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This episode made me happy. It's been a very cold, very long, very dark winter here in northeastern Ohio, and I was more than ready for a little Valentine's Day warmth and sentiment. Good child actress choice for little Eliza, I thought, and really appreciate the addition of Blake's daughter. In fact, am liking Blake after only a few episodes more than I ever took to the Duke in several seasons. Keep up the good work, show. Please come back next year.
I'm probably in the minority, but I didn't like the Duke very much and consider Blake a fine improvement. I also find this season's Eliza somewhat more vulnerable, more nuanced, and more aware of other people's feelings. Sometimes those kinds of changes come with age (and perhaps a little heartache?) so all in all this season is turning into a favorite.
Well, there you are. Adjo had a wonderful and highly empathetic story and presence, but she wouldn't have been my choice as a culinary winner. From the beginning of this series, the criteria for winning have escaped me. I don't know what I think of having other contestants as helpers...too much salt in the wound? (ha) I don't recall that happening in earlier seasons. But I enjoyed the use of the box of goodies from home. Contestants must have had a heads up of the contents, right? I also wonder if "The Great American Recipe " is the best name for this competition. I know it's a reminder that America is a "melting pot" of cultures and foods so I get that, but it still doesn't feel like the best name. A final, comprehensive review summarizing why the 3 made the final and why the winner won would be helpful...especially for literal-minded people like me. But I doubt that will ever happen.
It's certainly a non-traditional competition, but for all my casual viewing, the 3 contestants selected for the semi-final/final (?) were the 3 I would have picked. I knew Kim was out of the running early on and the fellow with the farm background (Doug? sorry. Too lazy to look back at names) just behind her (tho I personally favor mushy baked beans.) My preferred choice for winner is John. No reason. Just because. But Marcella should probably win for authenticity and competence. Imhoo. (But I'm a lazy cook-for-one with my kitchen expertise rated in negative numbers so ignore my prediction.) p.s. have watched this every season to date and enjoyed these judges best of the 3 seasons
Good question. I assumed Sam was going to be sent away - (America, maybe, where Jakes is?) because Fred was being transferred to a legit job & new home. If he quits that abruptly or takes early retirement, how will he ever explain that to Win? Confusing to me, too.
I wondered the same thing. Maybe she didn't have any friend willing to take the role? I know it's a little thing but at the rehearsal & the wedding,there wasn't an attendant for the bride that I saw & that bugged me.
Thank you for this info. I was wondering how I could find out the piece's title. Me, too, about your comment of enjoying Morse's choir participation. But as a former long-time (small church) choir director, I am always more focused on whether the singers are KEEPING THEIR EYES ON THE DIRECTOR as they should. ha.
I have found it so helpful through the years to watch the episode a 2nd time on my tablet after being fixed on my tv screen first. This was no different. The two nitpicks that I didn't care for were 1) the gun/church yard scene, which didn't make sense to me first or second time through. Perhaps it was meant to be symbolic in some way as some have said but it didn't really work - not for me, at least and 2) I wish the murderer's reason for his crimes had been less stereotypical. But otherwise, ah, a few favorites from so many: Dr. D's "6 down and 2 across" comment, Morse's words to Thursday there at the end, "I know thee not, old man" from Henry V, and my man Bright sitting by the grave of his little daughter quoting that sumptuous speech from The Tempest as the camera caresses the station's empty desks and rooms. "Our revels now are ended. These our actors...were all spirits and are melted into air." Lovely. Btw, was Jakes' return only so he could fill in as best man? What else did he bring to the plot? Everything about his presence in the episode(s) escapes me. A poignant send off with typical fine cinematography and simply splendid acting. Show ~ you will certainly be missed.
I really enjoyed old curmudgeon Morse (mourned his death as if he weren't fictional) but maybe one had to watch the series in the time contemporary to its production to truly appreciate both protagonist and show. I devoured the books as they came out but on second readings years later found them harder to read tho I have kept The Remorseful Day for yet another read. I fear I am dumbing down with age. Another topic: Would dearly love to figure out the nemesis at the heart of this season's overarching mystery before Sunday night. Regarding that, there are bodies of a former secretary of Blenheim Vale and the missing 4th bad guy from a previous scandal buried on the BV grounds, right? And the secretary's son's murdered body was found on college grounds during a musical reception. Are these the only victims of some mysterious and threatening cabal/person we have so far, since the clue-sharing cover artist ended up being a hit and run? What/who am I missing? The puzzle is always key for me and I like playing with clues but maybe that's only supposed to work for the weekly micro-mystery and not for the macro mystery which appears to threaten all our heroes.
I know someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but he looked like the West Side Story version of Peter Jakes, the victimized constable from the Lost Boys episode in season 2 that occurred at Blenheim Vale. I have absolutely no recollection of what happened to his character. I recall that Thursday was shot and Morse subsequently incarcerated because of BV. I think I have that right. Like 7-Zark-7 I must scramble to fill in multiple memory gaps. I too fear for Thursday - and Bright, as well. But what a guy my man Bright is! Do the right thing full speed ahead! I saw a funeral procession in the snippets used to tease the next episode. Could it please be someone I don't know? .
Happy to see familiar posters' names again and be with people who understand the mixed feelings of this final season. I must, as usual, rewatch ep 1 because somehow (did I doze off?) the shoe clue escaped me. Such lovely expressions last night. Win's joy with Sam. Joan and her ring. (Sometimes I almost like her) Fred's sad look at Endeavour in the pub. And oh, that dazed expression Endeavour wore after experiencing the wedding-news-blues! My guess is that Fred and Win will move with the promotion. (But I am persistently wrong so ignore me) And perhaps Ronnie will continue the Morse arc with his own p.i. show developed for PBS. I usually subtract points when the characters' relationships take precedence over the puzzle though not this season. But please show, the one thing I ask is that you give my man Bright a sendoff worthy of a Tiger King.
It was fun to watch and I don't regret a second of it.That said, whyowhyowhy would an intelligent woman spill everything to a murderer when they're alone, and then TURN HER BACK to him? I don't care how long she's known him! They're isolated and he kills people! That common trope where the heroine loses any sense of cautious self preservation and rational thought makes me pull out my hair! I also have to say that after the fire, while lying in her hospital bed, Susan's makeup was still perfect, especially her lipstick ... unsmudged! That must be really high end stuff. Well, it was fun and made for a happy run of Sunday nights. Here's hoping they turn Horowitz loose with the sequel.
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A satisfying, satisfactory conclusion to season two. I enjoyed Hattie's aunt letting down her guard (& quickly raising it again), Moses snapping at Eliza, Eliza discovering that she may have impulsively put herself at risk for ego's sake, that some places (like the Rookeries (which really were dreadful and deadly) should not be approached lightly. The engagement party scene was interesting, too. For me, there were more characters and fewer caricatures this season. A good thing. Fitzroy delights. And I like Nash. A lot. So here's to season three. May it not disappoint.
S02.E05: Quarter to Midnight
tootsie replied to Door County Cherry's topic in Miss Scarlet And The Duke
I don't want to be the one to inject anything dark into the discussion but I'm worried about a Fitzroy demise. His father might find a dead but heroic son easier to bear than a live son who doesn't meet his expectations (well, he's an awful person and I'm just saying the obvious) With Fitzroy out of the picture, the impetus behind the Glasgow transfer would lessen if not disappear entirely. I find Fitzroy genuinely likeable and I go all soft on the Duke when he interferes on Fitzroy's behalf. So note to writers: Do not even THINK about killing off that character. Period. -
As dubbel zout said above, the segues are just grand when a scene shifts from Pund tImes to contemporary times. Too clever by half. One that comes to mind from last night is after Pund has departed from his interview with the dead housekeeper's son and dil and those 2 are standing by a window discussing the boy who drowned. There is a sound noticeable enough to make the dil raises her head to listen and then without a hitch we have o-so-smoothly shifted to Susan where the sound (was it a bell or a clink?) seems to have originated. Boyoboy that's fun. I'm going to watch it again just to revisit all those delightful shifts in time. Btw, I too read the book (and its sequel) but have no recollection of the guilty party. For once, aging is in my favor.