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Everything posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. Before I watched this episode I swore I'd accept any cockamamie excuse for Amy not being pregnant. I did not get my wish. I won't stop watching the show, but this storyline to me is a fuck-up of epic proportions. Totally unnecessary, makes no sense, feels tacked-on, and doesn't move the characters forward. Amy is now back where she was in season one, and who wants to watch that retread? Is this show hard-up for cash, or is it just a natural fit for endorsements? This season has had Target, Pizza Hut, and whatever that rando car commercial with Dina, Glenn, and Garrett. If it keeps the show on for longer, I'm all for it. Mateo and the 20 dollar bill was super sweet in its own weird way. Carol calling Alex like when she called Adam last season was a fantastic callback! Janet needs more lines. "You are running out of sympathy points, girl." A Dinoglenn production! Holy shit, that was an epic dragging of Amy by Jonah. He nailed the problems I've been having with the Amy character. She DOES act like a martyr, and she IS pretty judgmental without the ability to accept criticism herself. And this is coming from someone who really likes Amy. I was on her side for much of the episode until he finally wanted to talk and she blew him off. He's got her number, all right.
  2. No Sebastian this episode. I don't think it was revealed that Robert put himself on the island, making Liam look the fool. Which - it was TOTALLY telegraphed last season that Robert had put himself there, but that seems to be retconned. The PTSD is gone, which is too bad because it was intriguing last season. Since his return, Robert has taken: 1. Liam's place in the line of succession. Liam's entire raison d'etre since season one was filling Robert's shoes, and it really was an interesting arc, seeing him accept his new role and then - bam. Gone. And Robert wasn't too gracious about it either. 2. Kathryn. Yes, she was Robert's first - another reason for Liam to dislike him. But Liam seemed to see her as his. 3. The support of the people. The #kingliam hashtag was a major plot point last season. Which brings us to: 4. Willow. Liam never gave her the time of day, but I think he secretly liked having her in his back pocket. Her PR smarts singlehandedly made him believe he could be king, and he's lost that, too.
  3. I'd give a lot to know how much the writers have pivoted since last season, if they have at all. Last season it seemed clear Robert was meant to be the villain. Now, they still have a few episodes to make him turn heel - and I bet they will - but he seems to be a better person than was suggested last season. Because murdering Simon is a point of no return for Robert, and the writers seemed to have pulled him back at the last second, to make him redeemable. But in doing so, they left Liam - and Cyrus - to flounder without a storyline. Willow and Robert have become much more than I'd hoped for last season. I figured they'd marginalize them, particularly when Robert turned, but I've been pleasantly surprised.
  4. That was entertaining, thanks for posting. I feel even worse for Moseley now, because it's clear he is funny and full of life, all things his character is not. Why can't they make Liam more like William? It would fill in a huge hole in the canvas - a comic character. We haven't had one since the cousins. Also, Max Brown looks great with his hair tousled.
  5. See, I think she can pull off both. It's clear she can be icy when she needs to be, but her true nature is soft. She, like Robert, seems to understand that being a royal means you need to have both a public and a private face. And frankly, this show has no idea to write sweet. Ophelia, Kathryn, and Greta were all "good" girls, but duller than dishwater. Their best female characters are good people with an edge - Helena, Eleanor, etc. I was totally waiting for there to be a scene at the end where Willow walks into the room and congratulate Robert for exposing Kathryn. It totally fits - her little chat with Kathryn to set it up, with Robert knocking it down. Now that would have been badass. Having said that, I wouldn't be all THAT surprised if Robert really did miss Kathryn. She was the one who inspired him to get off the island, after all. Nothing less than true love can inspire that kind of will. All his protesting cements it. The gentleman doth protest too much. I gave this a lot of thought all day (which I never did before Robert showed back up. I swear he singlehandedly saved this show). I'm thinking with Kathryn out of the way, it's going to free Liam up to pursue Willow. I really think this is where they're headed now. God save us from love triangles, but at least it's with someone interesting. And seeing as how Robert really has taken everything from Liam, Liam will probably end up with Willow in the end. I hope I'm wrong.
  6. Here I was, about to lament the wheels coming off Robert and Willow. But I should have known Robert better! Long may he wave! Early in the episode, I thought it was nice that Willow and Robert have apparently had sex, but since we didn't see their first time, I thought it was another hint that this show was not all in with this couple. Apparently not! I think my problem with Kathryn is how extremely timid the actress plays her. She looks afraid to even speak. I wonder if she was directed to play it as such, but it kind of grates. And they give the poor actress next to no lines. She really is just a walking prop. I was surprised they revealed her to be such a snake in the end because her earnestness was as annoying as Liam's. What on earth are they going to do with Liam now? She was his last viable love interest and storyline. Peeved at how Liam saved the day with Willow. Goddammit, the propping of Liam over Robert has begun. Willow and Robert couldn't even get their big moment without having to share the spotlight. And the way Willow was staring at Liam for saving her - yeah. Knowing this show, Willow still loves Liam, and THAT will be when the wheels come off. I thought it was tacky for Liam to declare Robert the second-luckiest guy in the room. He can't be gracious for one moment, can he? The whole thing came off as smarmy, particularly since he dangled Kathryn right in front of everyone. I'm peeved he was lauded as some PR genius by Helena. Speaking of, it range false that Willow was so ill prepared for her roll out. Eleanor's Robin Hood storyline is too stupid for words. And finally, I was really taken with Willow's subtle, cold dragging of Kathryn toward the end of the episode. She actually looked like a jaded, conniving ice queen. That one scene proved to me that she is as wily and clever as Robert, and that he has met his match.
  7. Agreed. I just rewatched the scene, and it really is a master class for how to play a good romantic scene. He's smiling, then it slowly fades when he realizes and you see a glimmer of disbelief/longing, and then he slowly lowers his eyes, clearly wanting and waiting for it to happen. And all in a matter of seconds. It's great stuff. I haven't seen Feldman in many other romantic leading roles, but he really got to stretch his wings there. Ferrera didn't have quite as much to play with in the scene, because her expression never changed much - Amy clearly was on a mission from the second she entered the room. I did like how she was vaguely smiling when Jonah did his impressions. It's clear that, despite everything, they take real pleasure in being together.
  8. Add to this the fact that this show has done babies - a LOT. Cheyenne's pregnancy was a major plot point in the first season, and then Dina this season. So it's well-treaded ground, and frankly, not a whole lot more mileage can be gained from this, particularly since it's a workplace comedy, not a family one. We already have Amy as a mother, and Emma can at least carry a storyline and, you know, talk. A baby, not so much. So I'm hoping they'll put the kibosh on this mess because this show has enough babies. I'm willing to accept any possibility to make this nonsense go away. I'm wondering if this is all a minor plot point that will be resolved this week, because I really think this show is too clever to go there with a pregnancy storyline for a third time. We've also already seen Adam as spoiler to Jonah and Amy. No need to reheat that souffle. If they had to do a pregnancy storyline, at least rope in Tate or beverage guy who are at least part of the workplace.
  9. Actually I was on Lauren Ash’s Twitter feed and the name June is for Lauren’s grandmother who passed.
  10. Yeah, right after I hit Submit on the post I thought of that. Dammit. I could argue it was to throw people off the scent, but no one else was around to hear her. But the actor playing him IS on another show, so I'm hoping the show has some trick up their sleeve. Adam grated even before he knocked Amy up again. I don't really want to see him again as spoiler to Jonah and Amy. And yet I don't want to watch Jonah and Amy awkwardly explain why they're dating, but the kid isn't his.
  11. This crossed my mind too, but it's not really a desirable outcome for me. It means jumping from the awkwardly funny dating stage (hiding it from the coworkers, etc) straight to a baby. I dunno. Part of the fun of watching a fictional relationship happen after so long is to enjoy seeing it finally unfold. And it makes both Jonah and Amy look awful. Poor Kelly, indeed. But if they DID have sex, it was probably right after the events of the last episode, and the lack of fallout and awkwardness between Jonah and Amy could be explained away by the fact that it had happened weeks prior to this episode. I dunno. Again, there are no good options here for me besides the pregnancy being a non-pregnancy. But if I had to choose, I'd go with Amy's baby being Jonah's over Adam's. And now that I think about it and have cooled down, the kid being Jonah's is probably what it's going to turn out to be. Next episode will probably include a flashback.
  12. Wow. I cannot believe they actually wrote in America's pregnancy. To say I'm cheesed off is a understatement. I HATE it when IRL pregnancies are written in when plenty of shows hide their actresses' pregnancies just fine. This totally derails Jonah and Amy for probably another season, and Amy's character growth in general. The shark has been jumped. I'm sorry, I'm just very disappointed. I hate baby storylines when they make absolutely no sense. But I did like that abortion was a clear option. Hate it when shows don't act like that option exists. A miscarriage is probably too dark for this show, but it's pretty much their only way out now, unless the second round of pregnancy tests she took were wrong, too. The entire point of this ill-timed pregnancy could be the final catalyst to kick Amy and Jonah into action. Happy for Lauren Ash, though. The episode itself was funny, and it seems like a huge coup to get such a late season episode to write. Hopefully I can get over this massive letdown and be able to enjoy this episode one day. Also we didn't even find out the gender of the baby. Total letdown, part two. I'm a shipper, so the Jonah/Amy kiss was awesome at the end.
  13. I can easily see this happening and, more troubling, I can easily see Willow calling the whole thing off because she still loves Liam. Because this show can never let Robert win over Liam. Nor can it let us Robert fans have nice things. The second this happens, I'm out.
  14. Unfortunately, as much as I love Robert and Willow, Cassandra is probably right that Willow doesn't love Robert. Cares for him, yes. Is close to falling in love with him, yes. But she has been reticent about the whole thing from the beginning, and they haven't known each other that long. Of course, Liam has only known Kathryn for about 5 seconds and they're touted as true love, so maybe for this show she does love him. But I don't think so. I also don't think the Willow/Liam mention by Cassandra was an accident. It actually makes the pairing more interesting for me. I prefer romantic pairings where the man loves the woman more than she loves him. From the very beginning, Robert has been more invested. I like to think when he turns heel, she will be his one redeeming quality. Random, but are we supposed to think Willow and Robert have already had sex? When he strolled into his room, loosening his tie, like "Long day babe" or whatever it was, it smacked of intimacy between partners who are comfortable with one another and have been intimate.
  15. Great post. However, the fact that we didn't see Willow say yes makes me think the show isn't invested in the couple and, ergo, will blow them up eventually. A proposal is a huge thing for any TV couple, and not giving the audience that moment doesn't bode well. You just know when and if Jasper proposes, we won't miss a single second. I bet Liam's congratulations and/or warnings to Willow will be saved for next week. It's a pairing the show has had slightly more investment in than Kathryn/Robert, so it makes sense that they will get a longer scene. Speaking of Kathryn/Robert, did anyone else swoon when he called her "Kate?" I know he treated her badly (and frankly, I agree that what he did was unforgivable), but that one scene showed how they once worked as a couple. As tepid as the actress is in her other scenes, she came alive for this one. I don't think it's a coincidence that it's with Max Brown.
  16. Waiting for the other shoe to drop with Robert is excruciating. Loving him and Willow. It really goes to show how good chemistry and acting can elevate a storyline. Their scenes together are interesting and then they went to Liam and Kathryn and...it's flat. But how great did all four of them look in their party clothes? They did Kathryn dirty with those barrel curls, though. I also thought Robert had some sparks with Kathryn in their scene together. He's electric with everyone, frankly. Jasper's dad, Cassandra, Kathryn. He seems to make everyone bring their A-game. "At least I don't sleep with the help like everybody else around here." Collins can still turn a line like no one's business. Make her a regular already. I'm glad they let it all hang out re: the dirty secrets. The cast looked like they had a blast filming it. But what on EARTH was that dress on Eleanor? It's interesting how Robert is snobby about Jasper being "the help" when he's also trying to marry a member of "the help." Maybe he figures PR is a notch above security. And it's more useful. Frankly, I like Robert and don't like Jasper, so I'm going to handwave that inconsistency. I loved how he defended her against Eleanor, whose bitchiness toward Willow was out of character. Did Kathryn have a single line at the table? Robert's reaction to the wine spill was truly terrifying. I wouldn't have been surprised if he smacked someone. Damn, Brown is a powerhouse. Loved him and Willow flouncing out together. I have no words for how great she looked in that black dress. Jasper is so fucking dour, and always has been, going back to season. I think it kind of works with bubbly Eleanor, though. Sebastian is so much more lively.
  17. Agreed. Kelly kind of rankled at first, but she's grown in a solidly likeable character. Maybe a bit one-note, but it's to be expected for a new, recurring character. She's pretty sweet, and I really like that they haven't made her a villain simply to push Jonah/Amy. I really hope they continue with that. I'm still salty with how they turned Karen on The Office into a bitch towards the end of her tenure on the show. It was totally unnecessary. I hope they keep Kelly around, too. Karen went packing the second Jim and Pam got together.
  18. Hilarious, but it's also kind of a good idea for these bunch of grifters. There is a lot of money to be made with running. Obviously Derick will never win race money by coming in first (world-class runners like Mo Farah are the ones who make big bucks by placing 1st, 2nd, 3rd in races around the world). But I follow a bunch of runner instagrams and some of them make a good amount of coin for schlepping shoes, energy gels, socks, diet plans, etc., etc. Derick already has a built-in following, he clearly enjoys running, and it's a fairly easy way to make a buck. I'm surprised more of the Duggars haven't tapped into the Instagram ad potential.
  19. Agreed. Clearly made the classic rookie mistake of going out too fast at the start, but that’s common and it’s hard not to be filled with adrenaline and wanting to get out from the pack. Agreed about him having a runner’s build. When I first heard he was doing it I figured he wouldn’t have too much trouble. Build helps a lot, plus the previous marathons he’s allegedly done. This reminds me I need go to get my run in. Can’t have Derick being more productive than me. Feels sinful.
  20. I bet he'll walk at least some part of it. No shame in that, because 26.2 miles is a long trek. When I recently did a half marathon I had to walk some of it because the course was hilly. 26.2 miles is more work than the Duggars have ever done in their lives. If he doesn't finish, you'll know because beside his name will be the dreaded DNF (Did Not Finish). A lot of family members tend to show up later, using the app to track their participant. Would be pure lunacy for Jill to be with Derick at the start and then stick around for 3-5 hours with two small kids waiting for Derick. She can use the app to, say, see him at mile 7 or 10. Someone upthread mentioned the RaceJoy app - you can use it to send your participant encouraging messages along the way. And also to locate them at the finish, which is kind of creepy since any rando can find your bib number and track you. Not a problem for us normal people, but for quasi-celebs like Derick I'd be a bit concerned.
  21. So I run half-marathons (only 13.1 miles as opposed to 26.2 miles for a full). I'm very, very interested to see what Derick's finish time ends up being. I wonder if he's has been training at all. He must be, because what else does he do all day? It's generally not advisable to just run a marathon without any training, unless he's planning to walk part of it, which is certainly still respectable. This is the most interesting I've ever found Derick.
  22. I think the whole thing would have been more understandable had they had Carrie in Paris for more like 6 months to a year. It all makes a lot more sense if you pretend she was there that long. THEN I could understand her frustration at Aleks being too busy, and feeling like she'd seen the entire city already. But two weeks or whatever it was, was utterly ridiculous and made Carrie look like an impulsive idiot. Paris is brimming with history and culture and things to do. It all made Carrie look like a rube.
  23. Maybe it's illegal to remove his name off the credits since he did work on the show, after all. Good riddance to him. It's unclear what the cast members knew and when they knew it. My guess is that there were always rumors. I'm a total rando, but even I had heard rumblings back when OTH was on. What was telling was that a large number of the female Royals cast members and crew signed an open letter saying they had also been harassed, and later on Alexandra Park did too. Those poor women. It does, however, explain why so many female cast members jumped ship, including Merritt Patterson, whose character Ophelia was written off with such finality that it felt like a personal jab. I was disappointed with Hurley's response. It smacked of the "he didn't do anything to me so he must be innocent" frame of mind which is so damaging.
  24. Liam annoys me, but damn if he does not have the looks of a total storybook prince. Those sunglasses were really working for me. So...Kathryn is back. Yippee. I remembered last season her sister had more charisma in her pinky than Kathryn, and it looks like that's still true. I couldn't bring myself to give a damn about their missing dad or whatever. Even Cassandra, who is as one-note as they come, is still compelling to watch. Robert could give Princess Diana a run for her money in terms of a good PR moment. If she existed in this timeline I'd say he learned everything he knows at her knee. I still cannot put my finger on exactly where they are taking his character, which bugs me. This show usually telegraphs everything from a mile away, and last season, everything pointed to Robert the heel. I really wonder if they've re-tooled the character or are simply building him up to take a huge fall. Liam's lack of an interesting storyline points to the idea of a re-tooling. However, attempting to kill Jasper points to villain, since Jasper is insanely popular with the fanbase. He gets points with me, though. Jasper's dad is a real hoot and is interesting to watch. Jasper's self-righteousness is grating, particularly since it took him so long to give up his own con. This is my problem with the show. The villains are interesting to watch (Robert, Jasper's dad, Cassandra, Cyrus) and the good guys (Jasper, Liam) nearly drown themselves in a pool of their own self-righteous indignation. Willow and Robert. I love that he loves her talent and values her advice. Last season, it was so obvious that Liam never cared about her PR talents. It seems clear that Robert wants competence on his team, so it was satisfying to see him steal her from disinterested Liam. As @Kaiju Ballet said, Brown is so nuanced that it is hard to tell whether the character actually cares for Willow or is just putting it on. You could make a compelling argument for both, based on his acting alone. I do like that they are positioning her as his conscience. I love that romantic trope, where the villain's only soft spot is the person he loves. Willow is so lovely with her new hair. A textbook example of how the camera loves a person. The actress is so poised and elegant. I bet that whole Cyrus/Liam fight right before Robert banished him was put on for Robert's benefit. Those two are still in cahoots, calling it now.
  25. I think I remember her using a crockpot to make chili. I remember because she served it with pretzels and I thought it was kind of an odd combo. With tortilla chips, sure, but pretzels seem a little too salty.
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