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  1. If this is coming directly from the NFL, being pretty with nice kicks isn’t going to qualify for an exemption. The NFL doesn’t give two shits about the cheerleaders. They don’t generate revenue.
  2. I’ve always believed that someone, somewhere made it known to Megan F. that if she tried out in S5 she’d make the team. First words out of her mouth when she got cut were “why did you take me back if you knew you were going to cut me.”
  3. Random observation: where are the mirrors? There doesn’t seem to be any in the ballroom-dance studio or in the smaller dance rooms.
  4. If one exists, can someone please post a picture of all the TCC’s with notes about who was eventually cut? TIA!
  5. How did I miss this? Former TCC Whitney being arrested?
  6. My guess is that someone involved with production tested positive for Covid because safety precautions weren’t being followed and/or because they weren’t as strong the DCC promised. This is also speculation, but it wouldn’t surprise me if someone tested positive and they didn’t disclose that information to the TCC’s to “protect” filming.
  7. No, it’s not Rebecca (I know what she looks like, despite her cut not being shown). I’ve never seen this TCC before.
  8. Watching season 6, episodes 5-7. I keep spotting a random TCC with sandy blond hair and bangs. You can see her during the healthy eating segment with Jay and in the front row receiving instructions before the first field rehearsal. Never noticed her before. Who is she? It’s not Jenna or Rebecca.
  9. Think you’re talking about Kandi Harris. I believe she was injured, but don’t know the details.
  10. Watching S12. I can’t help but laugh during the talking heads when Jenna reflects on “her leadership being tested.” Please. She clearly didn’t understand that it was was her lack of leadership that was being called out.
  11. I’ve always wondered why Kaitlyn was quietly released mid-season.
  12. I cannot stand that episode or the nutritionist. Two reasons: the comment that soda causes cellulite (false) and her saying to one of the girls “you’re too pretty to eat that.” Seriously? The bad advice and mixed messages are ridiculous. Ranks up there with S4 when the girls had their body fat assessed at the Cooper Clinic and they were walking the halls and meeting with the staff in bikinis. One of the TCCs is told that her body fat is a tiny bit out of range. The actual medical professional says “I’m not worried and you shouldn’t be either.” Which is when Jay chimed in to say, “Yeah, but those teeny uniforms.” Because Jay knows everything.
  13. Every time I watch season 5 I feel like something is “off” and I can’t seem to put my finger on why. It was an unusually small rookie class (8) and only two lasted more than two seasons (Lauren Williams and Nicole Bulcher). Lots of girls cuts at the very end of TC, weight concerns and a sense that K&J were simply unimpressed with all of the TCC’s, including the ones that made the team. Makes me wonder what was going on behind the scenes.
  14. I’ve always liked Holly and her dancing. She’s incredibly talented and beautiful. But 1979 called and would like their perm back.
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