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Posts posted by Irlandesa

  1. I didn't like that episode but overall, I do like this as a vehicle for Cristela.  It's not a complicated show.  It's a bit of a throwback but it's the perfect Friday night show for me.  Cristela's comedy feels a bit broad which fits this better than a single camera show. 


    Its ratings last tied its debut ratings which I found kind of interesting. 

    • Love 1
  2. It is satire. The actors and songs are quite acceptable - much better than some I have seen in out of town tryouts of shows that believed they could make it on Broadway.

    Maybe it's because I'm not a huge lyrics girl when it comes to songs--I can appreciate good ones but it's rare for me to like a song because of lyrics.  It's usually the melody that draws me to songs and darnit if the melody isn't stuck in my head even if I don't know the words.

  3. I haven't seen the ABC promos but I guess the positive way to look at it is that at least ABC is making the effort to promote the show, unlike some other shows/networks that get ignored by the promo department and then get no viewers!

    They are putting a lot of promotion behind this.  The commercials leading up to it, the repeat airing tomorrow after their new, popular comedy block and even doing the sing-songy commercials for other shows indicates financial support for this show.  As much as the back-to-back episodes in January would indicate a 'burnoff' all the promotion almost suggests ABC envisions some kind of future for the show. 


    I'm curious to know what that future would be.  Special events every year?


    I wonder how the queen became such a bitch. If Galavant liked her she couldn't be that bad.


    I don't think the show has done much to support the notion that Galavant is a good judge of character or as super wonderful as his legend claims he is.  I can very well believe that he thinks she's incredible.  Plus, we mostly see her with King Richard, who she despises, and don't really see how she acts around someone she thinks she loves. 


    I do think they gave a decent back story for why she chose King Richard over Galavant. Speaking of King Richard, I just loved the "real" acting Tim Omundson did when she told him he was unlovable.  He would do that on Psych as well.  The tone could be silly but he could slip in great moments of gravitas. 

    • Love 3
  4. Execs don't want serialized shows. If you're making a show more like a novel, it won't work on the broadcast networks. Boardwalk Empire was sllloooooow. The cable networks are embracing the serialized concept because the season order is shorter and they are more with how people watch tv. The broadcast networks want time for ads. 

    If you look at what shows are getting greenlit every season on broadcast television, they're mostly serialized. A show doesn't have to be as novel-like as Boardwalk Empire to be considered "seralized."  It's about having a storyline that constantly progresses from episode-to-episode.  Scandal, Grey's, Revenge, How To Get Away With Murder, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Gotham,  Jane The Virgin...and more are all considered serialized shows.  Even procedurals have started to have an element of serialization about them--usually in the form of some "big bad" that the hero/heroine is chasing and is brought out for sweeps and season finales. 


    I watch very few new shows these days, but if Law & Order, Original Recipe is on, I'll leave that on in the background all day and night.


    • Love 1
  5. Actually, we appreciate the episodes more because of the "inside the episode" features that follow -- and I'm not sure how much I will enjoy the new season when that feature is not available.

    Is there some reason you think it won't be available?  The "inside the episode" feature was there last season.  It didn't air on HBO but it was available online as well as attached to the end of the On Demand episodes as soon as they were uploaded. 

  6. I've found Patrick to open up to Kevin a lot more than he seemed to open up to Richie, so that puts me on their side.

    How so?  Patrick and Kevin have talked quite a bit but more than Patrick/Richie when Richie knows about Patrick's first time, Patrick's insecurities regarding his family and Patrick's childhood insecurities?  I think Patrick is a pretty open person in general.


    They seemed to be good friends - Kevin knew about Patrick's sister's wedding and Dom's pop up, among other things.

    Owen seems like Patrick's good friend from work.  Owen hangs out with Patrick both in and outside of work.  Owen gets invited to Patrick's non-work buddy's birthday party. 


    Kevin seems like someone Patrick talks a lot to but...at work.  I've had work relationships like that yet I wouldn't call them friendships as it never extended beyond the office walls/work time.  The two times they met outside of work were accidental. The first time he had difficulty mixing his 'other' life with his work life and the second time Kevin mixed in to Patrick's life but not as a part of Patrick's life but rather as a part of John's life. 


    I'd argue that Owen has made the crossover as a work friend who became a good friend but I don't think Kevin's there yet, especially when he needs to use a work emergency excuse to create alone time with Patrick.


    Surely he wouldn't take that risk to his own career just to get laid, right?

    You wouldn't think so but it happens all the time.  Powerful, charismatic men sleep with subordinates all the time just because they want to.  It happens with politicians, businessmen...etc. 


    Now, from the interviews I've seen the writers are in love with Raul and Richie, so we are in all likelihood going to see the seedier version of this playing out, the one which supports Patrick / Richie.\

    I don't know what the writers being in love with Raul/Richie has to do with anything.  Russell Tovey is the one they loved so much they created a character specifically for him so I see no reason to believe that the direction they're following with Kevin is in any way related to the writers' feeling more positive towards one actor/character over another. The fact is, they loved Russell so they created Kevin.  Kevin is attractive, charming and ambitious.  He also used his power as Patrick's boss to get him alone after Patrick rebuffed his non-work-specific attempts.  He then fucked him on the office floor knowing he was still partnered and had no plans to leave said partner.  Maybe the writers could write something to get me to understand why he cheated on his boyfriend.  They won't be able to write his POV and manpain in a way that makes what he did as Patrick's boss okay in my eyes. 


    My point is, they loved Russell so they created a character they loved.  It just so happens that what they love in the character may not be what some of the audience loves or even wants from the character. They wrote and filmed the season before we saw it.  The douchebaggery was baked in.  It's not like exploring the seedier side of an affair is a sudden shift in course with the character.   

  7. So if I read this right: the two suspects' two stories parted ways beyond repair around what happened at the ranch that day. Alison may have invented Cole's threatening Noah, Whitney and Helen, herself and himself to cover for Noah's actually assaulting Scotty.  Meanwhile Noah confessed to the assault, because he knew the videotape from the earlier Planned Parenthood attack was out there, and he believed that in this case as in that, his position as outraged father would be understood. 

    This would actually be a theory I could get behind except that Alison's interrogation ended a while ago.  It was Noah who they kept bringing back.  Alison's story today didn't seem like part of an interrogation. 

  8. So are we to believe that in Noah's memory, he beat the living shit out of Scotty at the ranch, but in Alison's memory, that never happened?


    Someone needs to get those two CAT scans, pronto.

    I know. 


    I can forgive some memory differences but that one was pretty huge.  Heck, I could even forgive the memory differences if it took place in the same room with Noah and Alison just remembering different things about it but the differences here were just too big. 


    One of the most redeeming features of this season has been the home lives of Noah and Alison.  Less interesting has been their affair so I'm somewhat dreading a second season focusing on their early days as a couple. 


    Does this episode put to rest the notion that Oscar could be the daughter's father? 


    Alan Sepinwall's review of the finale has a response from Sarah Treem about why the memories from the ranch incident (and other memories) were so different.

    I had read that before I came here and sorry, Sarah, it just doesn't work for me.  I can buy memories diverging but not to the point that the only thing their memories of the incident had in common was the fact that Cole had pointed at a gun at Noah.  Yet everything else?  Outfits, setting, context, circumstances and people were all different? 

    • Love 8
  9. My big disappointment of this holiday season is that Hallmark didn't cast Antonio Cupo in one of their holiday movies. I have rewatched Love at the Thanksgiving Day Parade so many times it's not even funny because I adore Antonio and Autumn Reeser so much. And Antonio even made Haylie Duff watchable in Hats Off last year.

    Ha!  When I re-watched Love at the Thanksgiving Day Parade this year, I was thinking the same thing.  It also reminded me that I don't always know which movies will be the ones I'll watch again and again.  When I first saw LatTDP, the woman stupidly accepting the proposal towards the end of the movie, just because she thought Antonio Cupo's character had a girlfriend, was a major knock against it.  But overall, I thought the leads had more chemistry than most of the leads of these movies do and it's worth watching again and again even thoughI still think the proposal is stupid.


    I suppose his "For Better or Worse" with Lisa Whelchel fulfilled his annual Hallmark Movie quota which was most notable to me because he was 15 years younger than his love interest.  Quite rare in TV.  It looks like his Christmas movie this year was a Canadian version of The Christmas Shepherd called A Christmas Tail.  (Since they came out, it's not technically a version of TCS but the plots are very similar.) 


    Here's an article on the Hallmark movie factory. 


  10. Admittedly, my attention was divided between this and football so that may have been part of the problem, but this episode didn't really do much for me which is a shame because a) Amy Adams is usually a good host and b) The cold open was great so I thought that signals the chance that the rest of the show would be great.  It was not.


    The cold open was everything right about a former cast member coming back. It was unexpected.  He was playing a very recognizable character, even if it wasn't one of his very recognizable SNL characters.  It was a great way to take on the biggest news story of the week and had some great one liners.


    Kristen Wiig showing up in the monologue was everything wrong about a former cast member coming back.  Both her appearance and the overall premise completely sucked the air out of the show.  Then you add Garth and Kat to WU and it's the second indication of bad things happening when a former cast member comes back.  In my years of watching SNL, I don't remember anyone talking about whatever Garth and Kat did on Weekend Update so why do they keep going to this well?


    Such a letdown after last week.

    • Love 5
  11. It'll never happen, but I'd love to see an Amazing Race that was, well, a true race, and not "A series of episodes that effectively negate everything that happened to this point in the season, excepting for one team that is left behind, sometimes".  I get that on other competitive reality shows, you have the typical weekly evictee/bootee/eliminated person/team, but a race is a freaking RACE.  They don't stop all the cars every 10 laps at the Indy 500 and say "Okay fellas, back the starting line- except you, Bob, you're out because you got to the checkpoint last". 


    In my ideal world- and yes, I know it won't happen for any number of reasons- the Amazing Race would be "Here's your first clue, see you in a month", involve more puzzling/da Vinci code style riddles, yet still have periodic "Last team to arrive" checkpoint eliminations scattered throughout. 


    That's why I miss Mark Burnett's Eco-Challenge (or at least I think that's the race).  They didn't visit multiple countries.  Instead, It was a multiple day/24 hours a day outdoor race that involved hiking, walking, running, kayaking, climbing, horseback riding...etc.  The teams were co-ed.   The show mined drama not only out of the race but out of whether or not a team would even finish.  The race was so grueling that it was a victory for many just to finish. 


    He did try something called Expedition Impossible which was a blend of TAR and Eco-Challenge but it wasn't a hit.  And I don't remember it being that good either.

    • Love 5
  12. I kinda feel a little for Brooke, she was a bitter pill at times... okay, a lot of times... but she wasn't totally wrong that the two NEL before the finale seems a little unfair. To steal a page from Clerks, "The scientists weren't even supposed to BE here today!"

    The NEL vs. TBC has already been covered but I thought Brooke was ridiculous with her implication that it was unfair.  If there is one thing that is true about TAR, it's about luck as much as it's about "fairness."  Are NELs really "fair" when their extra task is rarely a difficult extra task? (I find them less so than the TBC legs.)  Is it "fair" that there are so many bunching moments throughout the race?  Are U-turns "fair?"  Is it "fair" when a team loses due to an incompetent taxi driver?  Is it "fair" that the soul surfers had a few challenges that seemed to be specifically in their sweet spot?


    The only thing that is "fair" about TAR is that the race is created without considering the teams and that bad luck/good luck can hit any of them.   Amy & Maya did enough to stay in the race and saved their strongest leg for the last leg. That's fair and I'm glad they won.


    It seemed like Bethany got delayed because she messed up the order, and not by messing up remembering the numbers associated with each city.  That is inexcusable.  If I were on this show, I'd be constantly quizzing my partner about things like this until it was second nature.

    You don't think that's exactly what they did?  These teams had a sixteen hour flight.  They knew that was likely coming.  But knowing it was coming is different than actually doing it after racing thousands of miles, having very little sleep and then have to hunt in the heat, focusing on memorizing numbers as well as the order of the places they visited.  Actually, compared to similar challenges I've seen in the past, all three teams did admirably well.  Amy just did exceptionally well.

    • Love 7
  13. Damnit, I'm a big fan of Geoff Petersen and Josh Robert Thompson and I don't get why he's not getting more love here!

    I was listening to the radio once and two women were talking about Craig's show.  They felt he moved it towards being too 'masculine' when he introduced the robot which made me sad.  The robot was a product of mythbusters/science/experimentation...why would they think that only reserved for the boys?


    For the record, I don't agree with them.  Geoff wasn't my favorite thing at first but when they gave him more "freedom" to be a real sidekick with more versatile humor, he did start working for me.  I've always been on and off with my late night viewing but Craig usually had something going on in all his eras that I'd want to see. 


    From what I've read, the robot is going with Craig to his next gig. 

    • Love 1
  14. I hadn't seen any clips so the opening made me cry.  Not sure why.  

    Because it perfectly encapsulated this show's spirit.  I don't want to compare Colbert's send off to Craig's---but I'm gonna.  Colbert's musical moment had an impressive in-studio crowd but it didn't really get to me other than making me try to figure out who was all there.  Craig's, on the other hand, brought back a lot of nostalgia from the great actors/comics who did recurring bits, to some of his best guests and, most importantly, the characters who played a big role in his lip syncing openings. 


    Then it came live with a lot of energy. It was just fantastic and uplifting in the way that only this show really did it.  And that is why I'm going to miss him so much.


    I didn't even mind Jay Leno.  I liked him a bit "not safe" when he was sharing stories about horrible guests.


    Even their conversation about making references younger people won't get kind of led to the final bit with Carey and Mr. Wick in bed.  I loved that bit--but then again, I am old enough to remember the ends to Newhart and St. Elsewhere.

    • Love 8
  15. While I think this show has done far better episodes, I actually like the theory behind the ending even if I wasn't as riveted by the execution of the ending.


    I think it's realistic.  People change and people stay the same.  Sometimes people do both and I think that's what Neal did.  Over the years, the show has had me buy that Neal does consider Peter, El & Mozzie his family.  But it has also convinced me that Neal will always have a bit of wanderlust.  That's just the way he is. 


    So I think this ending was far more fitting than having Neal consider either side of the scale 100%.  Totally embrace the FBI in one alternate ending scenario?  I wouldn't buy it.  Leave primarily to keep stealing and betray Peter?  Also a bit of a stretch after everything he has been through.  But leave to protect those he cares about and later getting the itch to steal?  Yeah, I'm buying that.



    Another thing... when Peter shot Keller, he did it on emotion and to get to Neal, while saving that girl, it wasn't all about saving that person. So did Neal set Peter up to kill Keller? I don't care that Keller is dead, and no, I don't consider Peter a "murderer" , but I do think that's shitty of Neal to use Peter to do the dirty work while playing him. Mozzie ordering a hit was far less shitty than Neal having considered this outcome and decided that was acceptable.

    Peter didn't kill Keller until Killer pushed his hostage aside, raised his gun and tried to shoot Peter.  Peter was experiencing emotion but the kill wasn't about that.  And I don't think Neal could have predicted that Keller would be killed.  He could have been taken alive. 

    • Love 9
  16. If it hadn't been for the fact that she arranged for the insemination surreptitiously, she'd still have rights to the child. That said, she'd share rights with Rafael, not with Jane. (In other words, whatever custody arrangement Rafael had with Jane, he'd have to then take that and split it with Petra somehow. But it wouldn't impact Jane's parental rights.)

    I'm confused.  How does what Petra did affect whether or not she has a case? 


    I'm no lawyer but Petra doesn't have rights or ownership or anything over Rafael's sperm even if they were married. He couldn't go have sex with some random stranger, get her pregnant and have to share custody with Petra as his ex-wife.  Therefore, she doesn't have a claim on Jane's baby either.


    Now, if this were an embryo where Rafael's sperm had merged with Petra's egg, she'd have a claim.  (And boy, would that have been an interesting premise because that really would shake things up in terms of rights.)  But that's not the case here.  In court, the only thing that would matter is the fact that Rafael was the biological father and that Jane was the biological mother.  Any agreement about a possible surrogacy wouldn't matter because that's not what happened. In fact, had they used a surrogate, they likely would have had the surrogate carry an embryo that included Petra's egg.


    The problem was that Ivan came back recently and she had no money to give him because she was separating/divorcing Rafael. After she cheated on him and they could no longer stand each other she was gonna ask for his help? I don't think so.


    I still think she could have asked.  She cheated on him but it's not like she destroyed his faith in her because of the infidelity--all it did was confirm to him that she was only sticking it out for the money.  He thought she was a gold digger for the sake of being a gold digger.  Based on what we've seen of him, I do think he'd be much more sympathetic to the fact that it's a life and death situation for her.

    • Love 1
  17. I don't like Rafael and Jane looking smugly down on Petra. Okay, I really just don't like Rafael when he gets to be smug.

    The smugness didn't bother me the way it normally would after such a tragic past about the "villainess" had been revealed. I'd normally be all sympathetic to Petra here.


    But Petra did something a few episodes ago that is a huge pet peeve of mine--she falsely accused Rafael of domestic violence.  So, IMO, he's got a few smug-a-bitches left in regards to Petra before I'll feel like it's too much. 


    And Michael did something tonight that normally wouldn't bother me in fiction but my feelings that there isn't much police accountability in real life lately colored my reaction to his breaking into Rafael's office.  I loved that the "evidence" was MIA and I would've loved if Rafael had stuck his tongue out at him--smugly [assuming he moved the stuff in the safe.]


    In general, I like Petra and Michael as characters.  I just didn't want them to have "wins" in this ep.


    Going back to Petra for a second, that back story was quite something, wasn't it?  But it also sort of makes Petra's story fall apart. Her history seems tragic and sad.   So why the hell hasn't she told Rafael this information?  It's not like he had a lot of animosity towards her, even when he felt they needed to divorce.  That came when she started fighting it and when he found out about her affair.

    • Love 2
  18. So, Alison didn't realize she left a bra behind?

    She realized she left her top behind and she may have assumed the bra was in the bag with her shirt.  But I won't lie, it did cross my mind that she didn't push for the bra. 


    Ahhh the shampoo scene. I don't know why, but I think that one bothered me the most. What a bitch! That was just vindictive. 

    Yeah.  I know.  It's irrational but it felt like that little petty move was the worst thing I've seen on this show. I know it's not but it felt like it.


    Apart from a couple of conversations (in the hospital with her grandmother as an example) I've seen no REAL love portrayed between the two main characters.

    This.  I did feel they managed to bring emotion and connection into the affair which had been sorely missing for the first seven episodes of this relationship.  It made me think they may be laying the foundation for something that felt a bit more real than it had been.  I mean, I felt chemistry for the first time.  Not really romantic or sexual chemistry but at least it didn't feel forced.  And then they went way too far with the declarations of love.  The last episode should have been the start of building towards ILYs but not the actual exchange.


    Side note: Did Noah and Alison really have anal sex? Noah's version of bed talk implied that.

    I saw it differently than others here.  He was playing with her behind and she told him that wasn't something she had done before.  (Because earlier he said he wanted to do something with her that she hadn't done before.)  Then she said "next time."  So I got the impression that they didn't have anal sex but were making plans to do so.

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