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Everything posted by skippy

  1. What I meant by not having the opportunity is that I'm pretty sure the only reading done in that house was the Bible and other religious material. I doubt if JB and Me ever encouraged them to dream about foreign and exotic places, or to study other religions and cultures. I realize they've gone on family trips abroad, but that was under JB's watchful eye and with the attitude that they were doing foreigners a blessing by visiting whatever foreign place they might be in. JB is the classic "Ugly American". The natural curiousity has been blanket-trained right out of them. But I'm going to hold on to hope that there may be a few who can come back from the brainwashing they've grown up with.
  2. I agree with your analysis, but not your conclusion. Ignorance can be remedied, and maybe these foreign trips are just the thing to spark some interest and curiousity in the traveler. They might just pass that on to their children. I can't advocate shaming them (or anyone else, for that matter) because of what they've never had the opportunity to learn.
  3. Did you catch that when Joe told Kendra, "Other people in my family do it", she replied, "Yes, I'm sure they do." There may be hope for Kendra. I agree with your friend. Yes.
  4. I don't know anything about Marjorie or their breakup. Does anyone have any details? Was it abrupt? A surprise?
  5. I don't know anything about Lauren's family. Are they financially "comfortable"? Do they have to live on a tight budget?
  6. It will be interesting to see if anyone else remembers it!
  7. I just watched this last night in U.S. and I recall this scene. Am I going crazy? Does anyone else in U.S. recall it?
  8. I believe there was an episode where Penny referred to herself as "...just good ol' Penny ______ from Nebraska." Or something like that. I have no idea what season or episode, may be my imagination. Does anyone else recall that?
  9. The childhood molestations are tragic and certainly explain her addiction to food for comfort. However, none of that gives her license to berate and insult the people who are trying to help her. So many people we see on here really don't have much of a support system. This moron appears to be surrounded by family and friends who are helping her and she takes it all for granted. I have no compassion for this one.
  10. Liar, liar, pants on....oh no, they're off! She was sitting on the portable "tolet".
  11. If Dr. Now accepts her back after that phone call, I'm done with this show.
  12. Why does Dr. Now keep playing this game with her?
  13. I cant stand thinking about all the people who would benefit from Dr. Now's care while this whining, manipulative, lying piece of shit just sits there eating tacos. I can't stand her.
  14. Why do so many buyers declare a budget, for example, "$2,000 - $2,500", and then when they are shown a house for $2,500 they act horrified and say, "Oh, we can't do this! It's at the top of the budget!" Don't they understand what budget means? It's driving me insane. I want to reach through the TV and smack someone.
  15. I love that Joe wrote letters to all his siblings. I think when Joy thanked him for his support, it may be about his support during/following Josh's abuse of the girls. I think Joe and Kendra are uncomplicated, sweet, and completely genuine. I hope they are truly happy.
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