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  1. Conversations on race and class were more prominent during Season 1, however clunky. In subsequent seasons, these themes still exist but are more subtextual. Some of these conversations exist off-air (see: Candiace recent tweets about colorism, bias and favorites) Getting down to it, this franchise is supposedly aspirational. The black men of the cast have achieved a lot professionally, and on their way up, have encountered a lot of mediocre white men, that have continually gotten a pass. (All the while changing the old narrative about black fatherhood.) Brown Dick Chris doesn’t measure up. Without the women at their sides, there is little incentive for this group of men to drive up to hour to sit and break bread with a dude that brings little to table.
  2. That only effects, Chris??? Haha! Thanks for the laugh.
  3. I'm starting to feel sorry for her. Poor girl is hustling backwards. In so many ways.
  4. How would this benefit a group (minus Michael) of black men -- family men -- who are, or have been distinguished professionally, against odds, to sit and play house for some opportunist who hasn't seen his son in 10 years?
  5. Actually, being on the come-up, he tried to promote his colleagues/employers’ restaurant. Not that I blame him — only a fool would come on these shows without something to shill.
  6. I don’t, AT ALL. I left the room during that segment. She needs to take her childish ass to Bad Girls Club, or somewhere. And take her deadbeat kept husband with her.
  7. Come for BBG, and call Big Chris “menacing”. Ain’t White (sub)mediocrity, R&B lyrical vows and all, in the presence of proported Black excellence, a bitch? That brown dick must be Exquisite.
  8. I’ll add that any black man that finds his way on a lifestyle/luxury reality series with an similarly underwhelming resume – a) no education, b) sketchy as hell family history, c) broke – would be skewered by producers/editors and clowned in the blogsphere, and given a “N****s Aint Shit” treatment. But BDChris makes a duck quesadilla that make you slap your mama. Swoon!
  9. Responding to the bolded remarks: Based on what? Cuz, from my vantage point – and I'll be frank here – perceived white knighthood while living off the back of an elderly black woman does not compute.
  10. “I have 4 homes”, said Monique 2 years ago upon their 1st meeting. She got Gizelle’s ass together, quick and complete. That instantly cemented her hate for Monique. And because Gizelle is emotionally invested in disliking the woman who has all she thinks she’s entitled to, there is nothing that Monique can ever do that will quell Gizelle’s bitterness and resentment.
  11. He's enabling it. Damn right, he's not making a big deal – more for him tuck away. Big boys pay their own way.
  12. I'm not sure why Candiace, whom I admit is loathsome, is shouldering all the blame for not moving out when 40-something-year-old Brown Dick Chris made it clear he’s comfortable with Mama Dorothy paying half his rent.
  13. I don’t hate Brown Dick Chris. Certainly don’t like him though. Always trying to be down with the folks. And he’s getting the SOFTEST edit. They’re so much to explore with these two but the producers, for whatever reason, aren’t going there. We’ve met Big Chris, Juan and Ray’s families and dug into their finances. So… Where is Chris’ Mama and Daddy? Did they go to the wedding? Where are Chris’ kids and baby mamas? Did any of them go to the wedding? What does he pay for and why is Candiace’s family subsidizing a middle-aged man’s life? If he’s gainfully employed, couldn’t he have, at least, taken Candiace, to Ocean City even, for the honeymoon? The producers are sitting on a treasure trove of potentially real deliciously rachet drama, yet they are wasting our time with poorly acted, repetitive, dull scenes with her and Mama Dorothy.
  14. Finally, Good triumphs over Evil.
  15. Welcome to the boards, Jay!
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