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  1. I was annoyed the writers broke up both Adam and Sally and Billy and Chelsea, but I’m suprised I don’t mind Billy and Sally. Still don’t buy Adam and Chelsea as meant to be, no matter how many times the show tries to tell us they are. The show has never shown this. I hate, hate, hate Adam, who is my favorite character, when he is Victor’s lap dog.
  2. “That may be okay for you, but I will not be upper middle class. “ Vanessa Williams’s delivery of that line has motivated to become rich so that I can someday say it to someone. Just loved this episode. My other favorite parts were Capt Wagner consoling himself with a milkshake and the detective excitedly joining the heist take down.
  3. I hope it’s a dream. Because I like Sharon and don’t like Heather but watching Sharon’s actions today was tough. Heather is a wife and mom. Yikes.
  4. OMG. The writers suck but I admit I wasn’t expecting todays episode. WTF
  5. Yes. An 8 year old Lyle abused his brother once. He admitted to it in the first trial, I believe. He likely would have been recreating what was done to him by his father. This happens with abuse. I find it sickening that the show decided to turn that into a sick gratuitous incest story, deemphasizing the power and control aspects of sexual abuse but playing up the sexual aspect. But not surprising for Murphy, although a new low for him.
  6. OMG. As someone very squeamish about all things eye related, how could I forget that! Maybe my psyche forced me to forget it because that was so creepy and desperate!
  7. Adam is currently dead to me, too. Which is hard for me to believe because Adam is my favorite character and when I watch episodes I missed on the cbs app and just ff to his scenes. I can’t believe how they fucked up Adam so quickly. I could look past the super-soapy evil, scheming Adam who burned Ashley’s miscarried fetus, slept with a male DA to get out of a jam, and switched Sharon’s baby, but gaslighting, cheating boyfriend Adam is a little to basic for me.
  8. While I liked the Tucker and Ashley pairing and hated that they split them up so soon after they married, I think I am preferring Tucker with Audra now. I do think that one positive of this storyline is that the actress has improved greatly playing against TSJ. She was very - I wouldn’t say wooden - but a little too corporate playing Audra when she started on the show, and now we get so much personality and spunk from her.
  9. Sorry about that, Daff. I just used the quote function without even checking. But I would be miffed too if someone misattributed a comment to me so will remember to check next time I quote. 🙂
  10. Yes, that actor was very strong. Loved his crabby interactions with the cantankerous Granny AI, and, wow, his interactions with his son AI just slew me. But I would hate for the writers to negate the impact of last night’s tale of parental loss by making that parent evil. But perhaps they can use him again to find the bad guy.
  11. I liked this one. Well it was a standard episode - a plot of the week I was only mildly interested in but good camaraderie scenes with the team, which I why I watch. Then they figured out the AI was modeled after that man’s son. And it became a tear jerker.
  12. At this point, haven’t Adam and Nick been with FOUR of the same women. I wasn’t a religious watcher of Y&R back in the day so could be wrong, but there is Sharon, Chelsea, Sage and Sally. I believe Adam was with Chelsea and Sally first but Nick had first dibs (sorry for the crudeness) on Sharon and Sage. So not sure why Sally sleeping with Nick should be an issue for purposes of the show, since I believe Adam has had no issue sleeping with Sharon, Chelsea, and Sage after Nick had sex with them. (Again, could be wrong about Sage - never watched that storyline) That said, In real life, I would consider both Nick and Adam sick garbage people for repeatedly going after the same women. Much in the same way I would move social circles if everyone around me averages 2-3 marriages per decade. Or shun and shame anyone who dated people who they are somewhat related to (by adoption, marriage or past belief of erroneous biological kinship). But the Bold and Beautiful wouldn’t exist without all these scenarios so I just play along.
  13. I don’t know if the shows has ever specifically addressed this but I can’t see how it’s not the case that Heather is Lucy’s adopted mom given that Heather is a lawyer, married to Lucy’s dad for over a decade, Heather was able to take primary custody of Lucy after the divorce and, even if Heather, despite her legal training, didn’t think the technicality of legal adoption was necessary when she was married to Daniel, Heather lived abroad with Lucy so would want full parental rights in case of emergency. Plus, she raised Lucy. She’s her mom. But yeah, soap opera reality is different than reality.
  14. I didn’t think the acting was horrible, esp since they were playing people who were drugged, drunk and/or hit on the head with a hammer. But what really bothered me was that Victor and Nick had to be heroes, didn’t they? Are we supposed to swoon over a drugged Victor still being strong enough to take down Jordan? Or Nick, with a knife wound to the abdomen and losing blood profusely, to walk over to his phone to call 911 (instead of, you know, asking Victoria to call). What manly men!!!! The other thing that bothers me with this storyline is I think this is the shiny object they’re dangling at us to make us forget how screwed up and idiotic Victors feigned dementia plan was.
  15. I will never tire of watching Adam Newman. Liked MMs portrayal as well, but MG really grabs my attention. He does a lot with little nods or stares. Loved the near grin he suppressed yesterday when Nick accused him of stalking Sally. That said, I used to like Victoria (esp when she began dating Billy) and Nick. But their one-note Adam hate is ridiculous. Do the writers want us to hate them? Or their even more awful parents? The sad thing is I think the writers don’t even know.
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