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  1. I’ve heard otherwise. Who are they kidding besides themselves.
  2. What kind of facts have the ladies provided that there were no irregularities? I might have missed it, I was in and out of the room while it was on.
  3. What facts have the ladies provided? We know it’s still being looked into, right? I recall us looking at foreign interference for the last 4 years so why is it different now? The people want Transparency! They have wanted it for the last 4 years and they want it now.
  4. But it’s not classy, regardless. Practice what you preach ladies!
  5. Joy to Sarah.... we don’t need to play their game. But you are. They harped on Trump’s bashing people yet here they are doing the same thing.
  6. I feel like they are wasting time beating on no voter irregularities. Do as you say....suck it up and just be patient. 70 million Americans voted for Trump and want to be assured there was nothing going on. If there was, it needs to be fixed or these people will never feel like their vote counts again. They are not just going to take The View ladies word on it.
  7. I’m going with No!
  8. Whoopi, Trump and his team looking into possible fraud is owed to the 70 million Americans who voted for Trump. The American people need to be reassured that no crimes were committed. So you being bitter over it does no good. If you are confident in no fraud then why not just relax and see what happens?
  9. No show here this morning. Disappointing
  10. Okay. I didn’t catch Amy’s live chat.
  11. I think anyone who does not see it on both sides is lying to themselves. Fagen was simply stating a fact. IMO it’s much worse on one side and that is why cities are boarding up and building walls. I’m so thankful I’m in a rural area and do not have to worry about being amongst any violence.
  12. No question there. They are batting hard this morning and I imagine tomorrow morning will be the same.
  13. Going to be a long week. Every single host this morning is bitter and cranky.
  14. I’m not doubting Dr Fauci but there has been no rhyme or reason to this virus so we are all learning as we go.
  15. I live in a red state. So with no guidance or truth from my president or governor, I relied on what they allowed Fauci to say, and Cuomo’s daily briefings. Here is where I found a leader who was calm, decisive, factual, and effective in fighting this virus. I ignored what my own supposed leaders told me to do, and followed Fauci and Cuomo. I’m in a red state as well with a governor with no guidance. Many are disappointed in him not enforcing mask mandates, etc. He has been leaving it up to each city as far as what they choose to do and not do. I’m an adult who can decide what I should or should not do I don’t wait for someone to tell me. I choose not to go to weddings and funerals and large gatherings, I do go out to eat occasionally and go to my daughters sporting events otherwise I try stay home if it’s not essential. Fauci and the CDC have went back and forth on findings and beliefs so I can’t say I follow either one 100 percent.
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