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Posts posted by Irlandesa

  1. Yeah, on the podcast Vince said he loves those kinds of shots and is grateful he has the freedom to do them.


    It was slow but it was very effective at putting us in Jimmy's shoes.  They could have shown us Jimmy looking at his watch as the woman reached the bottom but that would have simply told us that Jimmy was waiting too long.  The slow, long shot choice actually made me feel his predicament.

    • Love 2
  2. I don't think we need anything more sad than what she has already experienced.  Both she and Phil faced similar sad circumstances.  Phil sought to fill his life by embracing the lack of structure.  Carol sought to fill the empty space by creating structure that ceased being imposed on her. 


    I think that explains both of them.  They simply reacted differently to similar circumstances.

    • Love 2
  3. Also, Jimmy seems to believe that Hamlin would be screwing Chuck by buying him out.


    I would have expected it to be the other way around - that Hamlin would be financially motivated to avoid giving Chuck a huge payout. But I guess it's possible it could work that way, under some circumstances.

    Hamlin is motivated to avoid giving Chuck a huge payout.  In the first episode, Jimmy wanted Hamlin to buy Chuck out.  Hamlin helped avoid that possibility by going to Chuck (off screen) and giving him a 'maintenance' check.  He also ratted on Jimmy trying to get a buyout and Chuck told Jimmy to back off because he would go back to work one day. 


    The reason Hamlin wanted the D.A. to not press charges or commit Chuck is because that would make Jimmy his legal guardian and could force a buyout that Chuck isn't agreeing to right now. 

    • Love 6
  4. I realized tonight that Jimmy McGill just makes me plain old happy. I don't think there was much story in tonight's episode, just a lot of scenarios, and yet watching those lawyerly scenarios put a smile on my face.  Each client was great and I especially loved how happy Jimmy was to get paid his $140.  The billboard didn't quite work out the way he had hoped.


    Everything about the elder-law story was gold from the "Need a will?  Call McGill" at the b ottom of the jello cup (already testing out tag lines) to the Matlock get up he was wearing.  (I know Tio doesn't end up in the nursing home until much later but was anyone else waiting to hear the bell?)    I even enjoyed Jimmy's attempt at insulting Mike's age before faltering. 

    How Saul puts up with Chuck's self-indulgent horseshit is beyond me.

    He puts up with it because Chuck put up with his.  And it has only been 18 months. 


    Not sure why he doesn't just have him declared as such and cash out of the practice for him. He will never be able to practice law again.

    He tried in the premiere but Chuck isn't completely delusional.  Other than his belief that he's allergic to electricity, he's pretty lucid.  Jimmy loves his brother and I don't think he wants to alienate him which declaring him incompetent might possibly do.  Chuck wants to believe he'll get better and Jimmy loves him enough to go along with that.  

    • Love 10
  5. It was such a silly joke but I loved "I am the best dam[n] inspector there is."  I just loved it. 


    I lived in the Twin Cities when the one of the busiest bridges collapsed, killing 13 people.  I think a few more of those tragedies will have to happen before people get serious about infrastructure. 

    • Love 6
  6. One man's "left Jon" is another man's "Jon kicked me out."  I suspect the latter is closer to the truth than the former, especially since I think Jon was getting a clue after the whole Halloween party.  Time will tell if I'm right or wrong on that angle.


    I found it interesting that Doris collapsed into Malik's arms.  It really shows how close to him she has gotten that she could trust him with those emotions that she hadn't been able to share with Dom and Patrick. 


    I think Doris getting money to invest in Dom's chicken joint was convenient but I will take it over them raising the money through Kickstarter. 


    There were some other things that I found hard to believe.  For instance, Doris can get told via text that her dad is dead but Kevin couldn't shoot Patrick a text saying that he and Jon were over?  And instead we got a door stoop moment.  I know it makes for better TV but it's just as ridiculous as last year when Richie was waiting there. 

    • Love 1
  7. This is a show I feel impressed by--impressed by the detail, impressed by the idea, impressed by the execution--and yet not really invested in. 

    I'm going to give it another few episodes (maybe even the whole season) to see if it actually manages to grab me but so far it leaves me a bit cold.


    I do like coming here, however, to get some perspective on the Schaal's* character.  At first I was also upset that it was the woman who was asking for rules to be followed, asking for things to be clean, asking for marriage before sex...essentially a nag.  But having her act as a contrast to Phil does add more layers to her actions. 


    *I too tend to find Schaal annoying but she did have her moments in Flight of the Conchords

  8. Patrick is uncomfortable wearing leather, do we have to assume that he has leather shame?

    Those weren't leather shoes he was putting on.  It was a very specific outfit that gives off a very specific impression that Patrick was wholly uncomfortable with.


    ETA: He freaked out about bed bugs which was only tangentially related to gay butt sex.

    No, the bed bug panic and the HIV panic were both directly related to his dirty dirty affair which he was ashamed of. 


    In its description, it says this show is about three gay men navigating life in San Fran but in reality, this show is about Patrick.  We learn about other characters but more than not, people who enter Patrick's life are to shine a light on his characteristics and tangentially their own characteristics. 


  9. I guess there could be a Mike/Gus meet, but didn't Saul tell Walt he didn't know the guy (or his name) or even what he looked like?  "I know a guy who knows a guy..." wasn't it?

    Yep.  I don't think Saul knew Gus.  The reason I do think having Gus would make sense is only if Mike's side of the story becomes much larger than it is now.  I think it will but it's also why I don't anticipate a Gus Fring appearance for a few more seasons.

    • Love 2
  10. I just think he's high strung...

    But the thing they've had him the higest strung about, the things he's the most uncomfortable with, aren't related to mundane things.  They're related to being gay, class, his family...etc.


    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar but I don't think shallow is what Looking is going for. Everything is carefully chosen to say something about the characters.

  11. I didn't like this episode.  Maybe it was my mood but I only had a few chuckles and I usually have more than that.  And I didn't think it was Dakota Johnson's fault either.  She had some of her textbook awkward delivery in places but there were other times when she was quite good, especially in the filmed pieces.  I think my major issue was that it felt like a lot of good ideas that were never fully realized. 


    For instance:

    Be Brave:  I loved the concept of this but there were only one or two examples that really hit the mark such as Kate's "you need to leave so I can poop" moment.  (Although some of the earlier anti-social tendencies expressed represented my thoughts, I didn't necessarily find them funny.)


    Weekend Update:  When I started watching the show, this was my favorite segment. I can't believe how far it has fallen with these two at the helm.  I did love Kate McKinnon's RBG but the whole rhythm felt very much like a segment Seth Meyers does on his show called "ya burnt!" 


    Worf MD:  Again, I didn't feel like this completely worked, although it was a nice tribute to Leonard Nimoy.  And I did like how the cast couldn't quite hold it together.  Dakota was smiling.  Keenan was smiling.  Taran even smiled after his character "died."


    Net Effect:  This was my favorite bit of the night.  Dakota's "harder" and Leslie's "think about it" and her talk about how no one mistakes her for gold were all gold. 


    I am a bit surprised Dakota's parents weren't on stage at the end of even thanked. I thought every guest, no matter how small the part, got their thanks at the end of the night. 

    • Love 1
  12. If that was the case, it makes me wonder, why would you give yourselves such a short timeline to write the show? I mean it is not like the 40th anniversary all of the sudden snuck up on them out of no where. 

    They probably had to wait to see who would definitely RSVP and wanted to participate.  It also sounds like the writing for the show was done by a team of "all-star" writers who I imagine are spread out across the country.  Yeah, they could always do it virtually but that's not really how the SNL writers room works according to how I've heard it described.  Plus, they did have their regular shows. 


    He seemed open to being in a sketch just not that one. The idea that they had Eddie Murphy returning to the show after decades and only presented one (in my opinion, lame) idea is absurd to me. I think nowandlater is probably right, that there's more to the story. Unfortunately EM rejecting a Bill Cosby joke is the more "newsworthy" story.

    Lame or not, I thought Keenan killed his bit in that sketch.   And it sounds like the reason they thought of Eddie was because he does a great Cosby. 


    Honestly, from the way I read the story, 'not wanting to kick a man' when he was down felt like an excuse that was given somewhat at the last minute.  I suspect this was a way to avoid having to do any sketches.  If this were really about not wanting to kick a man while he was down or not finding it funny, why not say that right away and offer a potential alternative?  I just don't think he wanted to do it.  He also didn't really look like he wanted to say much after Chris Rock introduced him.  I think that's fine but I suspect it would've been a waste of time trying to write something for someone who didn't seem like he was on board.

    • Love 1
  13. Except this isn't a sequel that has the freedom to go it's own way, it's a prequel has to stay on a collision course into BB (per Vince Gilligan).

    It actually has quite a bit of freedom because Saul and Breaking Bad don't collide until Walt & Jesse walk into his office.  They are otherwise pretty separate entities.  The only things BCS needs to show is how Jimmy becomes Saul, how Mike works with Saul and possibly how Jimmy added to his team.   It's not like, once Walter White & Jesse met Saul, they discovered they had a huge amount of common connections.  Things were still separate enough that it's feasible BCS could go into the BrB time period and never have to show Walt or Jesse. 


    They didn't need to show Tuco.  It was clearly a grab and a nod towards Breaking Bad fans to give them a reason to watch the second episode.  And it's fine if they do that but my guess is that the show is going to solidly become its own show throughout the season and the "crutch" of BrB references will be less necessary....in fact, they could become distracting. 

    • Love 3
  14. For what it's worth, I've seen other critics, many of whom I respect, have a better opinion of the show than the PTV reviewer.  And they've seen some later episodes that they feel were tighter than earlier episodes.


    That's not to discount the PTV recapper's opinion but if there is something in the show that intrigues you, it might be worth a watch.


    For me, that draw is Dean Winters.  And the fact that it's a procedural (supposedly pretty decent depending on who you read.)  I like procedurals and I haven't had one I really loved since original recipe L&O went off the air.  The problem is its time slot.  10 p.m. Eastern on Sunday?  No, just no.  Can't even DVR it most weeks.  I will check this out On Demand.  Other problems include hating the later seasons of House but I'll cross that bridge if/when I get to it.

    • Love 8
  15. I'm *right* there with ya.  It's funny I never perceived him as remotely attractive in other TV shows, like How I Met Your Mother - or even BB.  But there's just something about him on this particular show that's really working for me. 

    I saw Bob Odenkirk on The Daily Show when Breaking Bad was in its final push and I remember thinking how handsome I found him.  I'm still not attracted to Saul but Odenkirk?  He can get it.


    Speaking of ... If Tuco is in the game, then the cartels are in ABQ, so Gus is likely a player. Mike is probably doing drops at night. I'm dying for more Mike.

    I don't know if the show is ready to introduce Gus yet.  I would think they may want to explore him.  I know I selfishly hope Giancarlo Esposito doesn't get a regular TV gig before BCS can snap him up but I don't think that'll happen for a few seasons.


    I don't mind the Mike slow burn but I think there is a heavier Mike episode coming up and I can't wait. 

    • Love 2
  16. Raul seemed like the quietest one on the panel.  I've noticed that in his interviews in general, especially if he's with another castmate.  It seems like he prefers that someone else do the talking.


    He also had the tightest lips in that when he was asked about anything that seemed like it might be a spoiler.  I think he was asked what the nature of his relationship with Brady was (rebound or real...etc.) and he pretty much said that the audience should keep watching and they'd see. Now if Jon Groff had been asked a question like that, he'd  say something like "in episode 8, you see this conversation that sheds some light onto their relationship but in episode 9, you'll see that maybe things weren't as clear cut as they seemed"  and we could infer some things through the way he answered.  Lauren was also pretty open and the producers accidentally let an ep 8 spoiler slip.  But Raul doesn't do that so no spoilers.

  17. The cast of Looking was at Paleyfest yesterday.  Here is a summary of sorts:




    They held back on spoilers in this article but a lot were spilled because Ep 7 was shown before the Q&A.  Groff had the loosest lips when it came to what was upcoming. 


    Some things coming up:


    Eddie and Agustin will have sex in episode...8 I think.  One of the creators said it was his favorite se scene.


    Kevin and Patrick reunite at the end of the next episode.  Jon and Kevin have broken up.

    Episode 8 seems will show Patrick and Kevin together without the weight of the affair.


    The "shit hits the fan" in episode 10 where decisions are made about what each of them want out of a relationship.


    Groff says (and he has said this before) that he feels the conversations beween patrick & Kevin and Doris & Dom in that episode are so unique to the gay experience.


    It does sound like Doris and Dom hit some rocky times.  [Episode descriptions confirm this although they make it seem like it's for financial reasons.  -- I wonder if Doris inherits money that she doesn't give Dom.]  From the way they spoke, it looks like there is some tension now that Doris has a boyfriend.  For the longest time, they were each other's most trusted confidant.  Even when Dom was with his boyfriend from years ago, he was a terrible boyfriend and Doris was his rock.  So now that Doris has someone else, I suspect Dom will feel like he's losing her somewhat.

    ETA:  Here is the full panel.




    And on page one are some funny Lauren quotes.

  18. I don't watch Sleepy Hollow, but I do notice that there's a lot of anti-shipping sentiment lately.

    It's not just lately.  I've been a shipper since before I knew what a shipper was and I think shipping and anti-shipping have gone hand-in-hand online.  I didn't watch the X-Files but I did know there were a lot of shippers for that show.  But I also remember quite a few "don't ruin it" anti-shippers.  I think background relationships typically get ignored but once it becomes buzzworthy and focused on, then more passionate feelings both ways emerge.


    I've been on both ends.  There have been times when I don't see romantic chemistry between two leads and would prefer that they be a way to showcase platonic partners/friends.  But if I see the chemistry, I suddenly am all about romance being a part of life. 


    I've shipped things I hope to see happen on the show and I've shipped things I knew never would come to be.  The only time anti-shippers annoy me is when they try to convince me not to like what I like.  If I see chemistry, I see it.  And if there are true barriers to two people getting together, they don't need to point out those obvious barriers because I likely see them. They're related?  Yes. I know. I know it won't happen for real but if two unrelated actors happen to generate some non-related chem, I'm giving myself permission to have fun with it.  or They're two straight men/women?  Yes. I know. I know a network show likely won't go there.  But if I don't think it's a waste of time to enjoy the undercurrents just for the hell of it.  I'm not crazy, just imaginative.

    • Love 1
  19. It's not the posts, but the posts are one barometer of how many people are watching the show, how well it's going over.

    It's really not much of a barometer at all in the real world.  NCIS is one of the most watched dramas on TV and each episode doesn't make a page.  There's another board I read (not previously tv) and Empire is lucky to get one post an episode while it's a monster ridiculous crazy hit that adds hundreds of thousands of new viewers each week. 


    That's not to say that I want discussion to end here because I do enjoy it and want to thrive but it will have no bearing on the staying power of the show.  As any Television Without Pity refugee can tell you, some of the lowest rated shows generated the most traffic/posts.  The Veronica Mars forum was crazy busy and the ratings were pitiful. 


    BCS essentially kept its audience from Ep 2 to Ep 3 and actually rose in the Live + 3 when DVR viewing was added in.  Ep. 4 slipped a bit in the overnights but not much and we'll have to wait to see what the L + 3 numbers are.  It is a Monday night and I wouldn't be surprised to see some of that viewing move to DVR.


    It's starting to seem almost detrimental in a way to have watched Breaking Bad, as it's seemingly making people anxious for things they would neither know nor care about if they hadn't.

    I don't know if that's the majority of the viewing audience, though.  It's hard to believe but the internet is not necessarily a representative of a general viewing audience.  We obsess over things more.  BCS will succeed or fail based on itself as a show. 


    I like it. I like the comedy. I prefer the comedy.  I've already seen one man break bad in a dark way and I loved it...but I don't need a repeat of that kind of story. 

    • Love 2
  20. I don't know... I usually like Penny and Sheldon together, but that felt like Shenny fan service.

    I can guarantee you that no shipping fan base wants to hear "I think of you like a brother"/"I think of you like a sister"  come out of the mouths of a couple they ship. That feels like nails on a chalkboard-level of dismissive because it's usually the first way anti-shippers of so many fandoms attempt to dismiss a ship others love.  "But they're like siblings [implied---you're crazy to see something romantic there]."  They didn't even attempt a fake-out where either one felt anything romantic.


    So nothing about that felt like fan service unless they remembered that Sheldon and Amy were one of the most reliable comedic duos in the early seasons and they're catering to the fans who miss the Adhesive Duck Deficiency kind of fun they used to have. 


    The zombie thing felt like filler but there were a few really good lines in the missing ashes story.  I love when Bernadette gets tough.

    • Love 6
  21. re: Richie, I'll get into this somewhere else, not really relevant to this episode. But assuming someone has bottom shame because they don't like bottoming, is, to me, an indication of Richie assuming issues that Paddy may not, indeed, have. 


    Season 1 Patrick reeked of it. He had bottom shame.  He had gay shame.  He had class shame. When he spoke of coming out, he talked about how it was like his parents saw him going from straight to into "buttfucking."  Those were his words and not words his parents used.  At the end of the fifth episode last season, he said he might like...in the future...  It was Richie who said "fuck you?"  Patrick couldn't ask for it.  He couldn't say it. 


    Richie listened to Patrick.  He listened to everything Patrick said.  And when Patrick shared his previous bottoming experiences, Richie wondered if Patrick had bottom shame and Patrick admitted he might.   But he didn't judge him for it.  Not the way Agustin mocked him.  Not the way he mocked his own 'gay voice.'


    When that episode aired, it was praised for talking about bottom shame because it's real. It exists.  It taps into society's need to have defined gender roles even in same sex relationships.  It touches the undercurrent of misogyny in not wanting to be "the woman" as if that made someone less than.  Those undercurrents can seep down into a gay man (and even woman)'s psyche.  And Patrick?  Is exactly the kind of guy whose psyche would be affected by that kind of thing. 


    Patrick was giving off so many vibes, I think it was perceptive of Richie. Not thinking it would be akin to Jon not realizing anything is going on with Kevin & Patrick.    Oh yeah, Patrick also admitted it.


    He's bottoming now so that must mean he doesn't have it anymore, right?  Maybe.  But I think the biggeset bragging moment he had this season was when he was talking to Dom about his evolution into "power top."  He's giving into what feels good but the boy definitely still has the issues.

    • Love 1
  22. But Michael is extremely good looking and just the nicest, most loving person ever and they clearly love each other like crazy.

    I get that the author is Team Michael which...fine.  YMMV and all that jazz but nicest?  Love each other like crazy?  She doesn't need to make stuff up. 

    • Love 2
  23. Pretty sure that's why Jimmy was drinking with him all night, he probably noticed a wad in the wallet, or got enough information from the guy to assume he at least had a couple hundred on him.

    And was able to figure out the guy might not be the most honest guy.  Last week we had a discussion of whether or not Jimmy was a 'sociopath' because he conned people...and the context was innocent people.  I didn't think he was then but I do think it's an interesting character note that his mark in the flashback wasn't "innocent" so to speak.  The reason the con worked was because his companion was willing to steal off of a drunk guy in the alley. 


    "Hustle" is one of my favorite shows, and yes, I spotted the scams right away, too. 

    I spotted them too.  The one in the teaser was something I had been warned about when I traveled. It wasn't exactly that scam but similar.  I like that it had a basis in reality.


    Jimmy tries honesty again, tries to get the papers to write the David/Goliath story, hoping that will give him a little bit of advertising again.  But they too refuse.  So, Jimmy's left with his only solution, falling back on his con work.

    I don't think the con was the last resort. I  think the con was the plan.  He wasn't going to get tons of leads by buying a billboard that looked too much like the other law firm.  But being a hero?  He knew that'd work.  The reason he was so specific with the details is because he needed to lose the legal case.  He needed to lose the legal case so he could drum up a David v. Goliath human interest story.  In order to do that, he needed some media to follow the case which ended up being more difficult than he thought.  But the reason he needed the media was to capture his heroic efforts.  It was a long con to craft a trustworthy persona...as a hero.

    • Love 3
  24. It really was no surprise that his attraction to the more socially similar Kevin would win out over the challenges of dating Richie.


    The funny thing, to me, is that I think there are much bigger challenges when it comes to dating Kevin than dating Richie.  Sure, they're socially similar but as we all know, Kevin has a long term boyfriend.  But that boyfriend also happens to be one of Patrick's brother-in-law's best friends.  Kevin was at the wedding last year because of Jon.


    If he thought he'd have a tough time introducing Richie to his family but I think that would be nothing compared to bringing Kevin home as a boyfriend, especially if Jon finds out who Kevin's affair is with and shares that info with his friend.  Talk about disapproval.


    I just hope the show doesn't forget that fact.

    I think this explanation works, but I also read it as a thing where Patrick's bond with Kevin is partly over how they both like video games, and Patrick's feeling alienated all night because nobody else in his life understands his video game costume -- so, when he guesses the new love interest is dressed as a video game character and ends up being wrong, it's a signal that this new guy doesn't measure up to Kevin, and isn't the person he's looking for, and that makes having both his exes in the room with him even more upsetting for Patrick.

    Brady was the one person who got Patrick's costume and even that poor guy couldn't catch a break from Patrick.

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