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I think the coverup really is the crime here. From what Amy said when it happened, if he’d just admitted it, malpractice would have taken care of it. His career probably would have still taken a hit, but it wouldn’t be this crisis. I think his ego wouldn’t let him, especially not admitting it to her. Now in addition to killing the guy, he’s lied about it and falsified his chart to further cover it up. He’s created this problem, and I hope it takes him down. No way would Michael have handled it that way if it were anybody else. He wasn’t wrong with what he said to Amy about the risks, but he was so far out of line it didn’t matter. Dude needs to find a way to deal before he loses his new family too. Amy’s respecting the boundaries of his marriage. Like with Richard, this problem is all on him.
I love Amy, past and present. I’m like Jake that way. That makes it easy to watch and accept the show’s flaws, like in-universe acceptance of unethical shit.
So all Richard had to do to avoid all this was admit what happened when it happened. Just let their malpractice cover it. The coverup really is the crime here. And he’s been pissed at Amy because he screwed up and she said something (the first time)? Or because she decided to go for chief, the job he wanted and thought he deserved, and got it by being more qualified and a better doctor? I’m going with number two which is not sympathetic to me in the least. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that he’s all understanding and allowing now that she’s knocked down. She’s not a threat anymore. He’s an asshole. And a screwup. Michael had a lot of nerve. I don’t care how hard it’s been on him. None of that was about professional consideration. He was way out of line. I love that Amy didn’t even acknowledge the feelings he was throwing at her at the end. What was she supposed to say? It reminded me of the scene at the museum when he melted down on her. I sympathize that he has to feel like what he wanted is so close, she’s literally right there and back to being who he wanted, but he remarried. He’s got to deal and let her do the same. Amy and Jake make more sense now. That relationship is really the only thing fully in her control. Plus with all the uncertain and negatively tinged relationships around her, he’s positive and very straight forward. He loves her. He has her back and doesn’t want her to be or do anything different to get his love. She doesn’t have to earn him by being new, good Amy like she does with all her other relationships, even Katie. I can see why she doesn’t want to let it go. I’m glad the final scores scene was with Katie and Gina though. They crossed the line testing that patient, but I think that’s just part of the show. Ignoring those lines is how this show rolls. I can deal with that. Every show has something. It’s more about the characters anyway. I HATED the entire rom com storyline and everyone involved with it. Even Jake didn’t come out well, and I like Jake.
The finale is March 11. There are three more episodes. Edit: I was wrong! There’s not an episode next week so the finale is March 18. The article I read was from the beginning of the season so obviously out of date.
This show has definitely turned out differently than I expected. It hasn’t changed how much I like it, but I’ve had to really rethink my expectations. I don’t have a problem with all the supporting characters not being particularly fleshed out yet. It’s only been seven episodes, and the show has a clear lead to focus on. The fact that three (Michael, Sonya and Richard) have gotten episodes with a lot of focus already is doing pretty good to me. My issue is that they are getting this time yet the strongest stories are still by far Amy’s or the ones involving her the most. In this episode, Jake and TJ’s story was a throwaway. The little we learned about them didn’t require a whole story. It was an opportunity for them to shine, and they just didn’t. Same for Michael dealing with having a new baby or Richard and his family issues. They just don’t have the impact on their own. In comparison, Amy had a strong presence here even if it was Sonya’s story, and Sonya really had a chance to shine. It could easily have been the whole episode. Amy is by far the strongest and most dynamic character which is not a surprise. Part of that is just the advantage of being the lead. Part of that though is a deficiency in the other characters. They’re getting the time. They just aren’t having the impact that they do when they’re bouncing off her story. The show is going to have to shore that up if they want the ensemble to stand on their own. I was thinking about this episode, and I think my favorite moment was the WTF look Amy gave Ravi when he said he wanted to catch up with Sonya. It was before she flinched and Amy really caught how bad it was so it was more just like read the room, dude.
This season is only ten episodes long. There are three more episodes. They seem to be structuring it more like a miniseries with this a complete season than traditional network series that build into the next one.
This felt like a whole hour dedicated to making me like Sonya and Richard. I sympathize with them both. Both situations are terrible. Seeing them both be bad at their jobs all hour didn’t really help my dislike though. Amy treated Sonya like an intern, and she was right to. I will give Sonya credit for trying to get off the case, but there had to be an alternative to staying on it when she couldn’t get Miller. She couldn’t do anything. What would she have done if Amy was an actual intern? I don’t blame her for freaking out. I would have been a mess. But she paid no attention to his medical state, hid from monitoring him, then tried to kill him. It was like watching a train crash. I liked seeing glimpses of hardass Amy. She was pissed and threw all deference out the window. She completely took control. I could easily see her as the boss. I liked seeing her really think and consider before deciding to cover for Sonya. That was a big ask. I smiled when she was condescending to the nurse too. Not because treating nurses badly is a good thing, but just because I like seeing the glimpses of attitude still there. Jake and Amy continue to be really cute. Katie and Amy continue to be great.
If they’re going for a sympathy arc with Miller, it’s going to have to be a big one. I find him a barely competent asshole and that’s not even factoring in his big mistake.
I agree. I would even go so far as to say he never really got over Amy or that time in his life. He just moved on. He basically moved a new wife into his old life after Amy left. The house is basically the same as when Amy had it (including the bed which is weird). Danny’s room is the same. He’s refused to find room for the new baby. He put all his attention on Katie at home, and it seems Amy at work going from what they’ve said about him backing her at the expense of his own reputation. He’s still holding onto his old life and rejecting being pushed into a new one. I don’t think the answer is going back to Amy, but I think now that she’s back, he would if he could. He needs to grieve, and he needs to deal if he’s going to make a future with Nora.
I thought Amy said it was her wedding to the wife she remembered, and Gina corrected her that they’d gotten divorced. It was another wedding. I think if she was supposed to be coming out to Amy, Amy would have mentioned it. That’s kind of a big reveal from a friend. So I think she’s been married three times.
My understanding is she’s been married three times. Once to a man, twice to women. I’m not sure if she’s bi or just came out late. I think the snipe was more frustration directed at an absent Michael but she definitely should have kept it away from Katie. It looked like Katie heard too much of all of it. Neither Michael or Amy came off well. The only thing I really disagree with is saying she left Michael AND Katie. They said they had equal time with her at the beginning. Since Amy didn’t want to be married anymore, that’s the best solution. I don’t think Michael’s marriage is supposed to be on shaky ground. Things aren’t perfect, but it’s about him. He presented himself as this perfect victim in the beginning to Amy blaming him and deserting him. When really he’s an ass when he doesn’t get his way. He’s not a perfect husband. He’s still carrying feelings and resentment for his ex. I think it’s more about showing his issues right now. She’s just extra. Whoever said he needed therapy rather than a wife was dead on. Maybe I’m wrong though. They’ve shown Nora has no love for Amy. Katie all but said she left the pregnancy book out for Amy to see on purpose. And there was the snide comment about her in the last ep. Maybe we’re supposed to hate her and their marriage. I would have been more in favor of Katie moving in if it wasn’t for the Jenga and brownies scene and they weren’t getting rid of her room. The first tells me Amy has no real grasp on Katie as a 17 year old. She’s still in the past. Which isn’t surprising but is a problem when she’s supposed to now be the primary parent raising a teenager while working long hours that make her barely around. She doesn’t even know what rules Michael had for her. The second is putting all the responsibility on Amy which I don’t think she’s prepared for. I have an issue too with how they’re fast walking Amy’s grief and recovery. So I’m going with the idea that they aren’t. They haven’t focused on her dealing with Danny’s death because she hasn’t. Same for her divorce. She’s blowing past it and focusing all her energy on Katie and her new relationship with no thought or preparation for the realities. Katie was unhappy living with her before and started their new arrangement with a lie. Michael is still taking out the divorce on her. If anyone finds out about Jake, she’s in major trouble. She’s setting herself for a major fall. I agree the other characters are under developed but it’s ep six. I think they’ve actually revealed quite a bit about Michael considering he’s not the lead. I wish Gina got some of his time.
That’s not how I expected that to go, and I’m not sure how I feel about it. Everything they’ve shown has said she’s not ready. And he never told her the truth! This screams bad idea. I feel like she’s rushing to reclaim her old life. She wants to be okay so much that she’s just ignoring everything she can. Bringing her daughter back, the juvenile mother/daughter nights, grabbing onto someone who loves her- it’s all too much, and it’s not real. Katie lived with Michael for a reason. Not because Amy was a bad mom like they’ve hinted at before, but because he had the job and hours to be there like she needed. Jenga and brownies may have been Katie’s thing when Amy last remembers her, but she’s too old for that to be a regular thing now. She barely knows Jake. The fact that he’s been good to her through this is not enough. She’s setting herself up for it to all blow up in her face, and the people who can stop it are STILL keeping things from her. Why didn’t Michael explain why Katie moved out the first time? Why didn’t they say anything about how her expectations clashed with the reality of Amy’s job? Why not suggest she start with living there half time like they started with? I don’t blame Katie for not getting into it, but Michael should have. Jake still didn’t tell her! Her kissing him must feel like a fantasy because it is. It’s all too much. So Michael picks fights when he’s unhappy. He was an ass in both scenes, and Nora at least didn’t even do anything. Giving up Katie’s room for the new baby is a bad idea though. All three adults should recognize that. It gives her no options. They need to clean out Danny’s room. Even Amy seemed to recognize that it was time. I felt for Gina. She deserved Amy’s anger, but she’s also in a tough spot. She’s right- she can’t be her doctor and her friend. And she can’t be Michael’s friend to the detriment of Amy. She has to choose. Now she needs to step up and tell her the hard truths again. I laughed watching Richard take credit for the save. I bet he’s built his career on being attached to the right people at the right time. I’ve gotten nothing from him that suggests he’s anything more than average on his own. She’s taking her boards in a week? And we’ve heard nothing about it? That’s a big thing to skip, and I’m not happy about it.
I agree with you possibilities. I think for Amy, finding out is basically all pluses. Jake is the one I think may get hurt. I don’t think he’s really accepted how hard this is going to be. The only thing I don’t agree with is that her being his boss may become an issue with Jake. I don’t think it was a problematic abuse of power. Partly because I don’t think this is that kind of show. And partly because I haven’t seen anything even hinting that way. I may be biased because I don’t think every boss/employee relationship is a big deal, but I don’t think this one was improper in any way other than officially. I do agree with it being a ticking time bomb. I think they’re setting up for Richard and Michael to find out. Michael will be put in a really awful position, and we know what Richard will do. Too many people know, especially for her not to.
I also wondered about the married couple. I thought it was going to turn out that he was overbearing, and she couldn’t deal. It bothers me too. She was an attending eight years ago, not an intern. She’s a qualified doctor and should be treated as such. Michael calls her doctor so I think it’s just another way for Miller to minimize and mess with her. I wondered about a psych or social worker consult too. Michael said he should have had one before he changed treatment plans so surely one would be needed for a DNR. He was just a scared teenager acting out on Sonya’s encouragement. I can’t see an eval clearing him for such a drastic action. I get why she got in trouble this time even though the show oversimplified it. Still the threats are old. I wish they would back off and let her do her job without trying to twist everything. I don’t think she deserves all the heat. Speaking of heat, Sonya had nerve calling out Michael for special treatment, but she’s being fed that by Miller. I’m ready for someone to get tired of dealing with his bullshit.
More Michael flashbacks. I don’t care enough about him to want flashbacks. He was nervous about a new baby; he came around. That could have been handled in a sentence during his scene with Gina. At least he finally told Amy the truth. I still don’t have any interest in Nora or her ‘you’re not like her’ opinion. Boyfriend is dreaming. He still sees a future with her which isn’t a bad thing, but he needs to recognize how distant that is now. Hopefully that wedding conversation was a wake up call. I am actually in favor of him telling her though. The downside to telling her is he’s probably going to get crushed. There’s a big upside though- she gains someone else in her corner besides Gina. She needs another friend and evidence that someone did like and care for the old her might help her. Gina was smart to bring up the trouble Amy could get in if people find out about her and Jake. Surely he still intends to keep it all quiet, but he seemed to think they could get together and tell everyone now and it would be fine. Again, he’s dreaming. My opinion on Sonya didn’t improve. Amy was just as biased, but Sonya just seems so much less professional with it. I hate that she got the ‘you were right’ edit at the end. Miller wants to force her to take medicine?! What an invasion. I don’t blame her for saying hell no. Besides, I think she’d have done what she did before the accident too. Saving that kid was not an example of impulsivity. He’s just an asshole.