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Posts posted by Irlandesa

  1. I could not believe how awful some of the Engvall answers were for the doctor/first date question.  Lower back? Waist?  All the "notice first" questions are essentially the same, although this question did allow them to go even further than they normally do.


    But I do think the Engvall family were a bit screwed.  Bill mentioned "rolling" out the dought but they gave them credit for hitting the dough.  Yet later when they revealed the answers, rolling/flatten was one of those answers. I don't know why they were credited with the wrong response.

    • Love 3
  2. I think all those rumors got louder when Louis Van Amstel in one of his blogs this past season made some comment about some people not doing their own choreography and getting praised by the judges while those who do theirs all on their own don't. Of course that created a frenzy with some begging him to name names which according to him he could but wouldn't, which "then why even bring it up?" 

    He is probably right but this is part of the "reality show" manipulation that even the more straight forward talent shows use.  Like, for instance, when they highlight one contestant's injuries but not someone else's.  Or when everyone might have a moment of tension but they only show one duo's tension yet show the laughter of another. 


    It's why reality shows have their own Emmy award for writing.  But I think that's why I think the Emmy nominations are likely honest.  They can play it fast and loose when they credit choreography verbally on the show but the standards are likely higher when it comes to submitting for the Emmy. 

  3. That's not his real last name?

    Wikipedia says it's Jerry Brooks which he shortened to J.B. and added "Smoove" in his standup.


    Is 'cop' really an acronym for Constable On Patrol?.

    Alas, no it is not. If you look up the word, it comes from an old latin word meaning to "seize" which later also meant to "arrest."  But I kept digging for the "constable on patrol" thing to see if it's a thing or if it was just a really clever improvisation by Will.  So it turns out it's a thing, which is why I linked the snopes page instead of a dictionary page.  Plus, it has some cool facts about the fact that not many acronyms are the origins of words. 


    I was not upset that "police" wasn't accepted for "cop."  Perhaps someone could refresh my memory but I can't remember a time when a synonym or an incomplete clue was accepted. (For instance, if they're looking for a full name, just the first words won't do."

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  4. Amy has become more visible this summer but she hasn't just come out of nowhere.  She's a mid-30's actress and stand-up comedian who has been working for quite a while.  She's not some teenager who has had the world laid at her feet.  She has grown a fan base through the work she has done which includes writing a lot of her own material. I've heard about her for a few years now, even though this is the first year I'e started watching her show.  (Based on clips so they were funny enough for me).


    I'm not saying she's everyone cup of tea but "out of nowhere" implies she hasn't paid her dues and I think she has.


    In kind of the same vein, I still watch Modern Family and enjoy it a lot.  I still get big laughs from that show.  So, for me, it's sad that it looks like the reign is over.  It's going to lose to a show that really isn't funny.  I don't watch Veep.  I've seen clips of it and I've never laughed.  And Transparent?  That's basically a 30 minute drama.

    I think this is where comedy is subjective.  While I do agree that Transparent is more of a 30 minute drama than a comedy, I actually laughed more at it than I usually do watching full episodes of Modern Family which is more of a traditional sitcom.  I guess what irks me about that show is that I can usually predict how they're going to get the laugh (quick cutaways).  I don't have that happen with Veep, which I find hilarious.

    • Love 3
  5. I think this batch of episodes is confusing me.  I think last season they pre-taped whole shows but now I think they're cobbling together segments to create "new" episodes.  They keep having their clothes change.  They keep having celebrity guests they've already had but none of the recipes look that familiar to me. 

  6. I saw him first in Political Animals where he played the normal, well adjusted son overshadowed by the troubled son with the drug problem and then I saw him in The Crazy Ones and was completely floored how funny he can be. Not the easiest job when your partner is Robin Williams.

    Yeah.  James Wolk is the kind of actor who is so gorgeous that you kind of feel as if he would be working even if he were passable as a performer.  But it seems like every time I see him in something, he reveals another talent. 


    I first saw him in the two episodes of Lone Star that aired.  It's too bad it got cancelled so soon because I think it had promise. 

    • Love 1
  7. Why not?  The character is repulsive but is he bad at the character? 


    He also got nominated for writing the pilot which also got nominations for directing. 


    I do wish Kristen Schaal had been nominated.  I thought she stood out. 

    • Love 2
  8. I disagree that the show was that much of a dark horse. It's already won awards and had great press all year. I knew Gina may be up against a lot in the race, but I thought Jaime should have gotten some love.

    Jaime had more against him than Gina did.  Gina had quite a few wins and was on the campaign circuit (magazine covers, appearances) and her recognition is starting to go beyond those that watch the show.  Jaime's performance is beloved...by those who watch the show.  I know he is known by those who may have seen him in a Mexican telenovela but the odds are against them being Emmy voters. 

  9. My immediate response: nothing for "The Americans" or "Jane the Virgin"?

    That The Americans is overlooked for the likes of Homeland or Dowton Abbey just irks me.  And while I love Margo Martindale and her character on The Americans, her character had so very little to do in her short appearance last season so it's hard for me to be anything other than dumbstruck by it.  It's almost as if the voters kept hearing how it was a shame The Americans didn't get any Emmy love so instead of paying attention to the overall show, they instead chose to throw their love behind an actor they had awarded in the past to try to alleviate that criticism. 


    I'm not surprised about Jane The Virgin except for potentially Gina Rodriguez.  Even if it hadn't fallen off in quality in the second half of the season (not that I think it would have necessarily mattered to the Emmys if it were on the pay channels) it was facing an uphill battle being a telenovela and on the CW.  But Gina had been killing it on the awards scene.  Not only was she winning but she was giving amazing acceptance speeches.


    I think Will Forte deserved his nomination, he did a lot of acting alone on Last Man on Earth.

    His character is awful but Will did a good job.  I'm a little sorry that Kristin Schaal didn't get recognized, though.  I can take or leave her depending on the role she's playing but I think she did terrific work on LMOE and gave it some heart.


    I would have loved to see Tobias Menzies get a Best Supporting nod for Outlander.  I lost interest in Outlander but Tobias is terrific and has been for a long time.


    Jon Hamm has a good shot at the guest actor win but I wouldn't be surprised if Bradley Whitford took it.  He already has Emmy hardware and he has already been recognized for his guest work on Transparent.

  10. I agree with you that Adam very well could be back next season and that was the intent all along.  And if they know what they want with him in subsequent seasons, I'm all for it.   I won't trust who is staying and who is going until filming starts and they're less coy about the whole thing.  I just don't think the show's future success hinges on whether or not he or Jeremy stays or leave. 


    Also, Rachel/Adam doesn't strike me as a type of storyline that would cause a divergence between hardcore and casual viewers.

    I'm not saying that casual viewers don't like Adam.  The show is definitely writing for them.  I'm just saying I'm not sure how much they care.  Is it enough to base their viewership on?  That I'm less certain about. 


    I perhaps did not do a good job explaining but all I'm saying is I don't think getting rid of Adam would be a worrying thing for the show. But I don't think keeping him is a bad thing either.  And even though it may seem like I don't like Adam, I absolutely do and would not mind seeing him next season.  I just am one of the few not invested in the Rachel/Adam ship...or any ship on this show.

    • Love 2
  11. Does anyone else feel like that could potentially be a really bad move for the show? From what I've seen, Jeremy is very unpopular with the viewers.

    It could be "bad" either way.


    UnREAL has 700,000-800,000 viewers.  This thread has 100 posts, many of them from repeat posters.  It's so easy to extrapolate the opinions seen online to the general viewing public but people discussing the show online represent a very small sample size.  And we have stronger opinions. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had the experience of being surprised at how different an offline viewer sees things for TV shows.  I think this show is about Quinn and Rachel's relationship.  As long as the show keeps them, I think they could keep/get rid of neither, either or both of the love interest characters and have much of the audience continue the ride.


    If TPTB only saw Adam as a one season character, keeping him around could be harmful to the show if they don't do it right.  On Homeland (warning, spoilerish for Homeland) the Brody character, played by Damian Lewis, was conceived as a one season character.  But Showtime wanted to keep him around so he was kept around a while.  However, it became pretty obvious that the writers had a very uneasy relationship with the character.  They loved the actor.  They gave him great material.  But the overall story felt very shaky in the second season.  That's the kind of thing that happens when a character is kept around where there's no natural fit for him/her.


    I do think a spinoff presents a place for Adam in the second season but I also think they're going to eventually run out of organic reasons to keep him around.

    • Love 1
  12. Oh goodness. I watched Smash and yet, for some reason, it never once occurred to me that Debra and Katharine were on it together.  I was thinking how much I missed Megan Hilty the whole time.


    Melissa Fumero and Will Arnett made a very good clue giving duo.  I think it's because they both went at the same time yet didn't talk over one another too much.  Plus, it seemed like they each took a different angle.  Whereas one might be giving a clue related to the work of the celeb, the other was giving a clue to their personal life.  Or for Quentin Tarantino, Will was describing what kind of work he did while Melissa was listing off the names of his projects.  I don't think it was planned but it worked well.

    • Love 3
  13. I have been watching The Astronauts Wives Club and though I like the show, I have this sinking feeling that ABC (as well as other networks that have been doing these 1960's period pieces) did this so they didn't have to deal with casting POC.  They can say, 'well all the astronauts were white, and their wives were white, so, see, no POC need apply."

    I actually think in a large ensemble, they do want to have a POC if nothing else to attempt to innoculate them from this kind of criticism.

     That doesn't mean they want to give the POC a big part but something.


    However, as ribboninthesky1 pointed out, ABC has WOC as leads in two of their Thursday shows.  They also had Blackish which is primarily a black cast and Fresh Off The Boat which has an all-Asian cast.  They have Dr. Ken starting next fall and they had Cristela last year.  (Which deserved a second season but I digress.)  Actively avoiding POC seems more like a CBS thing to do.  ABC doesn't even shy away from shows with no white people.

    • Love 8
  14. As an aside, because this is music and not television, Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me" is essentially the Nice Girl anthem.

    In a way it is.  But it's also super painfully real.   That's why the whole nice guy/nice girl trope is difficult and is sometimes missed because I do think having "oh I'd be so much better for you" feelings towards a crush is something many people have experienced.  It's why Taylor's song resonated so much. I also think sometimes people think they have a better handle on their crush than they actually do.  So I always struggle with the line.  I give more leeway to characters that show awareness and who actually do try to be good people for reasons other than being rewarded.


    I give no leeway to characters who act entitled and mad at their crush for not giving in.


    I think the perfect encapsulation of ugliest side of the "Nice Guy" character is Will Forte's character Phil on Last Man On Earth.  It may not be the first person people think of because by the end of the season, he was pretty much roundly considered a jerk but, in the beginning, we weren't sure that's who we were going to get. He had some bad moments but also some good moments.  However,  once the "hot girl" came into the picture, almost everything nice he did was to try and sleep with her (or some other women who were later introduced.)

    • Love 1
  15. There's no way to know what would happen if the ex's lawsuit moved forward but right now, it's not about the lawsuit, for Rachel and the sister, it's about cutting the ex off at his knees. 


    The network wants to pay him to go away so he doesn't make this situation more of a PR bungle than it is.  Rachel and Quinn didn't want him to get the money so they were planning a hit piece on him which would make it harder for the network to pay off the dude because paying off the dead woman's abuser would look horrible. 


    But if this got to the courts, I believe it'd be up to the jurors in a civil suit.  There, the ex would have much less of a stance even if he could prove the letter was faked.  Will a jury want to give money to an abuser?  Likely not.  And the show could take away the Mary's daughter aspect  by letting it be known they set up a trust fund for the daughter that the aunt would manage and the dad couldn't touch.

    • Love 2
  16. Shiri Appleby just tweeted that she will be a guest on James Corden tonight and will also be chatting with Jim Gaffigan. I'm not sure what time it airs, I've never seen his program but maybe someone else does?

    It airs in the old Craig Ferguson slot which was right after Letterman's show.  Usually that's 12:35 Eastern but it may vary in your area. Right now CBS has replaced Letterman with reruns of some of their procedurals (NCIS, Hawaii 5-0) and Corden follows them. 


    As for the ratings, the thing I love about cable is once a show's season is greenlit, we'll get the season.  Ratings will matter more next season.  I wouldn't be surprised if Lifetime hopes people discover and binge it in the runup to the next season. 

    ETA: Oops.  Corrected the time. I'm Central and incorrectly gave the time as Eastern.  I've changed it so it matches up with the correct EST start time.

    • Love 4
  17. And Jeremy, what a jerk. I know that Rachel is a consenting adult and wasn't intoxicated when he came on to her, but she was clearly distraught and needed a friend, not a f*** ('Everyone wants me for a friend or a f***, and I'm only a Junior). And when he said "I know you better than you think I do," I wanted to throw something at the TV. He 'knew' she needed sex at that moment, not someone to listen to her and simply be there for her so that maybe she could stop pacing around with crazy eyes?

    But was talking things out really what Rachel needed?  I don't know that it was. She didn't seem open to Adam's attempts to reassure her the next night. I don't think Rachel knows what she needs.  Well, actually, I do think she knows what she needs and that's to be away from Everlasting but she can't escape.  I don't know if she could leave even if Quinn let her.  


    Sex can be therapeutic.  Sex can be a way of getting out of your own head.  It can be a way to release tension.  We've seen her turn to masturbation before. 


    Yeah, I actually liked the two of them together in this episode. But the network executive? "People should die more often." and "She was a black girl, right?" I couldn't figure out that last line was racist or he was just trying to picture who Mary was.

    The show cut away right after he made the comment so I'm not sure what they were going for.  I thought they were going to show him being dismissive of the death of a black woman because he didn't think the audience would care so much but then show him getting more worried once he realized it was the white mother.  I thought it'd be reminiscent of the way they spoke of the black contestants in the first episode.  (And a commentary on media/society where the death or disappearance of a white woman or child would get far more coverage than that of a black woman or child.)


    But like I said, they cut away so who knows what the intent was.

    • Love 3
  18. I My problem with Jeremy is that instead of being a friend in what was an obvious low moment for Rachel, he came on to her.  That's a dick move when you know the other party has serious feelings for you, yet you're apparently unprepared to do much more than hook up behind your fiancee's back.  Rachel has more than enough on her plate without the ex she's still carrying a torch for continuing to jerk her around.  She's feeling fragile and vulnerable, and instead of being a good friend to her (as he once was before they ever first hooked up) he's leading her on.

    I guess I don't see the power differential that would make it gross. They aren't really friends.  They're ex-lovers with a complicated past and complicated feelings in the present. They're weak for one another and they've tried to set boundaries with one another since she came back.  I just think tonight was another example of that. Mary died and that made it a shitty night for everyone on set, not just Rachel. They had a moment that became sexual. Both participated equally.  And then the next morning Rachel was the one who defined it as only "grief sex" not Jeremy. 

    • Love 5
  19. Oh God Jeremy.  So gross.  If Rachel had initiated sex between them, I don't know that I'd feel so gross about them sleeping together in this episode but making sexual advances at someone who had just seen someone die?  Not cool guy. 


    Rachel was not drunk.  She was not in leave of her senses.  She was naturally upset but she was in control enough to wheel and deal and do damage control.  They both saw someone die/dead.  And you know what some people do in times like that? Somtimes they cry. Sometimes they scream.  Sometimes they sleep. Sometimes they zone out and sometimes they fuck. 


    I get hating the decision but reducing Rachel to anything less than a conscious, active participant when that's exactly what she was makes her weaker than she is.


    Slowly but surely Chet's been progressing and I actually liked him tonight.

    My favorite moment of the episode actually came from Chet when he and Quinn were about to talk to the network and he told her something to the effect of "keep it upbeat but you know...there's a death."


    I think that role would work better with an actually attractive actor.

    IMO, Craig Bierko is an actually attractive actor but they didn't want an attractive actor so he gained weight and was made unkept to fit the role. 

    • Love 10
  20. Last night I slept strangely and woke up with shoulder pain. I feel like it's karma for snarking on their answers yesterday.  (In fairness to me, I also had neck pain and I think it was causing the shoulder pain.)


    As for 187, it's sort of well known slang.  I even thought of it but technically it refers to homicide or murder and not the body.  I know it from Detroit 187--a show I so wish had gotten a second season.

    • Love 3
  21. She also just donated $50,000 to a fan with leukemia.  She also held those house party secret listening sessions for her fans.


    I know people have a variety of opinions about her but she has excellent fan engagement.  I've felt favorably towards her ever since she started dancing like a fool and like she didn't care during musical performances at awards ceremonies.  And that she hasn't stopped even though she has "grown up."

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