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  1. Why do you all think it ended so abruptly, with no tell-all. no wrap-up? Wondering if a tell-all went wrong? Something smacks of discord in the wrap-up? hmm.
  2. Does anyone know if they're all divorced?
  3. They have not shown either tell-all here. Central Texas. It airs tonight. I have enjoyed getting a preview through you all.
  4. I loved this list so much! HA!
  5. I sorta love it. I wanted him to look at her like that when Meri insisted on 3-4000 square feet for herself while the other wives had up to 6 kids living in their spaces. She said it would be depriving her to downsize herself just because of fewer kids. That will always tell me who Meri is.
  6. I'm thinking Kody has thoroughly cut Meri loose. The only reason she's there at all, and the only reason he went to Parowan was to add episodes to the dying series. They all have a huge $take in this season, and have contributed as best they can to eke drama out of it all. Christine offered up Ysabel. Robin... um, Robin? Maddie may have contributed the most after all, yikes! I loved how Janelle said with first real anger, I'M NOT DEFENSIVE, I'M FRUSTRATED!, ie., pissed!! Yes!!! Go J! I do wish Robin had put more verbs in her sentences, re: being sick of this. Tell, Robin. What has Meri been doing, from your perspective?? And to the 3 of you, does it grate on your last nerve cell that Meri is off, gone, tuned out while her McMansion sits there empty, the "her dream" wetbar atrophying in the echo-y halls.
  7. I was really hoping to see Nancy do some counseling with these women. Three sessions on this topic and Nancy hasn't helped at all?
  8. Ok, let's turn this on it's head and look at it, upside down. What if another tragedy besides what the girls went through and are still going through, was that Josh was improperly taught, insufficiently parented, and a pretty messed up young man in many ways. What he turned to was twisted and abhorent and sad. So what good can come of this taking center stage in mass media and social media? That this crisis goes on in families across the country. We are being spurred, I think, to be vigilent and truth seeking for victims and empowering of victims that have thus far been silent. So it is a good topic because it is real and rampant. It is, well, reality. I believe that there has been a lot hate mongering, demeaning, and shaming of the family. In fact the attacks have been vicious and unrelenting all over the internet and cable tv. Vultures preying with glee on the flesh of real people when they are down and, I believe, crying out. The parents have been portrayed as money-grubbing uneducated imbecils who have sold there souls and their family to become rich and famous. I believe this came about because they "preached" anti-gay and anti-trans views. This was such a misguided choice on their part, IMO. It is a casting of the first stone which brought a hail of stones aimed towards them. Preaching morality rarely goes well except maybe in the pupit, to the choir. I also hear jealousy about their tv show and the money it may generate. I hear hate and meanness about Michelle's voice and that Jim Bob sounded rehearsed for the interview. Of course he was rehearsed! They practiced and had consultants and worked hard to make this ok, even hopelessly to make it go away. Their famliy is shattered. They have been humiliated. I wonder when enough will be enough. I do understand why their holier-than-thou preaching rubbed people raw. And I do think the concern for the victims of molestation is quite real. But somehow the final "gotcha" feels like the final bloody thrusts at a bullfight.
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