I finally learned the names of Melody and Harry. Also, after someone commented about it in last week's episode thread, I looked more closely at Harry's wardrobe and I agree that he looks fancied up-- to me, he looks schlubby, but it's designer schlub.

    I need to pay attention to Harry's style because designer schlub is hilarious to me. 

    • Love 6
  23. This series was a mess.  I can't recall a series where I found 90% of the main/supporting characters annoying. At one point, I was actively rooting for The Linen Man. Spike was the only character I could tolerate, but he also had no purpose besides propping the other teenagers up. I kept watching mainly to see if his character would be further developed. Alas, no. 

    The adult characters weren't much better. Alice, Sherlock, and John were all uniquely insufferable, so it wasn't just the teenage element.   

    I FF'd quite a bit of this episode because they took FOREVER to do anything. The episode should have been 30 minutes, at most.      

    • Love 1
  24. There was a moment at the end where the British guy and family are driving off, and Latifah absolutely nails the line delivery: "Good luck, Canada." It cracked me up - I felt all of the exasperation, fatigue, and relief from having to deal with that man for the past day.

    On 3/29/2021 at 11:49 AM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    The woman who played the mathematician's wife had so much plastic surgery that I kept waiting for it to factor into the plot?

      Same. Whoo, it was distracting. 

    • Love 4
  25. The 1st episode piqued my interest.  And normally, I pay no attention to the credits, but once I saw Julian Murphy and Johnny Capps as producers, I knew this show would be a plot-holely mess and adjusted my expectations. 

    I was more sympathetic to Megan than I expected to be. Hannah was annoying, so if her match shows up and blows up the marriage, oh well.  I assumed Megan might have left it alone if Hannah hadn't popped up to say, "sorry, my bad, best of luck to you!"  Girl, what? I can guarantee she wouldn't have been wishing Megan good luck if Mark had chosen Megan. 

    James is even worse than Rebecca.  Because at least Rebecca seemed to know she wasn't a good person.  That said, I wish Ben had lived to blow it all up for them. Would have been a different show, of course. 

    Kate was kind of dumb, professionally and personally.            

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