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Posts posted by Irlandesa

  1. I guess it was a pretty good episode if the biggest complaint seems to be that nobody mentioned SHERLOCK.

    While he didn't mention it on the live show, he did mention it during the "previews" he filmed with Kate McKinnon.



    Not exactly the exposure as the live show but not totally running from it either.

    • Love 1
  2. If I would to believe Erin she has never met a Christmas tradition she didn't like.  Totally unbelievable.  No one does all those things she pretends she does with her family EVERY Christmas.

    Ha!  She seems to have been bitten by Food Network's "You must tell a story for every recipe" bug.  Thanks a lot Food Network Star.  You've achieved the effect of me never believing any story anyone tells on the show.


    All true.  I guess I sympathize with Bill because I share his sentiments but I do agree that he should have been a lot less obvious about them. 

    I don't hate any of the contestant, although I think I'm more of a Naylett-for-the-win at this point, but the problem with Bill's reaction is that it's for pretty much any contestant that won.  When it was just Erin, or mostly Erin, it made sense.  She did seem to win a lot and I thought the exasperation was cute.  But then he started having it whenever he didn't win. 

  3. I knew as soon as he didn't mention being in Sherlock but did mention the Office what parody we'd be getting.

    But he also mentioned "Picking Up The Pieces" so it was hard to know for sure which one they'd go for.  Actually, I thought because they didn't mention Sherlock, we'd for sure get a parody of it later on.  I will remain disappointed that that they didn't go there but hey, maybe next time.  I doubt the ratings will impress but as a host, I thought Martin was terrific.


    That said, The Office: Middle Earth parody was fantastic.  There were a lot of good laughs.  I thought Bobby evoked Ricky Gervais quite well.  But I ain't gonna lie, seeing Martin playing a Tim-like character again gave me all the feels. 


    The Weekend Update had two great segments that were both funny and had a social edge to them with Sasheer's emoji rant and Cecily's on point "Stereotypical female in a male driven comedy" character. 


    Christmas Mass was my life when I used to go to Christmas mass. 


    I thought for a second Kethcup Assembly Line was going to go to an "I Love Lucy" place but it didn't.  Yet it still gave me a chuckle. I should have seen the blue light coming but I didn't. I enjoyed the build-up almost as much, though.


    The Waterbed sketch seemed to be a total throwaway to me at first.  But then Aidy fell back onto the bed and rolled the waves of the waterbed and I chuckled.  It was the only chuckle but it was just enough that I didn't think it was terrible. 


    I hope I get a visit from Sumptin' Claus.  I can see that making the future Christmas compilations.

    • Love 3
  4. I don't know if I appreciated it more because I watched it live instead of on a DVR when it's much easier to fast forward, but I enjoyed The Best Christmas Party Ever despite it having, perhaps, the worst title this season.  It wasn't about the evils of a big city over a small town.  The woman, in the end, wasn't giving up a career opportunity for love.  It was the man.  Neither actor was a block of wood and I actually had a few genuine laughs. 


    The Santa Con, on the other hand, I gave up on after thirty minutes.  Life's too short.  Let me know if I'm missing something.

  5. Rayna's actions again make no sense to me. Except even the show now seems to think Luke is too good for Rayna. RIP evil Luke!


    Rayna didn't make sense.  All of these issues had been brought to her attention multiple times but she decides before the wedding is when she decides to get "real" with herself? 


    So yeah, in that moment, I did think Luke was too good for her.  At least he was pretty upfront about who he was. 

    Teddy is pathetic. Was he really hoping for a relationship with the hooker? Eric Close needs to find another job.

    No.  I think he realized he had been seeking comfort in all the wrong places. 

    • Love 5
  6. Did anybody see Wishing and Hoping the other night?  It was in the vein of A Christmas Story with the narrator. I plowed through it even though it didn't really hold my interest.  The hero was Annette Funnicello's cousin.

    I watched it.  Even though I thought it was well put together, it didn't hold my interest either.

    I have such a backlog of Christmas movies and I think I need to focus on romcoms.  After all, I don't watch them because they're Christmas movies but rather because a lot of the Christmas movies are just a method for delivering the romcom.

    • Love 2
  7.  Most states bar seeking child support from sperm donors, so medical malpractice is basically the only way to guarantee that child has money for the future.

    Rafael isn't a sperm donor, though. I would imagine serm donors and recipients of donor sperm are made to sign forms severing rights between the donor and the child.  The reason the sperm exists is for Rafael to have a child.  If Petra had gotten pregnant and then he decided he didn't want to be married to her, he'd still be on the hook for child support. 


    Besides, a lawsuit isn't the only way to go.  Jane is going to teach.  She can support her child.  Even if Rafael loses his job, he has the right experience and charm to parlay that into another job.  So while the child may not be as rich as it could be should things go wrong, I think both of them are competent enough to provide.


    I wonder if he might try to help Alba with the immigration stuff now that he knows she's undocumented. She's sort of elderly and her daughter and granddaughter are both U.S. citizens. Wouldn't that help?

    I'm surprised she hasn't already applied for amnesty.  I'm not up-to-date on immigration law but haven't the past few presidents all offered amnesty, at one time or another, to illegal residents who have children/grandchildren who are citizens?


    So Rafael's mother also had a "mental breakdown"? I would guess that Daddy-O set her up the same way Rose screwed over Luisa. But why?

    I believe Rafael and Luisa share a father but not a mother.  Luisa's mother had a breakdown. We still don't know about Rafael's mother.


    I don't consider his reaction to be all that negative, but that was the best negative reaction he could have possibly had. The narrator made a point of saying that Michael hadn't reacted that way, but that was two years ago and before she'd been engaged to anyone.

    I didn't think it was that negative either.  They both had been having very sexual fantasies but only Jane knew she wasn't going to act on it.  Another factor from two years ago is that Jane wasn't pregnant.  It's also not like Jane hadn't considered changing her status.  The main reason she hadn't was probably more about Rafael than it was about her promise to her grandmother.


    What Rose did to Luisa was cruel, but I don't blame her for doing it. Luisa had no right to make a one-sided decision to blow up her family like that. The relationship was over, and they both regretted it. At best her father would have been devastated at having been betrayed by the two most important women in his life.

    Normally, I agree that there is no good out of truth telling when it comes to big secrets that will only damage but Luisa had every right to share her truth.  I think her father would have gotten over it...as far as she's concerned.  Rose would have been out on her keister but she probably will be any way given how the father goes through wives.

    • Love 3
  8. "The Tree that Saved Christmas" was decent. I liked that they didn't go the clichéd route of her boss falling in love with the main girl so there was a love triangle.

    I am glad they didn't do a triangle considering how things turn out. Although, I do wish they had gone the cliched route of her falling in love with her boss over the cliched route of her falling back in love with her small town ex from high school.  Neither character was super well acted but I thought the boss was a little more interesting at least and seemed to have better chemistry with Lacy. 


    I think that's my biggest complaint about some of these movies.  I can handle lesser quality if the leads have chemistry but I don't think they cast for chemistry.


    Mr. Miracle was bizarre.  I get that Rob Morrow was going for "alien" with his angel but it was just weird. I did like the story about the person/couple he was helping.  It would have been a better movie had it been about them rather than trying to launch a new series. 


    Pet Peeve: Why do all these movies have  people excited to have some big shindig on Christmas Eve?  If one of my professors had invited me to a tree lighting ceremony at his house on Christmas Eve, the last thing I'd do is fist bump the student next to me. 

  9. If we never see Zoey again, that might not be a loss. Storming out when she had this shot to perform with ZAG in front of a big name shows such immaturity, coupled with the attitude that she doesn't want to be "just a back-up singer" anymore, after how long in Nashville?


    I'm iffy on this.  On one hand, she did have an audience expecting her to sing.  On the other, the whole gig was just a way to manipulate Zoey into coming back to Gunnar, and playing 'mama' to his child, under the pretense of getting her career hopes up. He had a lot of nerve accusing her of being selfish under those circumstances because she was absolutely right.  He had money and a career as a song writer that gave him the freedom to make those choices.  Avery has had some gigs as a producer so also had opportunities.  I don't blame her for taking the stance that Gunnar made his own bed. 


    Juliette made me laugh.  It was so out there for this show but it worked. 

    • Love 9
  10. Here's an article that speculates about the identity of Sin Rostro.  It doesn't say who it is but it does say when we find out so if you want to avoid even that, I'd skip the article.  But I now wonder if my speculation was wrong---


    I thought it'd be Magda but now I'm starting to wonder if it's going to be Rafael.  The reason I think that is because of something Jaime Camil said in his YouTube interview I posted above on 11/19.  The interviewer asked Jaime whether he (or Rogelio) was on Team Michael or Team Rafael.  He replied that after he read the last scene of Ep 13 he was definitely on Team Michael.  It makes me think that is the ending that shocked the cast.

    • Love 1
  11. Mmm, I think it's important. I'm not totally sold on her actually being in love with Luisa vs. enjoying their physical relationship and caring about her knowing about her alcoholism. Regardless, it's one thing to marry someone you don't love. There's a gulf between mercenary and denying your sexuality for a marriage of convenience.

    You're right, "love" might be quite a stretch, although given how dangerous an affair with her daughter-in-law would be to her comfortable lifestyle, I think there must be quite a strong connection.  I do think exploring Rosa's motives more could be interesting.  I just hope we get that chance but both of the actresses who play Luisa and Rose have other show commitments. 


    Agree to disagree. And I forgot to bring up Petra and her mom. I've gotten to the point where I expect more from shows now.

    We can agree to disagree but I object to the implication that "wanting more" is wanting the kind of female character you want.  I have pretty high standards for female characters in that I want them to have the same opportunities male characters have had to be messy while driving story. 

    • Love 1
  12. This is the third telenovela style American remake I've watched after Ugly Betty and Devious Maids and I can't help comparing it and finding it lacking.

    I don't think it's as good as Ugly Betty was in its first thirteen episodes, we'll see if it handles the transition from the first 13 into full season/series better than that show did.  I do think it's better than Devious Maids at this point.


    It seems like they're throwing a ton of relationship drama in their way to clear the path for Jane and Rafael. My problem with that is that to do so they're writing a character that contradicts the one they established.

    How are they doing that?  Only seven episodes have aired so far.  IMO, we're still in the "establishing who these characters" are phase and haven't gotten to the "out-of-character-under-the-bus-throwing" actions point. 


    They've hinted at Michael's ruthlessness from the beginning.  His brother showed up hinting at the backstor we got.  He allowed Jane to think Rafael and Petra were a happy couple even though he knew they weren't.  He didn't have to tell her how he knew but he kept mum on that because it suited his needs.  He obstructed justice to protect Petra.  He also told Jane she was hormonal when she suspected something weird was going on.


    But overall, while I do think Rafael and Jane are meant to be end game if this follows the tenets of a traditional telenovela, the show hasn't abandoned trying to sell Michael & Jane to the audience...i.e. the flashbacks in the same episode that Jane and Raf were kicked up a notch.


    But he still has a reputation as a delinquent playboy. Was he cheating on Petra? Even though they were apparently blissfully in love? Confused.


    Reputations, once established, are hard to shake, especially if a person is only known by an individual by their reputation.


     Also, they haven't cleared up if she's pretending to no longer be a lesbian or if she's bisexual or what. It seems weird that Luisa's father would knowingly take up with his daughter's ex-lover...Great feminism, show.

    Do they need to establish how Rose defines herself?  She's in love with Luisa.  She has married Luisa's father for money.  I don't get the impression that she has shared her previous relationship with Luisa with her husband.


    Yes, the lesbians are a mess but pretty much everyone on this show is a mess.  But this show does have strong female characters with strong female POV and strong female-to-female relationships.  I actually think it does quite well on the 'feminism' front.

    • Love 2
  13. I'm so glad this thread is here.  I love this time of year.  Actually, I watch all Hallmark movies, for better or worse.


    I know that the Hallmark Channel likes to promote that they show 12 new movies every Christmas, but perhaps it is time for them to cut down on the quantity and concentrate a bit more on the quality. 

    If people will watch their quantity, they have no reason to aim for quality.  That said, I like their quantity approach.  I think the more they make, the better chance they will have of stumbling on quality.


    I actually really liked "Nine Lives of Christmas."
    "One Starry Christmas" was absolutely horrible.


    Agree with both of these.  And it's because I check out everything that I saw "Nine Lives" since I'm not a cat person. It really surprised me and I think it's my favorite so far this holiday season.  One Starry Christmas was boring and even worse, I can't delete it from my DVR for some reason.  I keep hitting the button and it doesn't go away. 

    I enjoyed the Signed, Sealed, Delivered Christmas movie.  Sometimes holiday specials of regular series seem to just be plopped down without moving the series along at all.

    I enjoyed it as well.  I like the characters and I like the actors.  The original Signed, Sealed, Delivered movie was probably one of the better Hallmark movies they've made with its ability to create an interesting story, genuine heart and genuine angst.  The series was a bit iffier for me but I hear it's going back to a movie series rather than an episodic series.  I think I'll be okay with that.


    I will say I preferred Grumpy Cat to yet another business lady eschews family for big time career until she comes back to small (home)town to learn the real meaning of life (a MAN)  Candace Cameron Xmas movie.

    I thought Christmas Under Wraps was on the boring side but I would have had a big problem with her leaving the small town, who hadn't had a doctor in a year,  after she agreed to do her fellowship there.  That would not have been a good look. But my biggest problem was the stealth "Santa Claus" they inserted into the story.  I'm not a fan of Santa Claus in movies unless I know upfront that's what I'm watching.


    I love most of the cheesetastic Christmas movies that come out every year, however, I would love to see more of them fronted by POC's and maybe a little bit of gay or lesbian romance.

    Hallmark is pretty much white bread but UP does a decent number of Christmas movies.  I think Lifetime has had at least one POC star in their movies and I'm less familiar with ION.  Part of the issue is that UP and Hallmark have more a more Christian angle.  UP is a bit more forward with it but quite a few of the books Hallmark has adapted are from Christian fiction writers. So we can cross them out...for now. But even with Lifetime and (ION) they probably have the same mindset that gay and lesbian romances are 'niche' romances for channels geared towards those viewers specifically.  Even on network TV, they're rarely the main romance but a story for supporting characters.

  14. The good news for you, if there is any good news out of not having JtV airing, is that there is no new episode on Monday.  I don't even think there's a rerun airing on Monday.  The eight episode airs 12/8 and the 'winter finale' airs the 15th. 

  15. An encore of Bethany's freestyle? Seriously, show. Was that to appease Golden Boy for being eliminated?

    Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the voting for the "winner" take place at the same time the voting/tweeting for the "encore" takes place?  That may be why the eliminated contestant has won the encore in recent seasons.  Fans of the top 3 are voting for the winner while the die hard fan bases of the eliminated contestants are working hard to get them the encore.

  16. Good possibilities for Sin Rostro.  Even though Magda is the number one suspect amongst savvy online viewers, there may be reasons why the writers may think they're fooling the general audience.  She's in a wheelchair.  She hasn't spoken of drugs.  She's a woman and every time they refer to "Sin Rostro" they refer to the person as a "him" or a "he."  They also introduced Rafael's father around the same time they introduced Sin Rostro.


    I thought the first hugging couple was going to want to adopt Jane's baby.

    Hated that Michael jumped to have sex with his coworker after finding out about Jane and Rafael. I don't know how to explain it, but it made it less sweet that he waited so long with Jane. 

    I'm not a big Michael defender but couldn't it be seen as more sweet?  He wasn't a virgin.  He was used to having sex in his relationships.  Yet staying celibate was worth it in order to date Jane. I had no qualms about him choosing to have sex beyond it wasn't a smart partner choice nor was it a smart location.

    • Love 3
  17.  I don't see why it's such a big deal for the pros friends' to want them to win anymore than the celebs' supporters. People are acting like a few tweets are the equivalent of putting a horse head in Derek's bed last week.


    Because it's not about the pros, it's supposed to be about the celebs.  That is most likely an illusion since there are some pros more popular than others but I like that illusion.  I appreciate when pros attempt to maintain that illusion.


    I don't like the cliquey feeling that has developed over the past few seasons when pros (and sometimes their partners) start campaigining for their pro-friends' partnerships based on friendship.  It makes it about them.


    Still, just because I don't love the vibe of it doesn't mean I think there's anything outright bad about anyone doing that up until the winner is announced.  Then everyone is supposed to remember that it's a silly, fun dancing competition whose winner is based on entertainment and popularity as much as talent. They should congratulate the winner on a well deserved win.  Acting like their pro-friend (who it's not supposed to be about) was robbed is kind of assy. 


    I'd be more likely to cut Maks some slack that perhaps it was all in fun if it weren't for the fact that last season he made the journey all about him.  His hopes.  His fears. His thing for Meryl. Blah blah blah.  I loved Meryl and was happy she won but I so wish it hadn't been with Maks.  He takes this ish too seriously.


    I'm happy for Alfonso.  He was the most fun for me to watch except for the weeks where he was extremely injured. I wish he hadn't been injured because I think we would have seen even more from him.  Janel is a beautiful dancer.  Unfortunately, she got the C-brothers curse of freestyles that don't cut it for me.  I'm happy Bethany and Derek got to do two strong dances. And despite my feelings about her family, Sadie won me over. 

    • Love 3
  18. I really enjoyed this episode and want to watch it again.  Perhaps it was just romantic fluff but it couldn't have come at a more perfect moment when I really looked for escapism. 


    It's exciting to see Jane throw caution to the wind and go for it even though the two of them are going to hit major bumps in the road because it's almost fantasy for both of them.  There's nothing wrong with fantasy but it doesn't last.  It'll be interesting to see where they go for once that element is taken away. 


    The fight between Xio and Jane was very good.  Xio, Rogelio and her abuela are way too involved in Jane's potential sex life but the argument was very real.  Jane is going against expectations and that's part of growing up.  The growing pains when those changes start to happen were well done in the ep.


    Michael, Michael, Michael...I'm all for you getting your groove on now that you and Jane are over but with a co-worker?  In the office?  No no no no.  If he's not fired by the end of the season, I will be partly surprised. 

    • Love 2
  19. The total viewership is slowly increasing though I'm concerned how much steam they may lose with the holiday breaks.

    ABC ordered the back 9 today (I'll post a link to the article in the media thread) so we know it'll at least get a full season to try to pick up steam.

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