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  1. Not all kids are ready mentally or physically to read at the same age, regardless of what their parents do. In fact, the push for early reading has little to no effect on future academic success. It's not a matter of simply reading and being ahead of the game or not reading and being behind. Many children have literacy skills without being able to read. One of my children, my most avid reader now, knew her letters, knew the sounds, could even identify some words by sight, but flat out refused to read until she was 9. But once she started, she jumped to simple chapter books within a week.
  2. I've watched this trash show since the beginning and by far this was the worst episode EVER. Ironically, it was one of the most watchable because nearly every scene had some appalling element. I almost never comment but OMG. At first I thought it was sweet how Meri pulled Christine away. Even when her "pep talk" started I was like, okay, this could be good. But by the end I was disgusted. Christine is done done. You can tell. She is 100% over it. Meri tried over and over to shut her down and tell her she was wrong (gosh, so reminiscent of the Christianese about how you shouldn't divorce even a truly horrible person) and Christine was so not convinced but stopped trying to argue back. Kody's treatment of Ysabel was just beyond words. As someone who has had this surgery, it is major, it is scary, and no, its NOT something you can wait on, especially if you are in pain. Scoliosis is progressive. And it is not a steady progression, it can and does accelerate. As an aside, I did wonder why she needed to travel to NJ for it though. I had my procedure done at a local hospital here in Seattle and unless I misunderstand what her procedure is, it's not so specialized that it should require cross country travel. If AZ doesn't have a specialist than surely a surrounding state does, and certainly Cali or WA! But whatever, it needed to be done and Kody being there was completely and utterly irrelevant. When he said he wanted to be there so she could draw strength from him I was like WTF. She's got her Momma. No one is drawing strength from you. And this surgery isn't about YOUR need to be there, ffs.
  3. I just saw today on her Instagram that they were able to get a flight home. It looked like they were buying and preparing their own food while they were there so not sure how much interaction they had with staff.
  4. The Alyssa girl looks old. That overly flat, monotone black hair is rarely flattering. I would expect better from a hairdresser! These people are dumb and the plots so painfully contrived but Momma needs her brain candy so...
  5. OMG, Vinny's Mom crying during his strip show will never not be hilarious 🤣🤣
  6. Ugh, I am watching the original Hills and New Beginnigs and the original is 100x more interesting (even with knowing all the plot points) then the new. I find New Beginnings almost unwatchably boring. I don’t care about them at all, even in a trainwreck way. And at least half are just fame chasers so nothing seems real or genuine. But maybe that is because now no one on reality tv is “real” like they were 10-15 years ago. Not saying OG Hills was real because we know it was scripted but their interactions and reactions seemed more authentic whereas NB just seems so slick and overly produced.
  7. This part of the episode pissed me off so much. I’ve mentioned in another episode thread that I had scoliosis as a teen (much worse than what Ysabel has) and had the exact surgery described in this episode. When Ysabel was talking about how weird it would be after the surgery I was completely baffled. While I certainly had recovery pain (and to be honest, there was a lot of recovery pain due to the type of procedure and big ass scar), I felt so much better once my surgical pain was over. I certainly didn’t have trouble brushing my teeth! I didn’t have physical therapy after, it wasn’t even suggested. I was back to normal activity within 10 days. I wonder where she is getting her info. It seems very dramatic. Certainly back surgery is not a lightweight thing but it’s not as bad as she seems to think. And this poor child doing these tedious and questionable exercises every day and then feeling like it’s her fault the curvature progresses. UGH! I wanted to hug her.
  8. This just feels as fake as fake gets. Alex does not care about Juliette at all. He has zero emotional reaction to people dissing her, to dissing her himself, her getting angry at him, or to their making up. So bland. Juliette is a mess. I hope she's more stable in real life and this is not a real thing where she puts up with being poorly used over and over and over and Mr. Blandface can say, "I care about you" and she's back on the carousel. Why does everyone thing Madisson is hot stuff again? Don't get it. Maybe it's because I'm old, but I find her boyfriend(?), Ben, the most attractive guy on the show.
  9. I had back surgery at 11 for scoliosis. I had 40, 72, and 50 degree curvatures. They progressed very quickly. I was diagnosed at 10 with much less severe curvature, given a brace that I wore 23 hrs a day, my Mom tried many different alternative therapies quickly... including one where I hung upside down! Luckily she had enough sense to listen to the doctors and see what was plain in front of her. It was getting worse. I could not sit or stand for long periods. Constant back pain. My final X-ray the day of surgery showed my largest curve had degraded 5 degrees in a week. My lungs and internal organs were being affected. Sugery is no joke. It was 8hrs long and they fused the vertebrae at the base of my neck and stainless steel rods bolted on either side of my spine. I have a long thick scar from the base of my neck to mid back. I also have a scar on the back of my hip from where they took bone for my fusion. I was walking the next day but had to stay in the hospital for about 5 days. Recovery wasn’t too bad. I wore a post surgical brace for 6 months. After that, nothing. I have never had any issues at all. I had three epidural births and one natural birth. My lower back only hurts when I’m pregnant or on my period. One of my shoulder blades sticks out more, and I have a slightly sloped shoulder. The scars too. But seriously NO ONE notices my little physical defects and they can’t believe the scoliosis was so bad and I look so normal now. I would be dead had I not had surgery, not to mention the crippling disability before death. My surgery was 29 years ago, I can only imagine the improvements since. Poor Ysabel needs to get surgery and move on with her life. It’s not that bad. It’s scary, like any major surgery, but the alternative is worse! And grow up parents. My Mom was scared but she was the adult and was strong for me.
  10. aulait

    True Life (MTV)

    What hideous people. The Mom talking about her daughter... What a terrible person (who has horrible eyebrows). Saying her daughter *could* be an ugly duckling story??? I felt bad for these daughters being raised by such a superficial focused parent. The twins talking to the lady who said she was 23. I laughed. I mean she probably is 23 but she looked like a 40 year old trying to look 23. I get that styles change, but I seriously am mystified by this heavy makeup look that takes fresh, youthful women (and men!) and makes them look like old people trying to look young. And kind of all the same. Hiding all their unique features. None of these young people look all that young when they are all made up.
  11. aulait

    True Life (MTV)

    That 17 year old was annoying as heck. His parents seemed extremely supportive but the previous poster who mentioned emotional blackmail... yes, I kinda felt like there was that hanging over their interactions. The parents made so few objections and gave so much (I would never ever empty the coffers AND go into debt for purely cosmetic surgery for a teen, wtf) that it definitely felt like there was a lot behind the scenes. Funniest scene was loading that kid head first into the SUV. Is that standard procedure??? So far this iteration of True Life lacks for me. I liked the original version which often dealt with the deeper issues and gave you some ability to empathize or understand the person. Seeing a bunch of people obsessed with social media is not compelling enough for multiple episodes, IMO.
  12. aulait

    True Life (MTV)

    Just ugh. These folks were sad. I felt bad for Graysen’s husband. To see your spouse change so much and in this direction must be super hard. He seemed like a loving supportive person.
  13. I used to feel bad for Angelina, that she was mistreated by the cast and got an unfair rap. My opinion has changed. She really is gross, arrogant (though it's a facade because she clearly feels like an underdog with the cast), and tries waaaaay to hard to be shocking/crazy/interesting. It could be producer driven but it's probably not too far from the truth because no one likes her in real life either. I bet her boyfriend (fiance?) gave her permission to do whatever it took to get screen time. She didn't say a word about what he would think about getting up on Pauly. I can't believe I even watch this show at 40 years old ? I do love trashy TV.
  14. Sad. Just really sad. These folks believe they are sick. I don't think it is a conscious scam. They are enabled not only by well meaning family and friends but by the cesspool of "natural/alternative medicine" info on the internet. Whole forums of thousands of folks who diagnose and treat each other. "Doctors" who provide the most ridiculous treatments. The psyche is an amazing thing. Believe that chanting words will help and they probably will. I notice that most these alternative doctors spend a lot of time with the patients and I think this appeals to those who feel mainstream medicine has failed them. Here is someone who cares, who has their best interest in mind. Someone who believes them instead of questioning what has no scientific backing. This is a first world occurence, largely the middle class and above.
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