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  1. He really is cute. He has great hair and he just seems like a sweet guy. And I loved the patient looking back and forth between them, amused. "I feel like I'm watching a rom-com" was a great line. Go Crosby! Loved Mel getting excited at the prospect of removing 1,000 pieces of gravel from the guy's road rash.
  2. I'm wondering if the writers have pivoted, because we are really not seeing anything there to find romantic or rootable.
  3. The GH writers' mantra. Man, Drew sinks lower and lower every day. And Willow grows more and more stupid. If she thought about it for a millisecond she'd question why Jason, of all people, would say Drew, of ALL PEOPLE, was his alibi if it wasn't true. But instead the idiot doubles down on her googly-eyed infatuation and tells the asshole she'll move in with him. Here's hoping Wiley actually serves a purpose and is an absolute monster about it.
  4. Lois is going to get a frozen tray of stuffed shells thrown at her!
  5. I was flying yesterday and caught up on Wed-Fri's episodes on the plane and I can only imagine I was entertaining the people across from me as I kept tsk'ing and shaking my head at some of the lame-ass shit that came out of Drew's mouth this week. God, he's the worst.
  6. Yes, that's what she meant. Baby came on time, she didn't even see it so she doesn't know if it's a boy or a girl. As much as I loathe this storyline (if Dante is the same age as Sam, whose gravestone showed a birth year of 1980, and Gio is 21, that means he was 23 when he was born and BLQ was 16 which, yeah, kinda icky /I know this will be glossed over/ignored, but still), I cannot wait for Lois to get it from all sides.
  7. Don't forget, she's "old school." She tried to teach the dog to take notes, but no opposable thumbs made that too difficult.
  8. Like KerleyQ said, Jason will go on trial and everyone will be pounding their chests about how he only did 'what anyone would do' and it was perfectly justified. Then it will come to light he didn't do it and they'll say 'of course he didn't do it' because the show wants it both ways. Because lather, rinse, repeat.
  9. He contains multitudes! I was cracking up at his humming the nursery rhymes. My faves: Dylan, Delores, Gabby, and Carolyn. Everyone else can go and the sooner Danielle, quickly followed by Britney goes, the better.
  10. And we don't even get to enjoy the donuts.
  11. I'm still digging myself out from under that anvil. Upcoming: Gio is allergic to latex and likes the Yankees.
  12. This is my guess. He burned a cd with information from the tablet, labeled it "Jeremy" and hid it in the stacks.
  13. Agreed. As time goes on it's going to feel more and more like a hostage situation for this story. Because unless they kill off the character, his return is always going to loom large in a distracting way.
  14. When Kristina was almost bragging how it was only because of Elizabeth that she didn't go ballistic on Ava, I was like, fool, you should have, as that wouldn't have helped your dad's case at all. These insufferable idiots and their 'all or nothing' custody dramas. Speaking of, newsflash Sasha: if both Michael and Willow had affairs the judge would no doubt just award joint custody. Again with the ridiculous 'all or nothing' mindset. Willow, for as dumbed down as she's become, has never said she wants to take the kids away from Michael. Speaking of him, every time Jason or Carly talks like Mikey will be back in a few months I wonder if Chad got told he could have an x number of time sabbatical and then if he doesn't want to come back, the role will be recast. Because 'he's getting treatment' can't go on forever and it's really not in character that he would willingly just not come back.
  15. Even a Noted Bigoted Stopped Clock is right twice a day.
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