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Everything posted by Zorione

  1. Dom: My football days are over. Decided I wanted to help people instead of hurt them. In that case, um...medicine might not be the career for you.
  2. Yeah, for whatever reason, psych diagnosers have a tendency to perceive psychotic illness in black individuals.
  3. I remember that. She was referring to the method by which soap is injected into the uterus. I was a little perplexed upon reading "invariably fatal" since, years before, I'd read Mary Lovell's biography of the Mitford sisters, which quoted Jessica Mitford's account of having undergone that form of abortion in the 1930s. Not only did she survive, but she went on to have three more children years later. So Jessica was very lucky.
  4. That does sound stressful, actually, and it would be seen as such if a non-obese person or someone with mobility problems or health issues not caused by overeating were confined to bed. But, like Dr. Now said, there will always be stress in life, and there are many healthier ways to cope.
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